Academic year 2024/25
(8 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Novel food sources ( Food technology and biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Tecnologie olivicolo-olearie | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Agri-food languages and cultures ( Management and food italian culture - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | whole year | 6 | PERUGIA |
English lectureship and computer skills workshop in english ( Management and food italian culture - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 8 | PERUGIA |
Novel food sources ( Food technology and biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Tecnologie alimentari | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Novel food sources ( Food technology and biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Animal productions for food industry ( Food technology and biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Animal productions for food industry ( Food technology and biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Tecnologie alimentari | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Animal productions for food industry ( Food technology and biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Tecnologie olivicolo-olearie | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
(45 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Computational chemistry ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Atomic and molecular processes ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Monitoring vegetation systems ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Bioambientale | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced english (level b2) ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Ethology ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Bioambientale | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
neurobiology ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Biosanitario | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Inorganic molecular compounds: chemistry, catalysis and energy ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | 1 | II | 7 | PERUGIA |
Biomass valorisation ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | 1 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
Blood diseases ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Biosanitario | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Environmental chemistry ( Natural and environmental sciences and technologies - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 12 | PERUGIA |
Plant biotechnology ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Plant biotechnology ( Biology - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Biomolecolare | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Elements of molecular biophysics ( Molecular and industrial biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced techniques ( Molecular and industrial biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 12 | PERUGIA |
Biotechnology innovation law ( Molecular and industrial biotechnology - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Theoretical approaches for the study of molecules and inorganic materials ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Molecular spectroscopy ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | 1 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
Inorganic quantum chemistry ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Optoelectronic properties of materials ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Chimica fisica | 1 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
Dynamics of chemical reactions and statistical mechanics ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced english (level b2) ( Natural and environmental sciences and technologies - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Molecular spectroscopy ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Chimica fisica | 1 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
Advanced physical chemistry ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Chimica fisica | 1 | II | 13 | PERUGIA |
Materials for renewable energy sources ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Optoelectronic properties of materials ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | 1 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
Theoretical approaches to materials for energy and sustainability ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | 1 | II | 7 | PERUGIA |
Advanced english (level b2) ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Environmental chemistry ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English ( Chemistry - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Advanced materials properties ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced methods in electronic structure, dynamics and molecular modelling ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | 2 | I | 12 | PERUGIA |
Theoretical methods for molecular dynamics ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Immunology and virology ( Biological sciences - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cellulare-molecolare | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
modeling of organic molecules ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Non linear optics ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Methods and materials for nanophotonics ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Materials and processes for light conversion ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Novel technologies for catalysis ( Chemical sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Biochemistry of cell signaling ( Biotechnology - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Biosensors and biomaterials ( Biotechnology - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Bioinformatics and biostatistics ( Biotechnology - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Atmospheric chemistry ( Chemistry - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Molecular design ( Chemistry - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Solid state chemistry ( Chemistry - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Epigenetics ( Biotechnology - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
(18 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Structural testing and assessment ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Structural engineering | 1 | II | 5 | PERUGIA |
Production of metals ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | TERNI |
Viscous flow modelling ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | TERNI |
Materials nanotechnologies ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | whole year | 12 | TERNI |
Design and management of bridges ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Structural engineering | 1 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Structural plasticity and stability ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Structural engineering | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Diagnosis of structural damages and modern bulding materials ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Structural engineering | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Computational mechanics ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | whole year | 9 | PERUGIA |
Industrial production and sustainability ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 12 | TERNI |
Polymer technology ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | whole year | 12 | TERNI |
Probabilistic methods for earthquake engieering ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Structural engineering | 1 | II | 5 | PERUGIA |
Chemical and physical characterization of matrials ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 12 | TERNI |
Transport processes and hydraulic systems ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Infrastrutture | 1 | whole year | 8 | PERUGIA |
Technical systems for buildings ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 5 | PERUGIA |
Dynamics of structures ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Structural engineering | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Technologies for sustainable chemical processes ( Sustainable materials and processes engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Processi sostenibili | 2 | I | 6 | TERNI |
Earthquake engineering ( Civil engineering - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Strutture | 2 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Geotechnical engineering ( Building engineering and architecture - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 4 | II | 7 | PERUGIA |
(52 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Mathematical methods for risk management ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Advanced management accounting ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Asset pricing ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Laboratory of english for accounting ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & law | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Business statistics ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Economic and financial policies ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Private banking and asset management ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Asset pricing ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Economics of international business ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Laboratory of entrepreneurial finance ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Wealth management ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied corporate finance ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Laboratorio di lingua english for accounting ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & management strategy | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
English and international marketing ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Economic and financial policies ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Economics of international business ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
International business and competitiveness analysis lab ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Econometrics ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Business statistics ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Finance and insurance regulation ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Mathematical methods for risk management ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Laboratory of english for accounting ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & business administration | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
