Food science and technology
Study-unit Code
Tecnologie agro-alimentari
Daniele Del Buono
  • Daniele Del Buono
  • 60 ore - Daniele Del Buono
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The topics of the course will regard the living matter, from the simplest chemical events that occur in the cells until the more recent biotechnology. The course will be organized in order to address the role that the major classes of molecules exert in metabolism, and the kinetic aspects of enzymology, thermodynamics and bioenergetics. The main metabolic processes or photosynthesis, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids, protein metabolism and genetic information will then be addressed.
Reference texts
D. DEL BUONO, Dispense dalle lezioni.

DAVID L. NELSON, MICHAEL M. COX, Principi di Biochimica di Lehninger, Zanichelli

Fondamenti di Biochimica Agraria, Pàtron Editore, Bologna
Educational objectives
The topics of the course will regard the living matter, from the simplest chemical events that occur in the cells until the more recent biotechnology.

Course Goals

1. Energetic flows along metabolism
2. Evaluation of the energetic balances along metabolic processes.
3. Enzyme catalysis and effect of inhibitors and regulators.
4. Role of the light in the photosynthetic process
5. Carbohydrates' metabolism in plant and animal cells.
6. Nature and role of the processes of fermentation and respiration.
7. Biosynthesis and catabolism of the major lipids.
8. Metabolism of amino acids and proteins.
9. Formation, structural characteristics and properties of DNA and RNA and their involvement in protein synthesis.

1. Assessment of the spontaneity or less of biochemical reactions.
2. Ability to identify the enzymes involved in the different metabolic pathways
3. Calculation of the energy obtainable in the catabolism of carbohydrates, as food
4. Calculation of metabolic energy required for the biosynthesis of fatty acids and triglycerides and than that obtainable from their catabolism, as food
5. Evaluation of the protein content of food and agricultural products.
6. Links among the various metabolic pathways that affect the destinies of the food.
In order to understand the main aspects of this course the students need to have passed the course of Chemistry (first year) successfully. In fact, the students should be able to apply the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry, as well as to recognize the principal functional groups of organic molecules and their reactivity.
Teaching methods
The course will be organized in:

- classroom teaching aimed at developing theoretical skills;
- classroom exercises in order to determine the amounts of energy changes associated with reactions in the cells, and the evaluations of energy balances related to carbohydrates and lipids metabolism;
- Laboratory experiments aimed at evaluating the content of plant pigments and proteins, and to estimate the activity of some enzymes;
- seminars;
- interactive projections.
Other information
Ricevimento tutti i pomeriggio presso l'U.R. di Chimica Agraria dalle 14:30 alle 16:00.
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a final test (about 1 hour) aimed at verifying the level of knowledge and comprehension achieved by the students on the theoretical and methodological contents of the program. The debate will focus on some topics of the course, among the following: bio-energetics, protein structure and catalysis, photosynthesis, primary metabolism, nitrogen cycle in plants, DNA and RNA, protein biosynthesis.

Student evaluation
18-21: sufficient knowledge of the course basic topics; sufficient concepts understanding.
22-24: good knowledge of the course topics; good concepts understanding.
25-27: very good knowledge of the course topics; very good concepts understanding.
28-30: excellent knowledge of the course topics; excellent concepts understanding.

Furthermore, the exam will check the student's communication capacity and his ability on the presentation of the topics. Finally, the exame will permit to assess the student's ability to apply
the knowledge acquired to solve some real cases.
Extended program
Bioenergetics and enzyme catalysis (1 CFU): Elements of thermodynamics and biochemical reactions; concepts of enthalpy, entropy and free energy, exergonic and endergonic reactions and their coupling. General concept of metabolism and energy flows in catabolic and anabolic phases. Mechanism of enzyme catalysis, structure and characteristics of the enzymes, the Michaelis-Menten theory and definition of the kinetic parameters of an enzyme. Inhibition and regulation of enzyme activity. Isoenzymes, allosteric enzymes and zymogens. Mechanism of action and biochemical role of: hydrolases, oxidoreductases, transferases, lyases, isomerases and ligases.
Photosynthesis and carbohydrate synthesis (1 CFU): Photosynthetic pigments. Role of the light and the reaction of Hill. The photosystems and photosynthetic electron transport. Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation. Organication CO2 and the Calvin cycle. Photorespiration. Formation of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
Respiration and carbohydrate metabolism (1 CFU): glycolysis and fermentation processes. The way of the phosphogluconate. Gluconeogenesis. Citric acid cycle and glyoxylate way. Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Energy yield of fermentation processes and respiratory systems.
The metabolism of fatty substances (1 CFU): Nature and chemical structure of fatty substances. Biogenesis of fatty acids, glycerides and the related energy requirements. Catabolism of fatty acids and triglycerides. Energy and nutrient budgets in the catabolism of fatty acids and glycerides. Biochemical role and metabolism of phospholipids, sphingolipids and sterols.
Metabolism of nitrogen compounds (1 CFU): Notes on the nitrogen cycle in nature. Biochemical aspects of nitrogen fixation, nitrate reduction, and insert on carbon structures of ammonia. Formation of amino acids and proteins. Protein catabolism: proteolysis, oxidative degradation of amino acids and nitrogen mineralization.
Nucleic acids (1 CFU) DNA structure. DNA replication: action of DNA polymerase and the role of helicase, topoisomerase, primase and DNA ligase. DNA repair. Structure and synthesis of RNA, the role of RNA polymerase, transcription and post-transcriptional modifications. Genetic code and its translation into protein synthesis.
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