Food science and technology
Study-unit Code
Tecnologie birrarie
Luca Roscini
  • Luca Roscini
  • 60 ore - Luca Roscini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Cellular organization of eukaryotes
Structure and functions of the various components of the cell. The sexual and asexual reproduction.
Principles of systematic microbial eukaryotes. The concept of species in microorganisms
eukaryotes and their classification. Molecular taxonomy and biotechnological implications
Yeasts as a model of microbial eukaryotic cell. Elements on the cultivation of microbial eukaryotes.
Genetic organization of the various types of microorganisms. Genomic organization of the various classes of microorganisms. Systems of vertical transmission of genetic information. Horizontal gene transfer systems.
Control of gene expression in eukaryotic microbes, the system GAL / LAC yeast, cloning using Two Hybrid System.
Genetic improvement. Key strategies and their choice. Direct Selection, reversed overnight. Biodiversity research and the variability in nature. Mutagenesis. Protoplast fusion. Molecular Cloning.
Case studies of biotechnology applications.
Reference texts
B. Biavati, C. Sorlini. Microbiologia Agraria ,2007, Ed. Ambrosiana, Milano

J.J. Perry, J.T. Staley, S. Lowry Microbiologia, 2004. Zanichelli. Milano
Dispense integrative distribuite durante il corso
M.T. MADIGAN, J.M. MARTINKO & J. PARKER, Brock, Biologia dei Microrganismi,
2003, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
Educational objectives
Cellular organization of eukaryotic microorganisms. Systematic and taxonomy of eukaryotic microbes. Eukaryotic models and genetic organization types. Control of gene expression control. Principles of genetic improvement and principles of applications in microbial biotechnologies. Examples of microbial biotechnological applications.
mathematics, includingt at least linear equation systems and logarithms
cell biology
Teaching methods
lectures and practicals
Learning verification modality
written exam to access to the oral exam noramlly articualted in three questions:

1. technical microbiology

2. general microbiologi

3. applied microbiology

the technical microbiology part is essential for the prosecution of the exam
Extended program
Cellular organization of eukaryotes
Structure and functions of the various components of the cell. The sexual and asexual reproduction.
Principles of systematic microbial eukaryotes. The concept of species in microorganisms
eukaryotes and their classification. Molecular taxonomy and biotechnological implications
Yeasts as a model of microbial eukaryotic cell. Elements on the cultivation of microbial eukaryotes.
Genetic organization of the various types of microorganisms. Genomic organization of the various classes of microorganisms. Systems of vertical transmission of genetic information. Horizontal gene transfer systems.
Control of gene expression in eukaryotic microbes, the system GAL / LAC yeast, cloning using Two Hybrid System.
Genetic improvement. Key strategies and their choice. Direct Selection, reversed overnight. Biodiversity research and the variability in nature. Mutagenesis. Protoplast fusion. Molecular Cloning.
Case studies of biotechnology applications.
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