Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Ciriana Orabona
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50150801
Teacher Ciriana Orabona
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline BIO/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Ciriana Orabona
  • Ciriana Orabona
  • 15 ore - Ciriana Orabona
Language of instruction
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR). Antinflammatory drugs. Drugs for disorders of the respiratory system. Pain therapy. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes.
Reference texts
Amico RoxasM., Caputi A.P., Del Tacca M., Compendio di farmacologia generale e speciale. EDRA Ed.
Di Giulio AM, Gorio A., Carelli S., Cella G.S., Scaglione F., Farmacologia generale e speciale. Piccin Ed.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course, the student will acquire the basis for a correct
use of the drugs and will be able to manage the therapy at all stages.
Having passed the exam containing the module of General Pharmacology
Teaching methods
Face-to-face teaching
Other information
For info about support services for the students with disability and/or DSA, please see the web page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality
Multiple-choice test, without penalty.
Extended program
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) and role of the nurse in pharmacovigilance. SAIDs and NSAIDs; Drugs for disorders of the respiratory system. Pain therapy: opioids and non-opioids analgesic drugs. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Aim 3

Canale B

Ciriana Orabona
  • Ciriana Orabona
  • 15 ore - Ciriana Orabona
Language of instruction
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR). Antinflammatory drugs. Drugs for disorders of the respiratory system. Pain therapy. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes.
Reference texts
Amico RoxasM., Caputi A.P., Del Tacca M., Compendio di farmacologia generale e speciale. EDRA Ed.
Di Giulio AM, Gorio A., Carelli S., Cella G.S., Scaglione F., Farmacologia generale e speciale. Piccin Ed.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course, the student will acquire the basis for a correct
use of the drugs and will be able to manage the therapy at all stages.
Having passed the exam containing the module of General Pharmacology
Teaching methods
Face-to-face teaching
Other information
For info about support services for the students with disability and/or DSA, please see the web page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality
Multiple-choice test, without penalty.
Extended program
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) and role of the nurse in pharmacovigilance. SAIDs and NSAIDs; Drugs for disorders of the respiratory system. Pain therapy: opioids and non-opioids analgesic drugs. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Aim 3


Code 50905001
Teacher Ciriana Orabona
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline BIO/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Francesca Fallarino
  • Francesca Fallarino
  • 15 ore - Francesca Fallarino
Language of instruction
Pharmacology of the peripheral nervous system
Cardiovascular pharmacology.
Pharmacology of the central nervous
Reference texts
Amico RoxasM., Caputi A.P., Del Tacca M., Compendio di farmacologia generale e speciale. EDRA Ed.
Di Giulio AM, Gorio A., Carelli S., Cella G.S., Scaglione F., Farmacologia generale e speciale. Piccin Ed.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course, the student will acquire the basis for a correct
use of the drugs
Having passed the exam containing the module of General Pharmacology
Teaching methods
Face-to-face teaching
Other information
For info about support services for the students with disability and/or DSA, please see the web page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita
Learning verification modality
Multiple-choice test, without
Extended program
General information on the neurotransmission of the peripheral nervous system. Pharmacology of the cardiovascular system: anti-hypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors, vasodilators, diuretics); drugs for heart failure (beta-blockers; inotropic agents).
General information on the neurotransmission of the central nervous system. Pharmacotherapy of affective disorders (anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs, antidepressant drugs).

Canale B

Francesca Fallarino
  • Francesca Fallarino
  • 15 ore - Francesca Fallarino
Language of instruction
Pharmacology of the peripheral nervous system
Cardiovascular pharmacology.
Pharmacology of the central nervous
Reference texts
Amico RoxasM., Caputi A.P., Del Tacca M., Compendio di farmacologia generale e speciale. EDRA Ed.
Di Giulio AM, Gorio A., Carelli S., Cella G.S., Scaglione F., Farmacologia generale e speciale. Piccin Ed.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course, the student will acquire the basis for a correct
use of the drugs
Having passed the exam containing the module of General Pharmacology
Teaching methods
Face-to-face teaching
Other information
For info about support services for the students with disability and/or DSA, please see the web page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita
Learning verification modality
Multiple-choice test, without
Extended program
General information on the neurotransmission of the peripheral nervous system. Pharmacology of the cardiovascular system: anti-hypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors, vasodilators, diuretics); drugs for heart failure (beta-blockers; inotropic agents).
General information on the neurotransmission of the central nervous system. Pharmacotherapy of affective disorders (anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs, antidepressant drugs).


