Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Maria Teresa Mandara
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 85054504
Teacher Monica Sforna
  • Monica Sforna
  • 52 ore - Monica Sforna
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline anatomo-patologiche ed ispettive veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Gross and microscopic pathology of congenital malformations, circulatory disturbances, regressive changes, inflammations, proliferative lesions and tumors of the Digestive System, Female and Male Genital System and Integument.
Morphological patterns of the main diseases affecting the discussed systems.
Digestive System
¿ Lesions of teeth: Congenital anomalies; degenerative and inflammatory lesions of teeth and periodontal structures; odontogenic tumors (0,5 h).
¿ Physiopathology of mastication. Malformation, circulatory disturbances, degenerative lesions, inflammations and tumors of the oral cavity (gums, palate, tongue) (2 h).
¿ Physiopatology of swallowing. Anomaly of esophageal size: atresia, megaesophagus, strictures. Inflammations and tumors of the esophagus (0,5 h).
¿ Physiopathology of rumination. Changes in ruminal content: ruminal acidosis and bloat; foreign body syndrome in cattle; inflammations of the forestomachs. Physiopathology of gastric digestion. Changes in gastric and abomasal size and position; circulatory disturbancies, degenerative lesions (2 h).
¿ Gastric ulcer; inflammation of stomach and abomasum; displastic, hyperplastic and neoplastic lesions of stomach and abomasum (2 h).
¿ Physiopathology of intestinal digestion and nutrient absorption. Congenital anomalies of gut and change in size: megacolon, intestinal atresia. Inflammations of intestine; gut tumors (7 h).
¿ Physiopathology of hepatic function: hepatic failure. Malformations of the liver; vascular (portosystemic shunt) and biliary cystic diseases; degenerative changes; liver inflammations; hyperplastic and neoplastic diseases of the liver (5 h).
¿ Physiopathology of the exocrine pancreas: pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Malformations, regressive and inflammatory lesions of exocrine pancreas; nodular hyperplastic and neoplastic lesions (1 h).
Male and female Genital Systems
- Congenital defects and circulatory disturbances of male and female genital systems (1 h)
- Pathology of female genital system and diseases of pregnant uterus (2 h)
- Pathology of testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, accessory genital glands, penis and prepuce (2 h)
- Neoplastic diseases of the male and female genital systems (2 h).
- Morphologic patterns of the main diseases of the male and female genital system of domestic animals (2h).
Integumentary system
- Pattern analysis of principal dermatitis/dermatosis in different species
- Mastitis and mammary tumors (2 h)
- Morphological and etiologic diagnosis of viscera and organs of various animal species (6 h)
- Interactive discussion about anatomopathological cases (6 h)