International marketing ( Economics and management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: International business | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Private banking and asset management ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Econometrics ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Finance and insurance regulation ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied corporate finance ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Laboratory of advanced management accounting ( Accounting, finance and control - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting & finance | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Asset pricing ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Statistics for data science with r and python ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Finance and insurance regulation ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistics for data science with r and python ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Econometrics ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied corporate finance ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Business and economic statistics ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Human resources management ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Public sector accounting and financial management ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Quantitative risk management ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Strategic analysis and business planning ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Laboratory of activity-based management accounting ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Computational finance and insurance ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Business and economic statistics ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Quantitative risk management ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced financial accounting ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Statistical computing methods ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 2 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Economic and financial time series analysis ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Statistical data science for finance and economics | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Finance and quantitative methods for economics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Data science for finance and insurance | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English and international marketing ( International economics and management - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Economics of international markets ( International economics and management - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Laboratory of strategic analysis and business planning ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Activity-based management accounting ( Business administration - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Accounting strategy and control | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
(3 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Fundamentals of computer science ( Engineering management - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Mathematics ii and statistics ( Engineering management - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 12 | PERUGIA |
Strategic business management ( Engineering management - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
(19 modules)
(25 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Legal english ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
English language ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
History of modern codifications ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
European public law ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced international law ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Public economics and law ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
English ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Consulente del lavoro | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Operatore giudiziario e della p.a. | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Private law of european integration ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
European law of digital technologies ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Information security management and incident handling ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Law and economics ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced international law ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Law and religion ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
European administrative law ( European legal integration and human rights - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | whole year | 9 | PERUGIA |
Cybercrime and homeland security ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Comparative law and artificial intelligence ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Big data, blockhain and smart contracts ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Governance and risk management ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Market regulation and technological innovation ( Legal services - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Law and technologies | 3 | whole year | 6 | PERUGIA |
European private law ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Comparative constitutional law ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
European constitutional law ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 5 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Law and religion ( law - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 5 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
(51 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Mathematical finance ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Mathematical methods for economics ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Modern physics and its teaching ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Numerical approximation with applications ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per l'economia e la finanza | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Functional programming ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per la crittografia | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Numerical approximation with applications ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Combinatorics ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per la crittografia | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Cybersecurity with laboratory ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 1 | whole year | 15 | PERUGIA |
Intelligent models ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Combinatorics ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Blockchain and smart contracts ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Iot and ot security ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Cybersecurity ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Computational intelligence ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Computability and complexity ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Artificial intelligent systems ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 1 | I | 12 | PERUGIA |
Advanced and distributed algorithms ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Machine learning ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
High performance computing ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Modern analysis ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Cryptography and applications ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per la crittografia | 1 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Iot and ot security ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Knowledge representation and automated reasoning ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Blockchain and smart contracts ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Cybersecurity lab. ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Information security compliance, certification and digital forensics ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Affective computing ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Information security compliance, certification and digital forensics ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical methods for data science ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Numerical approximation with applications ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per la crittografia | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied image and signal processing ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per le applicazioni industriali e biomediche | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Numerical approximation with applications ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per le applicazioni industriali e biomediche | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Computability and complexity ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per la crittografia | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied functional analysis ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per l'economia e la finanza | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Cryptography and applications - module 1 ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Mathematical methods for artificial intelligence ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Artificial intelligence | 2 | I | 12 | PERUGIA |
Knowledge representation and automated reasoning ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Numerical methods for information technologies ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Computational intelligence ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Cryptography and applications ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Applied image and signal processing ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Human-computer interaction ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Mathematical methods for economics ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Mathematical finance ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per l'economia e la finanza | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Mathematical methods for economics ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per l'economia e la finanza | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Modern analysis ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Modern physics and its teaching ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Numerical approximation with applications ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied functional analysis ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico-generale | 2 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Cybersecurity fundamentals ( Mathematics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Matematica per la crittografia | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Artificial intelligent applications ( Informatics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cybersecurity | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
(38 modules)
(10 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
English b2 ( Industrial pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
English - b2 ( Human feeding and nutrition sciences - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | whole year | 3 | PERUGIA |
English b2 ( Pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 3 | PERUGIA |
Physical methods in organic chemistry ( Chemistry and technology of drugs - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Physical methods in organic chemistry ( Industrial pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 8 | PERUGIA |