Code 50150803
Teacher Ciriana Orabona
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Michela Sereni
  • Michela Sereni
  • 45 ore - Michela Sereni
Language of instruction
Planning of assistance and use of diagnostic-therapeutic procedures of the main diseases in the medical area.
Treatment management and drug administration.
Reference texts
The complete treatise on Nursing - Ed.Piccin
Nursing care plans - guidelines for personalized care - Ed.Minerva Medica
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis, Definitions and Classifications 2018/2020 Nursing Diagnosis with NOC and NIC - Judith M. Wilkinson- Laurie Barcus
Educational objectives
Manage nursing care for adult and elderly patients with problems related to the case history of priority health problems such as:
acute and chronic respiratory problems, neurological, oncological. infectious.
The student must have acquired knowledge on: Anatomic-physiological bases of diseases - Physiopathological bases of the human body - Nursing pharmacology and semiotics
Teaching methods
Frontal theoretical lessons and practical exercises
Tutorial teaching activity: the "PBL" - Problem Based Learning
Other information
Reception hours are on Mondays and Thursdays after 15.00 at the headquarters of the CdS
Learning verification modality
written exam on Libreol platform
Extended program
Nursing documentation: nursing record
The patient's nursing care plan:
with respiratory problems
with cardio-circulatory problems
with diabetic problems
with problems of renal failure
with neurological problems
Nursing care for the sick with oncological problems
Safety handling and administration of antiblastic drugs
Artificial nutrition
Procedures, operating instructions relating to the aforementioned clinical pictures;
drug maintenance, operational indications - Narcotics registry management -
Safety measures for administration: general rules, dosage calculation and administration times
Management of therapy, administration and conservation errors in some particular situations
The initial and continuous assessment as a strategy to monitor adverse therapeutic effects: observation, nursing history, physiological factors, psychosocial factors.
The development of self-handling skills: education in the autonomous management of prescribed drugs: compliance, therapeutic adherence and ineffective adhesion to the therapeutic regime.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Canale B

Graziella Mancuso
  • Graziella Mancuso
  • 45 ore - Graziella Mancuso
Language of instruction
- Nursing care for the person with vascular accesses

- Nursing care for the person with respiratory diseases

- Nursing care for the person with neoplastic disease

- Nursing care for the person with cardiovascular disease

- Nursing care for the person with gastrointestinal disease

- Nursing care for the person with endocrine disease

- Nursing care for the person with urinary tract problems

- Nursing care for the person with infectious diseases
Reference texts
- L. Saiani, A. Brugnolli, "Trattato di cure infermieristiche" - Terza edizione, Casa Editrice Sorbona, 2021.

- P. Badon, M. Canesi, A. Monterosso, F. Pellegatta, "Procedure Infermieristiche" - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2021

-T. H. Herdman, S. Kamitsuru, C. T. Lopes, "NANDA International - Diagnosi Infermieristiche; Definizioni e classificazioni 2021-2023 - Dodicesima Edizione" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2021

- M. Gulanick, J. L. Myers, "Piani di assistenza infermieristica: Diagnosi infermieristiche, risultati di salute e interventi infermieristici" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2022

-Brunner, Suddarth, "Infermieristica medico-chirurgica" - Quinta edizione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2017.
Educational objectives
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:
•Identify the nursing problems related to the most important diseases in the field of internal medicine
•Plan the nursing care for the person suffering from a medical disease
•Know how the most important diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of internal medicine are carried out
Basic knowledge of the concepts of anatomy and physiology of the main organs and systems is required
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with slides and short films.
Other information
The lessons will be placed at Educational Center, Sant'andrea delle Fratte, San Sisto (PG) - Room A4

Attendance: 25% absence maximum
Learning verification modality
Exam to be agreed with the teacher during the course of study
Extended program
Nursing care for the person with vascular access
- Vascular accesses: peripheral venous catheters and central venous catheters
- Peripheral venous catheters (CVP): aids, positioning, management, use
- Central venous catheters (CVC): aids, insertion techniques, management, use
- Infusions: types and aids
- Venous sampling from venipuncture: execution and aids
- Blood cultures: indication, aids, execution
- Arterial catheter: positioning, management, use, monitoring
- Arterial sampling
- Total parenteral nutrition: indications, types, administration
- Assistance plans

Assistance to the person with respiratory problems
- Outline of anatomy and physiology: main respiratory alterations
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease BOCO and Asthma: nursing care
- Recurring diagnostic procedures: sputum examination, pulse oximetry, respiratory function tests - nursing interventions
- Recurrent therapeutic interventions: oxygen therapy, long-term oxygen therapy, bronchodilators
- Respiratory rehabilitation nursing interventions
- Procedures and plans for nursing care for the person with respiratory problems

