Food science and technology
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabio Orlandi
  • Fabio Orlandi
  • 80 ore - Fabio Orlandi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Discipline biologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The principal steps of live on earth. Morphological organization in the plants. Metamorphoses. The cell, characters and functions; meristems and tissues. Plant anathomy in monocotyledones and dycotyledones. The flowers and sexual reproduction. Organization of seeds and fruits.
Reference texts
ROMANO B., Appunti di botanica ambientale ed applicata, Margiacchi-Galeno Editrice, Perugia, 2003.
ROMANO B., Appunti di biologia vegetale, la cellula, Margiacchi-Galeno Editrice, Perugia, 2005.
ROMANO B., Appunti di biologia vegetale, istologia ed anatomia vegetale, Margiacchi- Galeno Editrice, Perugia, 2005.
MAUSETH, J.D. Botanica. Fondamenti di biologia delle piante, Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli, 2014, ISBN 8879475827.
PASQUA G., ABBATE G., FORNI C., Botanica generale e Biodiversità vegetale, Piccin-Nuova Libraria, Padova, 2015. ISBN: 882992718X.
Educational objectives
The aim of the course is to transmit adequate knowledge for understanding the biological dynamics, the role and potential features that the various forms of living organisms are able to carry out in the activities related to the agro-technologies agro-food wine and technical brewing.
Some abilities to scientific method (also in laboratory) are required, moreover, basic knowledges of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics are required.
Teaching methods
Lectures, laboratory exercises, visits to botanical gardens and other outdoor facilities
Other information
Recommended frequency both for lessons and exercises.
Headquarters: Building of the Department of Agrarian, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia.

Monumental complex S. Pietro - Borgo XX Giugno, 74 - 06121 Perugia
Learning verification modality
Oral test and possible written examination.
Extended program
Origin, evolution and functions of living organisms. The principal steps of live on earth. The principal levels of morphological organization in the plants: thallophytes, cormophytes. Morphological organization in the root, stem and leaf. Metamorphoses and plant adaptation to different functions and different climates. Relationships between climate and vegetation.
The cell, characters and functions; growth and differentiation of vegetal cells; meristems and tissues. Morphological aspects of germination: embryo, organogenesis. The root, stem and leaf: anathomy and functions in monocotyledones and dycotyledones. The flowers and sexual reproduction. Organization of seeds and fruits. Growth and fruit ripening.

Observation of plant material in vivo. Main methods for observation and study of plant samples; optical microscopy observation of cells; observation of tissues and anatomical structures with the main methods of optical microscopy.
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