Pharmaceutical industrial processes and equipment ( Chemistry and technology of drugs - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 4 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Food chemistry ( Industrial pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 4 | II | 7 | PERUGIA |
Medicine manufacturing and regulatory affairs ( Industrial pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 4 | II | 8 | PERUGIA |
Final exam ( Industrial pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 5 | II | 25 | PERUGIA |
Medical devices ( Industrial pharmacy - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 5 | I | 4 | PERUGIA |
(21 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Philosophy of mind i ( Philosophy and psychological science and techniques - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy of mind ii ( Philosophy and psychological science and techniques - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy and literature in the u.s.a ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy and literature in the u.s.a ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Filosofia | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Formal ontology ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Filosofia | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
English literature ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Law and religion ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Elements of general psychology ( Philosophy and psychological science and techniques - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 12 | PERUGIA |
Chinese society and culture ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy of mind ( Philosophy and psychological science and techniques - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 12 | PERUGIA |
Skills in english language ( Educational counselling and coordination of pedagogic practices - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English literature ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Didattico | 2 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
English literature ( Philosophy and psychological science and techniques - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English literature ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 2 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy and literature in the u.s.a ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Filosofia ed economia civile | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy of religion and ontology ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 2 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
English literature ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Filosofia e storia | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
English literature ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Filosofia ed economia civile | 2 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
cultural heritage and religious practices in china ( Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | NARNI |
Chinese society and culture ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: World religions and philosophy | 2 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Philosophy and literature in the u.s.a ( Philosophy and ethics of relationships - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Filosofia e psicologia | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
(57 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Environmental geochemistry ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Astrofisica e astroparticelle | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
mathematical methods for geosciences ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Environmental geochemistry ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geologia applicata alla salvaguardia e alla pianificazione del territorio | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Gis - geographical information systems ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Reservoir geology ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Climate change ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied hydrogeology ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Environmental geology ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Sedimentary petrography ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Integrated stratigraphy ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Gis - geographical information systems ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geologia applicata alla salvaguardia e alla pianificazione del territorio | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied geophysics ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Ore deposits and sustainable mining ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Gis - geographical information systems ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
General relativity ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica delle particelle elementari | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
General relativity ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica teorica | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
General relativity ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Astrofisica e astroparticelle | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Geological and geophysical field trips ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Sedimentary geology ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Global tectonics and global changes ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Global tectonics and global changes ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Sedimentary geology ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica della materia | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica delle particelle elementari | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
English b2 ( Earth science and environment - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 3 | PERUGIA |
Seismic interpretation and digital subsurface modelling ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Applied geochemistry and fluid rock interaction ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Exploration and applied geophysics ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Structural geology ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Exploration and applied geophysics ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica teorica | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Statistical learning for data science ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica medica | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
mathematical methods for geosciences ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Geothermics ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Structural geology ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Medical geology ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Earth system science ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced particle physics ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica delle particelle elementari | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Quantum field theory ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica teorica | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Petroleum geology 1 - petrophysics and well log interpretation ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied hydrogeology ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Environmental geology ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Micropaleontology ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Petroleum geology 2 - exploration and petroleum system modeling ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced particle physics ( Physics - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Fisica teorica | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Geothermics ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Applied and environmental mineralogy ( Geology for energy resources - Second cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Volcanic risk ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geosciences for environmental sustainability | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
English language ( Optics and optometry - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 2 | I | 3 | TERNI |
Environmental geology ( Geosciences for risk and environment management - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Geologia applicata alla salvaguardia e alla pianificazione del territorio | 2 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Quantum mechanics ( Physics - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | whole year | 12 | PERUGIA |
Visual dysfunctions ( Optics and optometry - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Optometria | 3 | II | 6 | TERNI |
Introduction to general relativity ( Physics - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Fundamentals of astronomy ( Physics - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Energy physics ( Physics - First cycle degree course) In all curricula | 3 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Advanced optics and interferometry ( Optics and optometry - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Ottica avanzata | 3 | I | 9 | TERNI |
(14 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
International relations and global politics ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Major world legal systems ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Sustainable development, global trade and social rights ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Law and international cooperation projects
( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
International and eu migration law and policies ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Geopolitics of china and east asia
( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Demography and international population policies ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Global governance and international organizations ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
Migration in the americas ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | PERUGIA |
Migration and mobility in north africa and the middle east ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 6 | PERUGIA |
Economics of migration ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 9 | PERUGIA |
Chinese language ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | whole year | 9 | PERUGIA |
Arabic language ( International relations - Second cycle degree course) Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
International relations ( Political sciences and international relations - First cycle degree course) Curriculum: Relazioni internazionali | 3 | II | 9 | PERUGIA |
(2 modules)
Unit | Anno | Period | CFU | Location |
Ade - deepening in equine orthopedics ( Veterinary medicine - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 5 | whole year | 1 | PERUGIA |
Ade - endocrinology and reproduction in camelids: special focus on llama and alpaca ( Veterinary medicine - 5-year single degree course) In all curricula | 5 | whole year | 1 | PERUGIA |