Assistance to the person with cancer problems
- Tumor pathology: classification and nursing problems
-Application of recurrent diagnostic procedures in oncology
- Assistance to the person undergoing therapy: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
- Nursing management of antiblastic therapy: preparation and storage of drugs, administration, prevention and treatment of extravasation
- Antiblastic therapy: nursing assistance in the management of side effects
- Antiblastic therapy: personal protective equipment, operator safety during handling
- Nursing assistance to the person undergoing transfusion therapy: blood components and blood products - indications, procedures and complications
- Procedures and plans for nursing care for the person with cancer problems

Assistance to the person with cardiovascular problems
- Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS): instrumental investigations, laboratory tests, myocardial scintigraphy - nursing assistance to the person
- Standard and exercise electrocardiogram (ECG): procedure and assistance to the person
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): nursing assistance to the person
- Procedures and plans for nursing care for the person with cardiovascular problems

Assistance to the person with gastrointestinal problems
- Cirrhosis of the liver: nursing care
- Execution and assistance in recurrent diagnostic procedures: chemical-physical and parasitological examination of feces, abdominal ultrasound, fibroscan, liver biopsy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS)
- Esophageal varices: Sengstaken-Blakmore probe - nursing skills
- Hepatic encephalopathy: enema, paracentesis - nursing skills
- Procedures and plans for nursing care for the person with gastrointestinal problems

Assistance to the person with endocrinological problems
- Diabetes mellitus: nursing skills
- Procedures and plans for nursing care for the person with diabetes mellitus

Assistance to the person with urunary problems
- Chronic renal failure: drug treatment and diet
- Urinary tract infections: standard urine test, urine culture, Combur urine test, ultrasound of the urinary tract, cystoscopy
- Nursing procedures and plans for the person with urinary problems

Assistance to the person with infectious diseases
- Nursing assistance to the person with AIDS: diagnosis and treatment
- Procedures and plans for nursing care for the person with AIDS
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Code 50147801
Teacher Elisabetta Schiaroli
  • Elisabetta Schiaroli
  • 15 ore - Elisabetta Schiaroli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Clinical and epidemiologic features of some infecious disease pathologies
Reference texts Medicina Interna, Renato Massini, MAC GRAW HILL
Educational objectives Acquire knowledge of the main infectious syndromes, including hospital acquired and health-care associated infections
Prerequisites For a better understanding of the course, it is mandatory to have a basic knowledge of microbiology, immunology, pharmacology and infection control
Teaching methods Frontal lectures with slide presentation
Other information See University site for lectures and examinations dates
Lectures frequency is compulsory
Learning verification modality Multiple choice examination Correct answers superior or equal 60%, oral discussion if required
Extended program Viral hepatitis
HIV infection
Occupational risks, parenteral transmitted diseases - prevention
Healthcare associated infections (urinary tract infections, venous catheter infections, pneumonia)
Diagnosis of infectious diseases
Sepsis, endocarditis
Respiratory infections


Code 50147701
Teacher Ciriana Orabona
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Giacomo Pucci
  • Giacomo Pucci
  • 15 ore - Giacomo Pucci
Language of instruction
Disease concept, main manifestations of disease. Cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary tract diseases
Reference texts
MEDICINA INTERNA per Scienze Infermieristiche. R. Antonelli Incalzi, Piccin Editore
Educational objectives
The main objective is to improve the student's skills in terms of recognition of the internal pathology in itself and of the work that must be performed by the nurse in the related pathology.
Knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry and physics.
Teaching methods
The course is organized into lectures aimed at treating the main pathologies with which nursing staff can have contact during internships and especially in the workplace, once the training cycle is completed. During lectures, the most frequently encountered pathologies in the internist department are addressed interactively in order to improve the knowledge of these pathologies by learners. In particular, the pathologies of the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems will be treated
Other information
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality
Written exam (multiple response questions)
Extended program
Introduction to the concept of disease and identification of internal and external causes. Clinical approach to the patient: anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory tests, instrumental examinations. Main manifestations of disease: pain and fever, definition, clinical aspects and decision-making implications. Cardiovascular system: outline of anatomy and physiology of the heart and vessels. Cardiovascular semeiotics. Ischemic heart disease: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction with and without S-T elevation. Heart failure. Rheumatic fever. Bacterial endocarditis. Pericarditis. Obliterating arteriopathy of the lower limbs. Abdominal aortic aneurysm. Respiratory system: respiratory pathophysiology. Respiratory insufficiency: definition, classification, clinical pictures. COPD, bronchial asthma. Pneumonia. Pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. Urinary system: anatomy and physiology. Chronic renal failure, uremic syndrome; acute pre-renal, renal and post-renal failure.

