Health professions of rehabilitation sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Silvia Fornari
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A001558
Teacher Nicola Donti
  • Nicola Donti
  • 8 ore - Nicola Donti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area * scienze del linguaggio teoriche e applicative
Academic discipline M-FIL/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course explores the concepts of language, communication and
relationship from the philosophical point of view. Therefore, a theoretical
frame of reference will be provided which is indispensable for the
understanding of the complex reality of the phenomenon of human
language, in order to achieve its conscious use in order to make it more
effective also in the helping relationship. The critical study of the
foundations, nature and conditions of validity of knowledge on: language,
communication and relationship will be stimulated.
Reference texts - slides projected in class
- handouts provided by the teacher
Educational objectives Understanding the complexity of human language, to arrive at an aware
use of it in order to make it more effective also in the helping relationship
Teaching methods - Frontal lessons
- Active teaching
Learning verification modality Oral examination
Extended program Specifically, the following topics will be addressed:
- Language and reality
- Naturalism and conventionality (Aristotele)
- Dialogue, maieutics and anamnesis (Socrates and Plato)
- Communication, limits and misunderstandings.


Code 50998803
Teacher Letizia Cardinali
  • Letizia Cardinali
  • 24 ore - Letizia Cardinali
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area * scienze dell'educazione professionale sanitaria
Academic discipline M-PSI/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction italian
Contents Basic concepts of Dynamic Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and
Health Psychology. Concept of health/disease within the bio-psycho-social model. Concept of
disability within the International Classification Functioning and Disability paradigm. The experience
of illness and disability, the process of adaptation and acceptance of illness, recurring psychological aspects
recurring, role of individual resources and protective factors. The therapeutic relationship in rehabilitation with
particular attention to communication in the care process. The operator's experience: awareness and
elaboration, towards a better quality of care.
Reference texts "Compendio di psicologia per l'operatore sanitario."

L.Abazia, V. Avallone (2016), Franco Angeli.
Educational objectives Getting to know the basic concepts of dynamic psychology and humanistic psychology useful for the relationship
therapeutic relationship in rehabilitation
- Raise awareness of the psychological dynamics in the experience of illness useful to improve one's own
- Provide tools to improve the therapeutic relationship
Teaching methods Lectures.
Individual and group exercises.
Analysis of video documents proposed by the lecturer.
Learning verification modality Written test with closed-ended questions.
Extended program Definition of the basic concepts of Dynamic Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and
Health Psychology. Concept of health/disease within the bio-psycho-social model. Concept of
disability within the International Classification Functioning and Disability (ICF) paradigm. The experience
of illness and disability, the process of adaptation and acceptance of illness, recurring psychological aspects
recurring, role of individual resources and protective factors. The therapeutic relationship in rehabilitation with
particular attention to communication in the care process. The operator's experience: awareness and
processing, towards a better quality of care.
Burnout syndrome, intervention proposals.
Narrative medicine and its clinical application.


Code 50519302
Teacher Silvia Fornari
  • Silvia Fornari
  • 16 ore - Silvia Fornari
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze propedeutiche
Academic discipline SPS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course deals with the topic of the construction of the body in today's society.
Aspects concerning the way in which the "body" takes shape through daily social relations, how institutions at different levels participate and influence our idea of ¿¿corporeality and its social communication will be highlighted.
Reference texts Ghigi R., Sassatelli R., Corpo, genere e società, il Mulino, Bologna 2018.
Educational objectives The Sociology module (2 CFU) is part of the teaching of ELEMENTS OF PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE AND ECONOMY IN THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR and given the need to address a central for the type of study of all students divided the module in four parts of 4 hours each.

First part (4 h): introduction to the course and a brief excursus on the socio-cultural transformation of Italy after the economic, legal, social and cultural changes that took place between the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century.
For further information, the material will be communicated during the lessons and posted on the Unistudium page of the CdS.

The main knowledge acquired will be:
- knowledge of the main socio-cultural changes in Italy (1960s-1970s);
- fundamental characteristics of their effects in the lives of Italian men and women;
The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge acquired) will be:
- analyze male and female social roles;
- identify today's social constraints;
- evaluate the processes of gender differentiation.

Second part (4 h): the socialization of men and women in the process of building bodies. For further information, the material will be communicated during the lessons and posted on the Unistudium page of the CdS.
The main knowledge acquired will be:
- knowledge on the socialization process in contemporary societies;
- fundamental characteristics of the construction of social bodies;
The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge acquired) will be:
- analyze the social institutions that deal with socialization;
- evaluate the social changes regarding contemporary social relationality.
Third part (4 h): the politics of bodies, the public and private space occupied by bodies. For further information, the material will be communicated during the lessons and posted on the Unistudium page of the CdS.
The main knowledge acquired will be:
- knowledge of the concepts of public space and private space today;
- characteristics of the main differences in the use of social spaces from "bodies".
The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge acquired) will be:
- analyze contemporary social and political spaces;
- evaluate the relationship between biopolitics, discipline and power.

Fourth part (4 h): the relationship between gender, sex and sexuality in contemporary society.
For further information, the material will be communicated during the lessons and posted on the Unistudium page of the CdS.

The main knowledge acquired will be:
- knowledge relating to the distinction between gender and sex;
- characteristics of sexuality and how it is lived in the context of today's complex relationship;
- characteristics of sexual hybridization and of male and female bodies.
The main skills (the ability to apply the knowledge acquired) will be:
- be able to analyze the differences between gender and sex;
- identify the critical elements in the transformation of sexual experiences.
Prerequisites In order to be able to deepen and develop a critical analysis of the issues that will be addressed in the course.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- Classroom lectures on all subjects of the course;
- supplementary seminars that will be organized by the lecturer or his / her co-ordinators on issues of in-depth study.
Other information Follow integrative seminars that will be organized by the teacher or by colleagues of the CdS on issues of deepening.
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral and / or exposure of a paper on a specific theme assigned, either autonomously or in groups. The oral exam in a discussion lasting about 15-20 minutes, aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by students on the theoretical and methodological implications mentioned in the program. The questions focus on the program as described by the teacher in the relevant data, taking into account to verify the communication skills of the student / or properties of language and autonomous organization of the exhibition, to the knowledge of the subject, the ability to reason, to the logic of 'argument and learning the method devised by the individual teaching. The exposure of the elaborate consists exclusively or completion of the oral examination in the discussion of a topic chosen from among those covered in class with a depth that can be done according to the following methodology: presentation of a case to the class with theoretical references and research, statistical data and conclusions personal criticism. Such work may be presented in power point (or other software program) or only orally, but both in a special meeting held in the presence of all the students, either individually or as a team.
In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program The course aims to make a brief excursus on socio-cultural transformations regarding the concepts of "body" and "gender" through the lens of socialization processes. How they have been absorbed by changes concerning the economic, legal, social and cultural processes that occurred between the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century. The socialization of female and male bodies that from childhood send learned emotional codes, but which can be changed over time. The construction of male and female social roles is not far from the use of bodies and corporeality.
The body is inside the liquid society that has made the social construction of institutions, from the family to politics, complicated and more sophisticated.
It is believed that the topic treated in this way can be of help to the / to the students / them of this CdS to have a clearer idea of what might be scenarios in which you will have to confront in their professional future and relational.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3 - Health and wellness
5 - Gender Equality
10 - Reduce inequalities
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