ECTS Course Catalogue
First cycle degree course (49 courses)
- Agricultural and environmental sciences ( L09A - PERUGIA )
- Animal science ( L120 - PERUGIA )
- Biological sciences ( L063 - PERUGIA )
- Biomedical laboratory techniques ( L052 - PERUGIA )
- Biotechnology ( L102 - PERUGIA )
- Business administration ( L025 - TERNI )
- Business administration ( L029 - PERUGIA )
- Business administration ( L021 - PERUGIA )
- Chemistry ( L060 - PERUGIA )
- Civil and environmental engineering ( L081 - PERUGIA )
- Communication studies ( L146 - PERUGIA )
- Computer science and electronic engineering ( L08A - PERUGIA )
- Cultural heritage ( L038 - PERUGIA )
- Design ( L080 - PERUGIA )
- Digital tools for the buildings, environment and territory sustainable management ( L083 - PERUGIA )
- Earth science and environment ( L06B - PERUGIA )
- Economics and culture of human nutrition ( L118 - PERUGIA )
- Economics and management sciences ( L024 - TERNI )
- Economics of tourism ( L026 - ASSISI )
- Engineering management ( L082 - PERUGIA )
- Environment and workplace prevention techniques ( L059 - PERUGIA )
- Exercise and sport science ( L101 - PERUGIA )
- Food science and technology ( L091 - PERUGIA )
- Foreign languages and cultures ( L032 - PERUGIA )
- Geology ( L065 - PERUGIA )
- Humanities ( L030 - PERUGIA )
- Imaging and radiotherapy techniques ( L053 - PERUGIA )
- Industrial engineering ( L08B - TERNI )
- informatics ( L062 - PERUGIA )
- Investigation and security sciences ( L044 - NARNI )
- Legal services ( L115 - PERUGIA )
- Mathematics ( L066 - PERUGIA )
- Mechanical engineering ( L226 - PERUGIA )
- Methodologies for product and process ( L06A - PERUGIA )
- Midwifery ( L051 - PERUGIA )
- Nursing ( L05B - FOLIGNO )
- Nursing ( L050 - PERUGIA )
- Nursing ( L05A - TERNI )
- Optics and optometry ( L069 - TERNI )
- Philosophy and psychological science and techniques ( L037 - PERUGIA )
- Philosophy and psychological science and techniques ( L033 - PERUGIA )
- Physics ( L061 - PERUGIA )
- Physiotherapy ( L055 - FOLIGNO )
- Political sciences and international relations ( L018 - PERUGIA )
- Programming and management of computer systems ( L067 - PERUGIA )
- Sciences of education ( L040 - PERUGIA )
- Social work ( L017 - PERUGIA )
- Speech and language therapy ( L056 - PERUGIA )
- Tourism economics and management ( L028 - ASSISI )
Second cycle degree course (47 courses)
- Accounting, finance and control ( LM22 - PERUGIA )
- Agricultural and environmental biotechnology ( LM31 - PERUGIA )
- Animal science ( LM28 - PERUGIA )
- archaeology and history of art ( LM97 - PERUGIA )
- Assessment of individual functioning in clinical and health psychology ( LM93 - PERUGIA )
- Biology ( LM60 - PERUGIA )
- Business administration ( LM69 - PERUGIA )
- Chemical sciences ( LM27 - PERUGIA )
- Civil engineering ( LM29 - PERUGIA )
- Computer engineering and robotics ( LM72 - PERUGIA )
- Economics and management ( LM02 - PERUGIA )
- Economics and management of sustainable development ( LM77 - TERNI )
- Educational counselling and coordination of pedagogic practices ( LM59 - PERUGIA )
- Environmental engineering ( LM25 - PERUGIA )
- European legal integration and human rights ( LM53 - PERUGIA )
- Electronic engineering for the internet-of-things ( LM73 - PERUGIA )
- Finance and quantitative methods for economics ( LM90 - PERUGIA )
- Food technology and biotechnology ( LM23 - PERUGIA )
- Geology for energy resources ( LM10 - PERUGIA )
- Geosciences for risk and environment management ( LM12 - PERUGIA )
- Health professions of rehabilitation sciences ( LM98 - PERUGIA )
- Human feeding and nutrition sciences ( LM17 - PERUGIA )
- Industrial engineering ( LM86 - TERNI )
- Informatics ( LM65 - PERUGIA )
- International economics and management ( LM74 - PERUGIA )
- International relations ( LM33 - PERUGIA )
- Italian, classical studies and european history ( LM70 - PERUGIA )
- Languages, comparative literatures and intercultural translation ( LM64 - PERUGIA )
- Management and food italian culture ( LM24 - PERUGIA )
- Mathematics ( LM26 - PERUGIA )
- Mechanical engineering ( LM07 - PERUGIA )
- Medical, veterinary and forensic biotechnological sciences ( LM41 - PERUGIA )
- Molecular and industrial biotechnology ( LM46 - PERUGIA )
- Natural and environmental sciences and technologies ( LM48 - PERUGIA )
- Nursing and midwifery sciences ( LM68 - PERUGIA )
- Pharmaceutical biotechnologies ( LM38 - PERUGIA )
- Philosophy and ethics of relationships ( LM57 - PERUGIA )
- Physics ( LM15 - PERUGIA )
- Politics, administration, territory ( LM45 - PERUGIA )
- Public, digital and corporate communication ( LM95 - PERUGIA )
- Safety engineering for the territory and the built environment ( LM16 - FOLIGNO )
- Sciences and tecniques of sports and preventive and adapted physical activity ( LM92 - PERUGIA )
- Social policies and social work ( LM47 - PERUGIA )
- Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security ( LM94 - NARNI )
- Sustainable agriculture ( LM20 - PERUGIA )
- Sustainable materials and processes engineering ( LM03 - TERNI )
- Planet life design ( LM71 - ASSISI )
5-year single degree course (8 courses)
- Building engineering and architecture ( MU07 - PERUGIA )
- Chemistry and technology of drugs ( MU05 - PERUGIA )
- Industrial pharmacy ( MA05 - PERUGIA )
- law ( LM01 - PERUGIA )
- Pharmacy ( MU04 - PERUGIA )
- Pharmacy ( MA04 - PERUGIA )
- Primary teacher education ( MU08 - PERUGIA )
- Veterinary medicine ( MU03 - PERUGIA )
6-year single degree course (3 courses)
- Medicine and surgery ( MU01 - PERUGIA )
- Medicine and surgery ( MU02 - TERNI )
- School of dental medicine ( MU06 - PERUGIA )