- Work within laboratories of the Veterinary Pathology Service (4 h).
Reference texts 1) P.S. Marcato: Patologia sistematica veterinaria. Edagricole, Milano 2015.
2) M.D. MsGavin, J.F. Zachary: Patologia veterinaria sistematica. Elsevier, Milano 2010 (suggested).
3) M. Grant Maxie: Jubb, Kennedy,and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. Elsevier, London 2016 (suggested).
Educational objectives The course attributes information on a morphological and pathogenetic study of lesions. Moreover, it gives a diagnostic algorithm aimed to identify the causes of diseases, including physic and biological etiology agents, referred to Digestive System, Female and Male Genital System, and Integument. Finally, based on physiopathological considerations, the course indicate prognostic evaluations referred to the pathological patterns.
The main acquired information will be:
a) useful information for application of diagnostic procedures to the pathology;
b) knowledges about the main gross and histological lesions of Digestive System, Female and Male Genital System, and Integument;
c) information useful to understand the mechanisms producing lesions;
d) knowledge of gross patterns expressed by the main diseases of domestic animals;
e) clear definitions and correct medical language use.
The main abilities will be:
- using correct methods, to perform necropsy, gross examination of organ and pathology samples, cytological and histological exams
- identification, classification and interpretation of basic lesions, to perform a morphological diagnosis of I level with eziopathogenetic considerations.
Prerequisites No
Teaching methods The course includes:
- 36 h frontal lectures in the morning or afternoon, other week, given in the classroom
- Common Practical Activities (12h) in the morning or afternoon, performed in labs (groups of max 15 students) or interactive discussion on gross pathology held using slides. Common Practical Activities are organized in 4 groups of max 15 students.
- Clinical Rotation (4h) in the morning, at the Veterinary Pathology Service, arranged in 11 teams of 5/6 students.
Other information The procedures for students' access to the Veterinary Pathology Laboratories and the necropsy rooms will be available at the following link: http://www.medvet.unipg.it/didattica/corsi-di-laurea/medicina-veterinaria-ciclo-unico-lm-42-d-m-270-2004/procedure-insegnamenti
Learning verification modality No
Digestive System
¿ Lesions of teeth: Congenital anomalies; degenerative and inflammatory lesions of teeth and periodontal structures; odontogenic tumors (0,5 h).
¿ Physiopathology of mastication. Malformation, circulatory disturbances, degenerative lesions, inflammations and tumors of the oral cavity (gums, palate, tongue) (2 h).
¿ Physiopatology of swallowing. Anomaly of esophageal size: atresia, megaesophagus, strictures. Inflammations and tumors of the esophagus (0,5 h).
¿ Physiopathology of rumination. Changes in ruminal content: ruminal acidosis and bloat; foreign body syndrome in cattle; inflammations of the forestomachs. Physiopathology of gastric digestion. Changes in gastric and abomasal size and position; circulatory disturbancies, degenerative lesions (2 h).
¿ Gastric ulcer; inflammation of stomach and abomasum; displastic, hyperplastic and neoplastic lesions of stomach and abomasum (2 h).
¿ Physiopathology of intestinal digestion and nutrient absorption. Congenital anomalies of gut and change in size: megacolon, intestinal atresia. Inflammations of intestine; gut tumors (7 h).
¿ Physiopathology of hepatic function: hepatic failure. Malformations of the liver; vascular (portosystemic shunt) and biliary cystic diseases; degenerative changes; liver inflammations; hyperplastic and neoplastic diseases of the liver (5 h).
¿ Physiopathology of the exocrine pancreas: pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Malformations, regressive and inflammatory lesions of exocrine pancreas; nodular hyperplastic and neoplastic lesions (1 h).
Male and female Genital Systems
- Congenital defects and circulatory disturbances of male and female genital systems (1 h)
- Pathology of female genital system and diseases of pregnant uterus (2 h)
- Pathology of testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, accessory genital glands, penis and prepuce (2 h)
- Neoplastic diseases of the male and female genital systems (2 h).
- Morphologic patterns of the main diseases of the male and female genital system of domestic animals (2h).
Integumentary system
- Pattern analysis of principal dermatitis/dermatosis in different species
- Mastitis and mammary tumors (2 h)
- Morphological and etiologic diagnosis of viscera and organs of various animal species (6 h)
- Interactive discussion about anatomopathological cases (6 h)


- Work within laboratories of the Veterinary Pathology Service (4 h).


Code 85055004
Teacher Maria Teresa Mandara
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline anatomo-patologiche ed ispettive veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 85054505
Teacher Elvio Lepri
  • Elvio Lepri
  • 65 ore - Elvio Lepri
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline anatomo-patologiche ed ispettive veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Veterinary necropsy technique and post mortem diagnosis; Anatomic pathology of respiratory, cardiovascular and osteoarticular systems. Gross findings of the most common diseases involving these systems.


The necropsy: objectives and limits, necropsy equipment, precautions and rules.
Prenecropsy evaluation: identification of the animal, anamnesis, owner data.
External examination; positioning and opening of the carcass; removal and examination of the abdominal viscera; removal and examination of the thoracic viscera; examination of joints, bones and musculature; examination of the brain and spinal cord. Collection and submission of specimens for laboratory examinations. Elements of veterinary forensic pathology (2 h)

Determination of the death time; post-mortem changes versus antemortem lesions. Elements of veterinary forensic pathology
Histopathologic examination: citology, histology, immunohistochemistry. (1,5 h)


NASAL CAVITIES: Congenital defects and circulatory disturbances of nasal cavities; Inflammations and tumors of the upper respiratory tract. (2 h)
AIRWAYS: congenital malformatios, inflammation and tumors of upper airways (larynx, trachea and bronchi) (0,5 h)
congenital defects and circulatory disturbances of the lung; changes in pulmonary air content: enphisema and atelectasia (1 h)
anatomic patterns of pneumonia: bronchopneumonia, lobar pneumonia, interstitial, embolic and granulomatous pneumonia. (2 h)
Primary tumors of the lung and pleural pathology. (1,5 h)