Canale B

Leonella Pasqualini
  • Leonella Pasqualini
  • 15 ore - Leonella Pasqualini
Language of instruction
Concept of disease, the main manifestations of the disease. Cardiovascular, respiratory, hematologic, metabolic, and renal.
Reference texts
Educational objectives
The learning outcomes are consistent with those described in the didactic of the degree course. As published in the website http://www.med.unipg.it/infermieristica/Perugia/indexinfPG.htm
The student must have knowledge of cardiovascular, respiratory , endocrine, renal and osteo-articular pathophysiology, and general pharmacology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Other information

Learning verification modality
Integrated, written, face-to-face exam on the libreeol platform, including 40 closed-answer questions (4 of which only one is correct), to be completed in 60 minutes, relating to the 4 modules that make up the exam; for modules I and II of Internal Medicine there are 10 closed-answer questions (4 of which only one is correct). Each correct answer will be awarded a score of 0.75. To pass the exam, the student must achieve a pass mark in each module (6 in the case of internal medicine modules I and II).
Extended program
Introduction to the concept of disease and identification of internal and external causes. Clinical approach to the patient: history, physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging studies. Main manifestations of disease: pain and fever, definition, clinical aspects and implications of decision making. Cardiovascular system: fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the heart and blood vessels. Semiotics cardiovascular. Ischemic heart disease: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction with and without ST sovraslivellamento. Heart failure. Rheumatic fever. Bacterial endocarditis. Pericarditis. Arterial disease of the lower limbs. Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. Respiratory system: respiratory pathophysiology. Respiratory failure: definition, classification, clinical pictures. COPD, bronchial asthma. Pneumonia. Pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. Kidney: anatomy and physiology. Chronic renal failure, uremic syndrome, acute renal failure pre-renal, renal and post-renal.


Code 50147601
Teacher Ciriana Orabona
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Academic discipline MED/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Giacomo Pucci
  • Giacomo Pucci
  • 15 ore - Giacomo Pucci
Language of instruction
Blood and hematopoietic organ diseases, glucidic, lipid and purine metabolism, endocrine and dysreactive diseases. Diseases of the gastro-enteric tract
Reference texts
MEDICINA INTERNA per Scienze Infermieristiche. R. Antonelli Incalzi, Piccin Editore
Educational objectives
The main objective is to improve the student's skills in terms of recognition of the internal pathology in itself and of the work that must be performed by the nurse in the related pathology.
Knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry and physics.
Teaching methods
The course is organized into lectures aimed at treating the main pathologies with which nursing staff can have contact during internships and especially in the workplace, once the training cycle is completed. During lectures, the most frequently encountered pathologies in the internist department are addressed interactively in order to improve the knowledge of these pathologies by learners. In particular, the pathologies of the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems will be treated
Other information
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality
Written exam (multipe response questionnaire)
Extended program
Blood and hematopoietic organs: anemias. Thalassemias and hemolytic anemias. Myeloid and lymphoid leukemias, acute and chronic. Lymphomas: Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Thrombocytopenia. Metabolism: definition, types of anabolic and catabolic reactions, metabolites and enzymes. Carbohydrate metabolism; diabetes mellitus: definition, types, etiology, clinical pictures and complications. Metabolic syndrome. Lipid metabolism: dyslipidaemias, types, classification, clinical and laboratory pictures. Adipose tissue: obesity, classification and clinical implications. Gout: classification, clinical and laboratory pictures. Endocrine diseases: hyper- and hypothyroidism, adrenal hypercorticism. Reactive diseases: SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma. Oesophagitis. Gastritis. Liver failure and jaundice. Intestinal inflammatory diseases. Ischemic colitis. enteropathy with loss of proteins

Canale B

Leonella Pasqualini
  • Leonella Pasqualini
  • 15 ore - Leonella Pasqualini
Language of instruction
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, glucose metabolism, lipid and purine, endocrine diseases and direattive.
Reference texts
Cecil: Medicina Interna: l'essenziale. Piccin editore
Incalzi: Medicina interna per scienze infermieristiche. Piccin Editore
Educational objectives
The learning outcomes are consistent with those described in the didactic of the degree course. As published in the website http://www.med.unipg.it/infermieristica/Perugia/indexinfPG.htm
See first part
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Other information

Learning verification modality
See first part
Extended program
Urinary system: acute tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, urinary tract infections. Blood and blood-forming organs: anemia. Thalassemia, and hemolytic anemias. Myeloid and lymphoid leukemia, acute and chronic. Lymphomas: Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Thrombocytopenia. Metabolism: definizone, types of anabolic and catabolic reactions, metabolites and enzymes. Carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes mellitus: definition, types, etiology, clinical features and complications. Metabolic syndrome. Lipid Metabolism: dyslipidemia, types, classification, clinical and laboratory features. Adipose tissue: obesity, classification and clinical implications. Gout: classification, clinical and laboratory features. Endocrine disorders: hyper-and hypo-thyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism. Direattive diseases: SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma.
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