Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Cecilia Dall'aglio
  • Cecilia Dall'aglio
  • 71 ore - Cecilia Dall'aglio
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Discipline della struttura e funzione degli organismi animali
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian language
Characteristics of animal eukaryotic cells. Cell membrane structure and cellular organelles. Characteristics of different animal tissues.
The stages of embryonic development, up to gastrulation and the development of embryonic leaflets. Placenta structure.
-Principal techniques for the sectioning and staining of histological sections and preparations for light and electronic microscopies. (2 hours)
- Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Cell membrane structure and transport systems. Membrane and intercellular junctions. (4 hours)
- Cytoplasm structure: cytoplasmic matrix, plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles. (5 hours)
- Epithelial tissue
Coating epithelia (4 hours)
Secreting epithelia (3.5 hours)
Sensory epithelia (0.5 hours)
-Connectival tissue
Connectival tissues properly said (3 hours)
White and brown adipose tissues (1 hour)
- Blood Tissue (3 hours)
-Cartilage Tissue (1.5 hours)
-Compact Bone Tissue and Ossification (3.5 hours)
-Striated skeletal muscular tissue (2 hours)
-Striated cardiac muscular tissue (1 hour)
-Smooth muscular tissue (1 hour)
-Nervous tissue
General features (1 hour)
Nervous cells (2 hours)
Glial cells (1 hour)
Early development stages in mammals, annexes embryonal and placenta: classification of the placenta according to the histological structure and the disposition of the corial villi. (4 hours)

Classroom VIII, Polo Didattico, observation of histological sections of tissues - (7 hours for 4)
Reference texts
R. Colombo - Cell Biology (vol.1) e Tissue Biology (vol.2) - Ed. Edi-Ermes
Recommended book:
L. Ressel – Principi d’Identificazione in Citologia nel Cane e nel gatto (seconda edizione) – Poletto Editore

During the theoretical activity, slides are used and then made available to the students
Educational objectives
The acquired notions are the basis for studying the Anatomy of the Domestic Animals and understanding the microscopic and macroscopic structure and thus the functionality of the different anatomical systems.
To know: The student must know the cytology, with particular attention to the differences between the procariotic and euchariotic cell and the structural characteristics of the euchariotic animal cells, must know the histology, with particular attention to the characteristics of epithelial, connectival, muscular and nervous tissues, and must know the embryology, with particular attention to the different phases following gametogenesis (fertilization, segmentation, gastrulation and development of embryonic leaflets and their evolution). It must also know the structure of the placenta in the different animal species.
To know how to do: Students must be able to use the optical microscope and recognize a tissue by observing a histological section and highlighting its distinctive features
In order to understand most of the information provided during lectures, it is advisable to have cellular biology notions
Teaching methods
Theoretical activity on all subjects of the course in a classroom of the Polo Didattico.
Practical activity in the Optical Microscopy laboratory (classroom VIII of the Polo Didattico) for the observation and identification of tissue sections.
Other information
At the end of the scheduled practical activities, students have the opportunity to review the histological sections near to the exam dates. No other optional training units are provided.
Learning verification modality
For the evaluation of the achievement of the target, the exam consists of a practical test and an oral test. It takes place on the dates indicated in the Exam Schedule, in an Anatomy Classroom, at the Historical Building.
With the practical test, the ability to use the light microscope and the ability to identify histological sections are examined and evaluated:
With the oral test, the student's knowledge of the lecture topics and the ability to use a proper terminology are assessed and evaluated.
The practical test includes the observation of three histological sections at the light microscope and the identification of, at least, two histological sections and lasts about 10 minutes.
The oral test consists of a discussion of approximately 20 minutes on the topics discussed in classroom and is intended to ascertain the level of knowledge of the various histological structures and the different phases of embryonic development, through their description and correct use of histological terms. There are three questions: 1 of cytology, 1 of histology and 1 of embryology.
The final score is determined by the knowledge (86%) and capacity (14%), in relation to the subdivision of the program into 86% theoretical and 14% practices.
Extended program
-Principal techniques for the sectioning and staining of histological sections and preparations for light and electronic microscopies. (2 hours)
- Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Cell membrane structure and transport systems. Membrane and intercellular junctions. (4 hours)
- Cytoplasm structure: cytoplasmic matrix, plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles. (5 hours)
- Epithelial tissue
Coating epithelia (4 hours)
Secreting epithelia (3.5 hours)
Sensory epithelia (0.5 hours)
-Connectival tissue
Connectival tissues properly said (3 hours)
White and brown adipose tissues (1 hour)
- Blood Tissue (3 hours)
-Cartilage Tissue (1.5 hours)
-Compact Bone Tissue and Ossification (3.5 hours)
-Striated skeletal muscular tissue (2 hours)
-Striated cardiac muscular tissue (1 hour)
-Smooth muscular tissue (1 hour)
-Nervous tissue
General features (1 hour)
Nervous cells (2 hours)
Glial cells (1 hour)
Early development stages in mammals, annexes embryonal and placenta: classification of the placenta according to the histological structure and the disposition of the corial villi. (4 hours)

Classroom VIII, Polo Didattico, observation of histological sections of tissues - (7 hours for 4)
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