Pathology of respiratory disesases
Bovine: infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR); allergic and granulomatous rhinitis; parainfluenza and enzootic pneumonia in calves; Shipping fever, histophilus somni and pasteurella multocida broncopneumonia; Mycoplasmal pneumonia: contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and mycoplasma bovis pneumonia. (2 h)
bovine respiratory syncytial virus and ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome);fog fever and extrinsic allergic alveolitis;bovine parasitic lung diseases; tuberculosis (1,5 h)
Small ruminants: ovine enzootic pneumonia; lentiviral pneumonia: maedi-visna and caprine arthritis-encephalitis viral pneumonia; Enzootic nasal tumors and ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (jaagsiekte); contagious caprine pleuropneumonia; lungworm pneumonia of sheep and goats. (2 h)
Equine: strangles; progressive ethmoid hematomas; EIPH (exercise induced pulmonary hemorrages); RAO (recurrent airway obstruction); equine influenza; herpesvirus, adenovirus, arterivirus and hendravirus pneumonia; rhodococcosis; equine bacterial pneumonia and pleuropneumonia; glanders; equine fungal and parasitic pneumonias. (1,5 h)
Swine: inclusion body rhinitis; atrophic rhinitis; necrotic rhinitis (bull nose); swine influenza; PRRS (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome); porcine circovirus pneumonia; coronavirus, paramyxovirus, herpesvirus and pestivirus pneumonia; swine pleuropneumonia; enzootic pneumonia; polysierositis; swine lungworm disease. (2 h)
Dogs and cats: canine infectious tracheobronchitis; canine distemper; adenovirus, herpesvirus,parvovirus and paramyxovirus pneumonia; paraquat pneumonia; fungal and parasitic lung diseases; feline viral rhinotracheitis; feline fungal and parasitic pneumonias. Canine and feline nasal and pulmonary neoplasia. (1,5 h)


Physiopathology of hematic and lymphatic circulations; adaptative changes of the heart (1,5 h)
Primary cardiomyopathies. (2 h)
Cardiocyrculatory malformations. (1,5 h)
Myocardial degenerative changes and inflammation. (2 h)
Endocardial degenerative and inflammatory lesions. (2 h)
Pericardial diseases: pericardial effusion and inflammation. Tumors of the heart (1,5 h)
Pathology of vascular system; vascular tumors; most common diseases targeted to circulatory system: Feline Infectious Peritonitis, equine strongylosis, Canine dirofilariosis, classic and african swine fever, horse sickness, blue tongue. (2 h)


Skeletal malformations. Degerative changes of bones; inflammatoty lesions of bones. Tumors of skeletal system. (1,5 h)
Degenerative and inflammatory changes of joints; articular tumors (1 h)
Reference texts 1) Donald McGavin, James F. Zachary: Patologia veterinaria sistematica. Edizione Italiana Mosby Elsevier, Milano 2010
2) Paolo Stefano Marcato: Patologia sistematica veterinaria. Edagricole, Bologna, 2015.
3) Franco Guarda e Giancarlo Mandelli. Trattato di anatomia patologica veterinaria. UTET, Torino, 2013
5) M.Grant Maxie. Pathology of domestic animals. Saunders Elsevier, London, 2015
Educational objectives The main aims of the course are:
1) getting knowledge of informations necessary to apply diagnostic metods and procedures in pathology
2) fournish the student the knowledge of the main gross and histological lesions of the respiratory, cardiocirculatory and skeletal system.
3) allow the student to understand pathogenetic patways of lesions.
4) let the student get the knowledge of the anatomohistopathological pictures of the main diseases affecting each system. Practical training has the goal to let the student to be able to perform necropsies, pathological examinations of surgical samples, cytological and histological evaluations. Furthermore it will allow the student to acquire the knowledge in identification, interpretation and classification of elemetary lesions as to achieve a I level morphological diagnosis with references to possible etiologies.
5) allow the studet to get a properly description and language.Lectures and practical sessions not performed for serious reasons will be recovered in times to be concorded woth the students
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
Lectures on all subjects of the course
Practical lessons during which students perform necropsies of carcasses or examinations of viscera from the slaughterhouse
Practical lessons during which the students are asked to describe pathological images
Practical self-directed activities during which students are asked to focus on a subject of the course by reading a scientific paper and to communicate the results to classmates

