Food science and technology
Study-unit Code
Tecnologie agro-alimentari
Franco Famiani
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 80080506
Teacher Franco Famiani
  • Franco Famiani
  • 60 ore - Franco Famiani
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Root system and vegetative and reproductive organs. Plant life cycle. Vegetative growth. Reproductive cycle. Climatic and soil requirements of trees. Tree propagation. Establishment of a new orchard. Orchard soil management, fertilization, irrigation, pruning and fruit harvesting. Utilization and storage of fruits.
Reference texts AA.VV. Arboricoltura generale. Pàtron Editore, Bologna (da consultare in parte).
E. Baldini - Arboricoltura generale. Editrice CLUEB, Bologna.
AA.VV. - Frutticoltura speciale. Edizioni REDA, Roma.
AA.VV. - Frutticoltura generale. Edizioni REDA, Roma.
R. Valli - Arboricoltura generale e speciale. EDAGRICOLE, Bologna.
AA.VV. - Linee guida per l'agricoltura biologica - fruttiferi e fragola. EDAGRICOLE, Bologna.
D.I. Jackson, N.E. Looney - Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production - 2nd Edition, CABI Publishing, UK.
K. Lind, G. Lafer, K. Schloffer, G. Innerhofer, H. Meister - Organic Fruit Growing. CABI Publishing, UK.
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of: botanical, biological and physiological characteristics of fruit trees; relationships of fruit trees with the environment; cultivation techniques. Particular emphasis will be given at the evaluation of qualitative characteristics of the fruits, in relation to their use both for direct consumption and for the production of processed foods.
Prerequisites In order to understand the subjects of the course on Agronomy and Arboriculture it is necessary to have a good background on fundamentals of biology.
Teaching methods Lectures on all the subjects of the course.

Excercise/Practical lectures, also in the lab and field, on: visual identification of fruit tree species; use of ripening indexes to establish the time for harvesting; evaluation of fruit qualitative characteristics; propagation of fruit tree species; application of different types of cultural practices.
Other information Attendance is not compulsory.
Place of teaching: Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of the Studies of Perugia.
Learning verification modality The evaluation of the knowledge acquired by the student will be done through an exam which consits of an oral test.
The oral test consists on an interview, of about 1 hour, aiming at evaluating the knowledge acquired by the student and his/her ability to use it. The oral test will also allow to to evaluate the communication skills of the student.
Extended program Theoretical lessons
Description, development and functions of the root system and aerial organs (buds, leaves, shoots, branches, trunk/stem, flowers, productive formations). Life cycle of a tree. Vegetative activity (activity of cambium, bud sprouting, shoot development, apical dominance, leaf fall, rest period). Fruiting cycle (bud floral induction and differentiation, sporogenesis, flowering, pollination, fecundation, sterility, fruit-set, fruit-drop, parthenocarpy, fruit development and ripening). Parameters and indexes related to fruit ripening and qualitative characteristics. Tree phenology. Relationships between vegetative and reproductive activities.
Relationships between fruit trees and pedological and climatic factors. Suitability of an environment to fruit tree cultivation.
Propagation of fruit tree species.
Choice of the cultivar, rootstock, tree training system and spacing.
Operations for the establishment of a new orchard.
Modalities and timing for the execution of cultural practices: soil management, fertilization, irrigation, pruning, harvesting. Influence of cultural practices on fruit qualitative characteristics. Utilization and storage of fruits.
Conventional, integrated and organic cultivation methods: rules, principles and techniques.
Botanical classification and cultivation schemes for the main fruit tree species of interest for food factories.

Practical lessons
Visual identification of fruit tree species. Use of ripening indexes to establish the time for harvesting. Evaluation of fruit qualitative characteristics. Propagation of fruit tree species. Examples of application of different types of cultural practices.


Code 80180806
Teacher Franco Famiani
  • Giacomo Tosti (Codocenza)
  • 60 ore (Codocenza) - Giacomo Tosti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course provides the fundamental knowledge of ecology, eco-physiology of crop production and agronomy.

The student will acquire:

• knowledge of the different components of the agro-ecosystem and their interactions;

• theoretical knowledge and practical applications related to climatic and microclimate factors at the base of crop production and eco-physiological mechanisms through which crops use environmental resources;

• knowledge on sustainable farming techniques aimed at rationalizing the functioning of agro-ecosystems and removing the factors that limit production.
Reference texts F. Bonciarelli e U. Bonciarelli, Agronomia, Edagricole scolastico, Bologna. 2003.

R. Landi. Agronomia e ambiente. Edagricole, Bologna, 1999.

Hay, R.K.M., Porter, J.R., 2006. The Physiology of Crop Yield. Wiley.

Altieri MA, Nicholls CI, Ponti L., 2015. Agroecologia. Edagricole
Educational objectives The main goal of education is to provide students with the foundation for understanding and knowing how to manage the agro-ecosystem in an environmentally friendly manner.

