Degree course in Chemical sciences
- Course Name
- Course Code
- LM27
- Class (Ministerial code)
- LM-54
- Website
- Field(s) of study
- SCED Area 05 – Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
- Qualification award
- Master Degree
- Level of qualification according to the NQF and the EQF
- EHEA Second cycle; EQF Level 7
- Length of programme / number of credits
- 2 years / 120 ECTS
- Language of Teaching
- Italian/English
- Mode of study
- In-class
- Didactic centre
- Perugia
- Programme director
- Nadia Balucani
- Access to the course
- Open access with assessment of personal competencies
- Specific admission requirements
- Formal Requirements Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea) or foreign equivalent in the same or related subject area, with possible extra work if required competences are lacking. a work if required competences are lacking.
- Evaluation of specific subject knowledge on entry
- Verification of the possession of the curricular requirements with the methods indicated in the academic regulation of the course of study Foreign students are required to take a test to verify their proficiency of the Italian language, except Erasmus Incoming students, Exchange Students and students in mobility as per the Cooperation Agreement
- Profile of the programme
- The study program aims at providing an advanced methodological preparation, based on constantly updated and high quality scientific content, which allows students to acquire knowledge, competences, abilities to carry out scientific research or the profession in the chemistry. The preparation achieved is adequate both for the continuation of the subsequent training cycle (PhD in Italy pr abroad), or entering the labor market with sufficient skills to take on roles of responsibility. To achieve these goals, the learning and training activities allow a deepening of the basic aspects of chemistry already achieved in the previous cycle of studies and a further, detailed study in one or more aspects of chemistry. The study course is organized in five curricula dedicated to: - Physical Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry for Energy and Catalysis - Organic chemistry - Energy and Sustainability - Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling. The Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling curriculum is associated with the Erasmus Mundus Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling, TCCM involving 8 other European universities (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands; Kathotlieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse lll, France; Universitat de Valencia, Spain; Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; University of the Trieste Studies, ltaly; Sorbonne Université, France) and allows getting a joint title. - The Energy and Sustainability curriculum allows the achievement of a double degree issued with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (for selected students who go on the move for at least a semester at the partner university in Israel). Scholarships are available).
- Programme learning outcomes
- Graduates of the Program will be able to demonstrate: - knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends that of Bacherol’s level in chemistry, and that provides a basis for originality in developing and applying ideas within a research context - competences which fit them for employment as professional chemists in chemical and related industries or in public service - knowledge and competence which will give them access to third cycle course units or degree programs - ability to apply their knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to chemical sciences; - ability to integrate knowledge, handle complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information but that include reflecting on ethical responsibilities linked to the applications of their knowledge and judgements; - ability to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audience clearly and unambiguously; - ability to continue to study in a manner largely self-directed or autonomous and to take responsibility for their own professional development.
- Qualification requirements and regulations
- Admission to the final test for the achievement of the qualification will require that the student has acquired all the credits foreseen in the study plan for training activities other than the final test. The final test for the achievement of the qualification is public and consists of the presentation of a thesis work to a special commission. The thesis consists of an experimental research activity on a topic related to curriculum chosen by the student. The research work is complemented by the preparation, presentation and discussion of a written thesis in Italian or English, in which the results achieved during the thesis work are reported.
- Examination regulations and grading scale
- Assessment is normally an oral or written exam; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other evaluation elements (seminars, reports, etc.) can be foreseen in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles. The grades for subject exams are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30. The maximum grade can be enhanced with “cum laude” (30 cum laude), in case of excellence. Grades are given by an exam commission of at least two teachers, whose President is the chair of the subject. The main exam sessions are held in January/February, March/April, June/July, September/October. Students may retake exams, if not passed. The University provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution of the examination and final grades among students for each degree programme. The final degree evaluation is expressed in one hundred and tenths (0-110 scale), the minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum grade is 110/110. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the grades obtained in the subject exams, as well as the quality of the work performed in research or in the final thesis which is discussed in public before an exam commission. “Cum laude” (110 cum laude) may be added to the maximum grade if the exam commission decides unanimously.
- Obligatory or optional mobility windows
- The mobility windows are optional and flexible and can cover a semester or an entire academic year depending on the needs of the individual student. The course of study encourages and promotes mobility associated with internship activities (12 ECTS, 2 months) and thesis work (24 ECTS) scheduled for the second semester of the second year through the Erasmus Traineeship program. Students who enroll in the curriculum in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling and who intend to achieve the joint degree are required to attend the common courses at the institutions of the consortium during the first semester of the second year. They have to perform part of the work associated with their degree thesis at one of the partner universities abroad. Students who enroll in the Energy and Sustainability curriculum and who intend to achieve the double degree must go to the partner university Hebrew University of Jerusalem on the move during the second semester of the second year (exchange semester according to the joint the agreement).