The necropsy: objectives and limits, necropsy equipment, precautions and rules.
Prenecropsy evaluation: identification of the animal, anamnesis, owner data.
External examination; positioning and opening of the carcass; removal and examination of the abdominal viscera; removal and examination of the thoracic viscera; examination of joints, bones and musculature; examination of the brain and spinal cord. Collection and submission of specimens for laboratory examinations. Elements of veterinary forensic pathology (2 h)

Determination of the death time; post-mortem changes versus antemortem lesions. Elements of veterinary forensic pathology
Histopathologic examination: citology, histology, immunohistochemistry. (1,5 h)


NASAL CAVITIES: Congenital defects and circulatory disturbances of nasal cavities; Inflammations and tumors of the upper respiratory tract. (2 h)
AIRWAYS: congenital malformatios, inflammation and tumors of upper airways (larynx, trachea and bronchi) (0,5 h)
congenital defects and circulatory disturbances of the lung; changes in pulmonary air content: enphisema and atelectasia (1 h)
anatomic patterns of pneumonia: bronchopneumonia, lobar pneumonia, interstitial, embolic and granulomatous pneumonia. (2 h)
Primary tumors of the lung and pleural pathology. (1,5 h)

Pathology of respiratory disesases
Bovine: infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR); allergic and granulomatous rhinitis; parainfluenza and enzootic pneumonia in calves; Shipping fever, histophilus somni and pasteurella multocida broncopneumonia; Mycoplasmal pneumonia: contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and mycoplasma bovis pneumonia. (2 h)
bovine respiratory syncytial virus and ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome);fog fever and extrinsic allergic alveolitis;bovine parasitic lung diseases; tuberculosis (1,5 h)
Small ruminants: ovine enzootic pneumonia; lentiviral pneumonia: maedi-visna and caprine arthritis-encephalitis viral pneumonia; Enzootic nasal tumors and ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (jaagsiekte); contagious caprine pleuropneumonia; lungworm pneumonia of sheep and goats. (2 h)
Equine: strangles; progressive ethmoid hematomas; EIPH (exercise induced pulmonary hemorrages); RAO (recurrent airway obstruction); equine influenza; herpesvirus, adenovirus, arterivirus and hendravirus pneumonia; rhodococcosis; equine bacterial pneumonia and pleuropneumonia; glanders; equine fungal and parasitic pneumonias. (1,5 h)
Swine: inclusion body rhinitis; atrophic rhinitis; necrotic rhinitis (bull nose); swine influenza; PRRS (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome); porcine circovirus pneumonia; coronavirus, paramyxovirus, herpesvirus and pestivirus pneumonia; swine pleuropneumonia; enzootic pneumonia; polysierositis; swine lungworm disease. (2 h)
Dogs and cats: canine infectious tracheobronchitis; canine distemper; adenovirus, herpesvirus,parvovirus and paramyxovirus pneumonia; paraquat pneumonia; fungal and parasitic lung diseases; feline viral rhinotracheitis; feline fungal and parasitic pneumonias. Canine and feline nasal and pulmonary neoplasia. (1,5 h)


Physiopathology of hematic and lymphatic circulations; adaptative changes of the heart (1,5 h)
Primary cardiomyopathies. (2 h)
Cardiocyrculatory malformations. (1,5 h)
Myocardial degenerative changes and inflammation. (2 h)
Endocardial degenerative and inflammatory lesions. (2 h)
Pericardial diseases: pericardial effusion and inflammation. Tumors of the heart (1,5 h)
Pathology of vascular system; vascular tumors; most common diseases targeted to circulatory system: Feline Infectious Peritonitis, equine strongylosis, Canine dirofilariosis, classic and african swine fever, horse sickness, blue tongue. (2 h)


Skeletal malformations. Degerative changes of bones; inflammatoty lesions of bones. Tumors of skeletal system. (1,5 h)
Degenerative and inflammatory changes of joints; articular tumors (1 h)
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