The main knowledge gained will be:
• Components of agro-ecosystems (and how do they interact)
• Climatic and microclimate factors at the base of crop production (solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, wind)
• Relations between fertility and chemical, physical, hydrological and biological properties of agricultural land
• Flows of energy and matter in agroecosystems
• Eco-physiological principles that govern the "soil-plant-atmosphere" system and the eco-physiological mechanisms used by the crops for using the environmental resources
• Factors limiting crop production
• Cultivation systems (conventional agricultural systems, low input, organic, conservation agriculture, agriculture and biotechnology)
• Agronomic techniques and sustainable management of agro-ecosystems
• Mechanisms of competition between plant species and defense strategies from weeds

The main expected skills are:
• Measure and interpret the climatic and microclimatic data and parameters
• Use methods for the determination of agronomic traits and water status of the soil and interpret the analytical results
• Managing agricultural techniques within the constraints of quality, economy and environment and learn to predict the effects on the environment
• Adapting farming techniques to climatic and environmental conditions of specific agricultural areas
• Design agronomic interventions aimed at preserving the soil fertility, the environment and quality of agricultural production
• Apply DSS tools for strategic planning and management of crop production (including crop rotation and fertilization).
Prerequisites In order to understand the subjects of the course on Agronomy and Arboriculture it is necessary to have a good background on fundamentals of biology.
Teaching methods The teaching will be based on a combination of lectures, individual and group teaching methods (lectures, exercises, lectures and practical exercises, seminars, excursions, laboratory work). The use of "case studies" and "problem based learning" will be preferred channels of the teaching method.

The course will be organized as follows:
• Lectures on all the topics of the course and seminars on specific topics (about 1.5 hours each, plus 30 minutes of group discussion, summary and presentation of "case studies").
• Practice exercise at the educational field station of Papiano (FIELD-LAB): visit to experimental fields, experimental instruments for crop growth analysis and other , machines and tools for the cultivation, mode of operation of an automatic weather station.
• Practice exercise at the educational lab of Perugia (AGRO-WEATHER-FITO LAB): Analysis soil texture, relations between water and soil.
• Practice exercise in computer lab: use of DSS tools and applications to real case studies. Irrigation, fertilization and nutritional balance.
• Excursions to local farms.
Other information Location:
Dipartimento di Scienza Agrarie, Alimentari ed Ambientali (DSA3)
Borgo XX Giugno, 74

Not available. When available visit: http://www.agr.unipg.it/newpro/calendario_lezioni.htm

Consultation with the teacher (during the office hours or at any time by appointment).
Learning verification modality The learning outcome will be checked continuously during the lessons both front and practices.

The final exam will be a mixed test both oral and written:

• Oral: maximum duration of 30 minutes (to stimulate open discussion with three open questions, it weight 2/3 in the overall grade).

• Written: in the form of a report (or short presentation) of the exercise carried out with the DSS applied to a case study (accounts for 1/3 the final grade).

Both parts must be passed. If one part of the exam is not passed, re-examination can be made of this part alone.
Extended program Elements of ecology and agro-meteorology

1. Ecosystems and agro-ecosystems: natural and agricultural ecosystems, food chain, population dynamics and interactions between organisms, functional biodiversity.
2. flows of energy and matter (carrying capacity): classification and peculiarities of cultivation systems (conventional, low input and organic agricultural systems; conservative agriculture, agriculture and biotechnology)
3. Radiation: physics and geometry of the radiation, global radiation, net radiation, radiative balance of the Earth.
4. Atmosphere: composition and physical properties, wind, interaction between solar radiation and atmosphere, greenhouse effect.
5. Temperature: heat balance of the Earth, air and soil temperature, plants and temperature.
6. Water: water cycle, atmospheric humidity, hydrometeors, evapotranspiration.
7. Climate: elements and climatic factors, climatic classifications, climate change and the potential impacts on agro-ecosystems.
8. Pedological environment: the soil (constituents, chemical and biological properties), organic matter in the soil, carbon cycle and C budget, soil physics (physical-mechanical characteristics, hydrology, air in the soil).

Elements of eco-physiology of plant production

1. Crop morphology and competition: arrangement of plants in a crop, morphological plasticity. Competition in pure stand crop: density, competition, self-thinning.
2. Growth and development of the crops: assimilatory surfaces, kinetic of biomass accumulation, growth rates, growth functions.
3. Rates of development and regulatory mechanisms: temperature, vernalization, dormancy, photoperiod.
4. Phenology and quantification of phenological responses: thermal and photothermal units.
5. Assimilation and respiration of crops.
6. PAR balance of the canopy: radiative properties of plants, transmission of PAR within the canopy, LAI max, light extinction coefficient, reflection.
7. Radiative balance of a canopy and estimation of canopy gross assimilation.
8. Maintenance and growth respiration of the canopy.
9. Crop biomass production: potential, achievable and real production. Biomass distribution.

Agronomic techniques and management of agro-ecosystems

1. Farming and hydraulic-agrarian systems.
2. Machining: purpose; types; tools; classification, innovations.
3. Water management: water / crops, water transport in crop.
4. Potential and actual crop evapotranspiration: measurement and estimation (equation of Penman-Monteith, evaporimeters, crop coefficients, micrometeorological methods), water balance and determination of the available water for crops, crop water consumption and water use efficiency (WUE). Dry farming (principles and applications).
5. Irrigation: types, technical elements, irrigation techniques, systems and irrigation methods.
6. Fertilization: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the plant and soil. Basic principles of the fertilization management, techniques of fertilization, mineral and organic fertilizers.
7. Rotation: principles of the alternation of crops and types of rotation.
8. Intercropping: complementarity between species and indices of competition.
9. Sowing and transplanting operations (timing, methods, equipment).
10. Weed control: effect on crops and control methods.
11. The seed: genetic and agronomic characteristics (germination, purity, seed production).
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