- Work-based learning
- The course includes a traineeship associated with the thesis. The traineeship can be carried out within the department hosting the course (research-based), but also at external companies (industrial placement) or abroad. The aim of the traineeship is to provide the student with the opportunity to conduct part of the thesis work outside the academy. Part of the free credits can be used to increase the duration of the external traineeship. It is also possible to carry out all the work of the degree thesis in external research institutes or industries, provided that the thesis project includes aspects of innovation and / or research (also applied).
- Occupational profiles of graduates
- After the Master degree, it Is possibile start the profession of Chemist: passing the State exam for the qualification to exercise the profession Section A allows enrollment in the professional register as Senior Chemist. Occupational fields: research, synthesis, analysis, characterization and quality control laboratories, both in the chemical industry as well as in other industries in the sectors of health, environment, energy, food, conservation of cultural heritage, polymers, adhesives, paints, dyes, products for agriculture, etc., in research institutes and in the public sector. Further possibilities are consultancy activities as a freelancer (for the skills foreseen for the second level graduate) in the sectors of analysis and quality control, environmental protection and civil protection activities. The main occupational profile of graduates are: - research and development in research institutes or industries - quality control and sales sector - freelance activity - teaching - environmental protection and remediation
Unit | Language | Anno | Period | CFU |
INORGANIC MATERIALS: SYNTHETIS STRUCTURE AND PROPERTY Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | Italian | 1 | II | 7 |
METHODS FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ADVANCED ENGLISH (LEVEL B2) In all curricula | English | 1 | I | 3 |
ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Chimica organica | Italian | 1 | II | 8 |
ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Chimica fisica | Italian | 1 | II | 13 |
ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PROCESSES In all curricula | English | 1 | I | 6 |
COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | English | 1 | II | 6 |
DYNAMICS OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND STATISTICAL MECHANICS Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | English | 1 | II | 6 |
ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY In all curricula | English | 1 | I | 6 |
GREEN CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | English | 1 | II | 8 |
INORGANIC MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS: CHEMISTRY, CATALYSIS AND ENERGY Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | Italian | 1 | II | 7 |
INORGANIC QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | English | 1 | II | 9 |
LABORATORY FOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMING AND NUMERICAL METHODS Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | Italian | 1 | I | 2 |
MATERIALS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | English | 1 | II | 6 |
MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | Italian | 1 | II | 8 |
MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY Curriculum: Chimica fisica | Italian | 1 | II | 8 |
NANOSTRUCTURED SYSTEMS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
OPTOELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | English | 1 | II | 8 |
OPTOELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Curriculum: Chimica fisica | English | 1 | II | 8 |
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3 Curriculum: Chimica organica | Italian | 1 | II | 12 |
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Curriculum: Chimica fisica | Italian | 1 | I | 2 |
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Curriculum: Chimica organica | Italian | 1 | I | 2 |
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | Italian | 1 | I | 2 |
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | Italian | 1 | I | 2 |
THEORETICAL APPROACHES FOR THE STUDY OF MOLECULES AND INORGANIC MATERIALS Curriculum: Chimica inorganica per l'energia e la catalisi | English | 1 | II | 9 |
THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO MATERIALS FOR ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY Curriculum: Energy and sustainability | English | 1 | II | 7 |
WEAK INTERACTIONS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Chimica organica | Italian | 1 | II | 9 |
DIDACTICS OF CHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
ADVANCED METHODS IN ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE, DYNAMICS AND MOLECULAR MODELLING Curriculum: Theoretical chemistry and computational modelling | English | 2 | I | 12 |
BIOGEOCHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
CHEMISTRY AND ENERGY SOURCES In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS IN ATMOSPHERIC MODELING In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
CHEMISTRY OF POLYMERS In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
CHEMOINFORMATICS In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
FEMTOCHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR NANOPHOTONICS In all curricula | English | 2 | I | 6 |
MODELING OF ORGANIC MOLECULES In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
NON LINEAR OPTICS In all curricula | English | 2 | I | 6 |
OPTIONAL SUBJECT In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 12 |
PHOTOCHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
STAGE FOR OPTIONAL SUBJECT In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
THEORETICAL METHODS FOR MOLECULAR DYNAMICS In all curricula | English | 2 | I | 6 |
TRAINEESHIP 1ST PART In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
TRAINEESHIP 2ND PART In all curricula | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
Free-choice training activities
Unit | Period | CFU |
Group GRUPPO AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 12 | ||
Group CREDITI A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE CFU (University training credits) required: Min12 - Max15 | ||
Group GRUPPO AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 12 |