As a general rule, international students wishing to enrol on an Italian degree programme (whether full or part time) are required to produce the following documents:

  • Original Certificates showing that the student has completed and passed secondary education exams (provided with sworn translations in Italian, approved by Italian consulate)
  • Original Certificates showing that the student has passed academic exams allowing them to be admitted into the university system in their home country (provided with sworn translations in Italian, approved by Italian consulate)
  • Italian Language Competency certificates
  • Passport photographs

It should be noted, however, that the process of academic equivalence can be long and should be started as early as possible before the student intends to come to Italy.  Students should, firstly, contact the Italian consulate in their home country for detailed information on document equivalence/ 'equipollenza' procedures.

For further information on how to apply for enrolling in an Italian university course, please consult the following website:

EU registration for Temporary Residence

Citizens of EU countries, as well as citizens of Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco, Republic of San Marino and Vatican City can reside and move freely in Italy for up to three months.

EU students wishing to enroll in a degree course at an Italian University, must register, before the end of their three-month stay in Italy, at the General Register Office in the municipality where they intend to live, in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Legislative Decree 6 February 2007, n. 30.

In order to be registered (the registration is free of charge), EU citizens must present, at the Ufficio Anagrafe (or other pertinent office in the area or municipality of residence):

  • A valid Identity card issued in the country of origin (must be valid for travelling abroad) or passport;
  • Certificate of enrollment in a degree course. The duration of the course must be specified in the certificate;
  • Personal Health Insurance policy covering all health costs within the national territory (valid for a minimum of 1 year or not less than the duration of the degree course or professional training course, where said duration is less than one year). For the policy to be valid in Italy, the insurance company must fill out the certificate of conformity (Certificato di conformità), or the E106 / E 109 (o E37) / E120 / E121 (o E33) EU certificate, issued according to the regulations in force and providing for the right to healthcare with the pertinent costs are borne by the country of origin.
  • Proper documentation proving the availability of sufficient financial means for the duration of the stay in Italy;

All documentation must be submitted both in original and copy: the office is to keep the copy and return the original.

Once obtained the registration the candidate can request the “attestato di iscrizione anagrafica” (registry office certificate). Both the certificate and the application for the certificate require the payment of a stamp tax and other municipal fees.

Non-EU registration for Temporary Residence

Non-EU students residing abroad who wish to enroll in study courses, must obtain, from the Italian Consulate in their country of origin, an entry visa for study purposes/enrollment at a University (type D: “national”), that will be issued after completing the required pre-enrollment procedures.

To obtain a visa, students must prove that they meet the requirements set every year by the ministerial circular on the admission of foreign candidates (please visit: This is to say:

  1. Adequate financial means of subsistence for the intended period of stay;
  2. Availability of the financial means for repatriation. This requirement can also be fulfilled by showing a valid return ticket;
  3. A suitable accommodation in Italy;
  4. Adequate health insurance coverage for medical care and hospitalization. Students must prove possession of the aforementioned insurance coverage when applying for a permit of stay.


Within eight days from their arrival in Italy with a type D "national" visa for STUDY reasons (University enrollment), applicants must submit the request for a permit of stay for STUDY reasons (University) to the competent police office (questura) in the city where they intend to reside.

The application may be presented through an authorized Post Office, using the specific application kit (that is to say, an envelope containing the required forms, together with the pertinent instructions), available at the aforementioned post offices.

After completing and signing the forms, students must go to the post office, with the following documents:

  1. The filled-out forms, inside an open envelope;
  2. A € 16 revenue stamp;
  3. The original passport along with a photocopy of the pages containing their personal data as well as the stamps of entry and exit visas from the country;
  4. A photocopy of their health insurance policy or that of the registration in the Italian Health National System “Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN)”;
  5. Copy of a document proving the availability of sufficient financial means for the duration of the stay in Italy; the same documents used to require a visa or a bank/post account statement can be presented, or an official letter confirming that the scholarship has been awarded, its amount and duration;
  6. Documents proving that the student has a suitable accommodation in Italy;
  7. Copy of the pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy (Form A).

When submitting the application at the post office, all foreign students are to be identified and will have to pay the following fees:

  • € 30,46 for the electronic Permit of Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno Elettronico – PSE) plus another contribution fee (where applicable);
  • The postal cost to send the application through “Posta assicurata” (insured mail): € 30,00

The post office staff will schedule an appointment on behalf of the applicant at the Police Office in charge of foreign citizens (Ufficio stranieri) for photo-identification purposes. On the day of the appointment applicants will have to submit an enrolment certificate that the student can request, after enrolling, at the Student Office  (Segreteria studenti) of the pertinent degree course.

A copy of the receipt of the issuance of the permit of stay must be submitted when enrolling. Once the permit of stay has been acquired, students must submit, as soon as possible, a copy of it to the Student Office (segreteria student) of their pertinent study course. Students are also required to show the original copy.


Students, after enrolling in a university course, must apply, at least 60 days before its expiration date, the pertinent Questore (Chief of the police) of the Provincia (province) in which they are staying, for the renewal of their permit of stay for the entire year.

When renewing the permit, foreign students who have entered Italy with a Visa type “D” national for STUDY purposes (University enrolment) must prove that they have:

  1. The same sufficient financial means for their entrance in Italy;
  2. Their certificate of enrolment at the University; it must be shown that the student has successfully passed a minimum of one examination when applying for the first renewal and two for the following years, except when there are causes of force-majeure
  3. The candidate meets all the other conditions set for the issuance of a permit of stay.

The permit of stay cannot be renewed for more than three years after the standard duration of the study course.

For more information about the procedure:

  • to check the current state of the application at the Police Office;
  • for general information about the procedures and location of the authorized Post Offices, Municipalities and Support Services; to check on the current state of the application (by logging into a protected page with the username and password that are printed on the receipt);
  • The 803 160 free hotline support, to learn about the location of the authorized post offices.



The Fiscal Code is a code, consisting of letters and numbers that is used by Italian public administrations to identify, in an unambiguous manner, individuals and non-individuals with regard to their relations with Italian institutions and public bodies.

In order to obtain a fiscal code, the following documents must be submitted to one of the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (Local Revenue Offices), along with the application form, (available for download on the Agenzia delle Entrate - National Revenue Agency - website*). The following documents must be also presented:

  • For Italian or EU citizens: a valid identification document;
  • For non-EU citizens:

- A currently valid passport. The entry visa must have been issued not before than 90 days prior;


- A valid permit of stay, or the receipt of the application with photo; if the permit of stay has expired expired, but a renewal has already been requested within 30 days from the expiration date, students must also submit the related payment receipts (made by postal order);


- The applicant’s certification of identity (with photos), issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representation in the country of origin.


The Agenzia delle Entrate di Perugia (Local Revenue Office) is located in Via Canali, 12, Perugia, Tel. 075/9110111

Website Agenzia delle Entrate

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