Primary teacher education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000596
Teacher Fabio Pasticci
  • Fabio Pasticci
  • 36 ore - Fabio Pasticci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline matematiche
Academic discipline MAT/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction to mathematics education, teaching contract, didactic transposition, misconceptions, concepts and obstacles, errors, didactics and languages. Design and development of methodologies for educational interventions consistent with the objectives set by the national indications.
Reference texts Notes provided by the teacher
D’Amore B., Sbaragli S. Principi di base di Didattica della matematica. PITAGORA Editrice Bologna.
Educational objectives The course aims to provide adequate theoretical tools for the disciplinary content of mathematics education and also to integrate them with educational ideas.
The aim is to allow students to guide the pupils of preschool and primary school to a vision of mathematics built on the basis of concrete experiences.
Moreover students, who will be future teachers, will lead the users of the preschool and primary school through learning paths based on observation and intuition to reach an adequate property of language, useful both in defining the objects and in describing their properties.
All this with a view to arouse interest in the discovery of bonds, of common characteristics without losing sight of the reality experienced.
Prerequisites For greater educational effectiveness, it is required the achievement of the exam of Foundations of mathematics, which allows you to acquire adequate mastery of the basic tools of mathematics.
Teaching methods No educational intervention can be independent of the training needs of learners and also of preconceptions, false knowledge, prejudices, shortcomings of the same.
If the teacher does not take into account these data, the intervention risks becoming not only ineffective, but perhaps also generative of confusion, disaffection for the discipline, decline in interest and motivation. Moreover, an educational intervention that does not actively involve the learners, making them partners and protagonists of their own training path, could turn into a simple (and quite useless) "transmission of notions".
Therefore we believe that it is necessary, where and whenever possible, to set up classroom meetings for interlocutors and workshops (where "laboratory" obviously means an attitude of the mind rather than a physical space).
This is because any learning is by its nature a social co-construction, we consider very important the continuous dialogue with and among the students, thus genuine knowledge can emerge from the comparison. This is an important condition to reach competence.
Method choices
- Use of brainstorming (oral or written) for cognitive purposes
- Direct experimentation of the concepts dealt with through graphic representations, games, direct body experiences ...
- Constant feedback on requests and learning
- Periodic, formal and non-formal tests related to learning, without evaluative purposes but, rather, for students to ascertain and self-evaluate their own path
- Periodic comparisons and discussions on the perceived effectiveness of educational intervention and relationship
- Writing a diary / lessons-record of the topics explained in each lecture to be shared with the learners to gradually and dialogically build the general framework of the cognitive path
Use of the web page to consult lesson times, reception schedule, program, diary / topic log
Other information None
Learning verification modality The verification method consists of an exam (written /oral) with a score of thirty and possible laude.
The test, lasting about 15 minutes, allows to ascertain both the ability to know and understand, and the ability to apply the acquired skills.
Extended program Cognitive Brainstorming (What mathematics education is // What is it for, what rational and practical needs do I meet // What mathematical concepts do you think to know // What mathematical concepts do you think you should ignore) on the students' previous knowledge and training needs.
Introduction to National Guidelines in relation to mathematic.
Introduction to mathematics education.
Different ways of seeing mathematics education.
Mathematics education as epistemology of mathematical learning.
The teaching contract.
Conflicts, misconceptions, patterns.
Concepts and obstacles, mistakes, teaching and languages.
The didactic transposition.
Mathematics, mathematics education and languages.
Exercises, problems and problematic situations.
Intuition and demonstration.
The development of the curriculum.
Design and development of methodologies for educational interventions consistent with the objectives set by the national indications.
Consolidation of the necessary basic notions, extrapolated from the initial brainstorming, in order to convey the program topics.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Quality education; fair and inclusive, reducing inequalities.


Code A000595
Teacher Fabio Pasticci
  • Fabio Pasticci
  • 15 ore - Fabio Pasticci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline matematiche
Academic discipline MAT/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The aim is to integrate the Mathematics Education course with laboratory activities and software use.
The pedagogical methodologies in the Didactics course will be applied
Reference texts Palladino, Palladino, Lombardi; Algoritmi elementari
del calcolo aritmetico e algebrico. Tradizione e
modernità. Bologna, Pitagora 2005.
Educational objectives analysing and planning teaching sequences relative
to the topics of the course
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of sets, operations, algebra,
elementary geometry
Teaching methods Individual and group-work activities and exercises
on mathematics problems; brain storming, problem
Other information Per approfondire: Materiale didattico in rete sul sito del G.R.I.M. (Gruppo di Ricerca insegnamento/Apprendimento delle
Matematiche): http://dipmat.math.unipa.it/~grim/matdit.htm e dal sito
Learning verification modality examination starting from a work on a topic
chosen by the student with the support of the
Extended program Particular topics of the school curriculum will be chosen to be explored and to develop learning units
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