Degree course in Food science and technology
- Course Name
- Course Code
- L091
- Class (Ministerial code)
- L-26
- Website
- Field(s) of study
- ISCED Area 08 – Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
- Qualification award
- Bachelor Degree
- Level of qualification according to the NQF and the EQF
- EHEA First cycle; EQF Level 6 (per le lauree)
- Length of programme / number of credits
- 3 years / 180 ECTS
- Language of Teaching
- Italian
- Mode of study
- In-class
- Didactic centre
- Borgo XX giugno, 74 Perugia
- Programme director
- Prof.ssa Agnese Taticchi
- Access to the course
- Open access with assessment of personal competencies
- Available places
- 75
- Specific admission requirements
- Certificate of completion of Italian upper secondary school or equivalent foreign qualification.
- Evaluation of specific subject knowledge on entry
- Verification of the knowledge required for the attendance of the course of study through a compulsory evaluation test of indicative and non-selective nature; if the test is not passed, the student will be given additional educational obligations and will be granted with: • alignment courses, • tutoring to support teaching for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths, • online teaching material, • study of additional texts indicated by the course of study. Foreign students are required to take a test to verify their proficiency of the Italian language, except Erasmus Incoming students, Exchange Students and students in mobility as per the Cooperation Agreement
- Profile of the programme
- The degree course is divided into curricula: "Agro-food technologies" and "Viticulture and Oenology". The course allows you to acquire specific and in-depth knowledge in the fields of agro-food and oenological sciences and technologies and to mature skills and professionalism in the processes of production, analysis, quality control of food and in the activities of scientific investigation, experimentation and research in the above areas. The graduate will be able with operational skills that allow him to carry out technical management and business services, laboratory and production support activities in the production chains in relation to the need for a continuous adaptation of food and wine products to the ever growing needs, safety and guarantee both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, and to the need for a rational exploitation of the resources of the environment, in its full respect. The graduate will be able to fully enrol in the Master’s degree in Food Technology and Biotechnology.
- Programme learning outcomes
- Graduates of the Programme will be able to demonstrate: - ability to use basic software and problem solving of statistics, mathematics, physics relating to processing techniques of food and wine products; management, control, development, innovation, sustainability and quality of the agri-food and wine production chains; to intervene in the cultivation and protection of herbaceous and tree cultivation and crops. - knowledge of the main basic concepts of chemistry, physics, biology, statistics and mathematics; microbiology, unit operations, food technology and oenology processes, food safety and food anaysis; general principles of the agricultural economy and business budget and of the marketing of food and wine products; agronomic processes and on cultivation and plant protection.
- Qualification requirements and regulations
- Admission to the final test for the achievement of the qualification, the student must have acquired all the credits foreseen in the study plan for training activities other than the final test. The final test involves the drafting of a theoretical thesis or experimental thesis in which the student describes the activity carried out, under the guidance of a tutor. The final exam for the achievement of the title is public and consists in the dissertation in multimedia form to a special commission.
- Examination regulations and grading scale
- Assessment is normally an oral or written exam; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other evaluation elements (seminars, reports, etc.) can be planned in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles. The marks for subject exams are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum mark is 18/30 and the maximum mark is 30/30. The maximum mark can be enhanced with “cum laude” (30 cum laude), in case of excellence. Marks are given by an exam commission of at least two teachers, whose President is the lecturer of the subject. The main exam sessions are held in January/February, March/April, June/July, September/October. Students may retake exams, if not passed. The University provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution of the examination and final marks among students for each disciplinary area. The final evaluation is expressed in one hundred and tenths (0-110 scale), the minimum mark is 66/110 and the maximum mark is 110/110. The calculation of the final mark of each candidate takes into account the average of the marks obtained in the subject exams, as well as the quality of the work performed in research or in the final thesis which is discussed in public at the presence of an exam commission. “Cum laude” (110 cum laude) may be added to the maximum mark if the exam commission decides unanimously
- Obligatory or optional mobility windows
- The student can choose to participate in the ERASMUS + Programs, based on the scholarships made available each year by DSA3. ERASMUS + STUDIO allows to spend a period of study (3-12 months) for carrying out academic activities compatible with the study plan, ERASMUS + Traineeship also for graduates allows to carry out only internship activities
- Work-based learning
- The internship is an integral part of each student’s educational process. The purpose of the internship is to make the student carry out a practical experience, of a professional type, through his insertion in the job market. It consists of participation in the normal activity of companies in the agri-food sector, public and private organizations, professional studies, under a convention, as well as structures within the DSA3. The structures that have become available to host the students are distributed throughout the national territory. Internship activities are conducted under the guidance of a specific tutor.
- Occupational profiles of graduates
- Graduates in STAGAL are able to carry out various activity for public and private organizations with responsibilities relating to production management and administration in the agro-food and wine sector. Graduates can develop professional activities: - agri-food and companies and wineries - food analysis laboratories - national and international control bodies - private practice (Winemaker, junior Agronomist, Agrotechnic) - admission to master’s degree of Food Technology and Biotechnology (LM-70).
Unit | Language | Anno | Period | CFU |
ACTIVITY OF ORIENTATION In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 1 |
ADDITIONAL FORMATIVE OBLIGATIONS - MATHEMATICS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | whole year | 0 |
ADDITIONAL FORMATIVE OBLIGATIONS- BIOLOGY In all curricula | Italian | 1 | whole year | 0 |
ADDITIONAL FORMATIVE OBLIGATIONS- CHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 1 | whole year | 0 |
ADDITIONAL FORMATIVE OBLIGATIONS- PHYSICS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | whole year | 0 |
BIOLOGIC PREVIEW In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 0 |
CHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 9 |
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND STATISTICS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ENGLISH LANGUAGE - B1 In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOLOGY In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 10 |
GENETICS OF GRAPEVINE Curriculum: Viticoltura e enologia | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
LAW 81/08 In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 1 |
MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Curriculum: Tecnologie agro-alimentari | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
MATHEMATICAL PRECORSO In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 0 |
MATHEMATICS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
OPTIONALS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 3 |
PHYSICAL PREVIEW In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 0 |
PHYSICS In all curricula | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
PRIMACY OF CHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 1 | I | 0 |
AGRONOMY AND ARBORICULTURE Curriculum: Tecnologie agro-alimentari | Italian | 2 | whole year | 12 |
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Curriculum: Tecnologie agro-alimentari | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
BREWING TECHNOLOGIES II Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
CROPS BREWING Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | Italian | 2 | whole year | 12 |
CROPS PROTECTION I AND II Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | Italian | 2 | II | 12 |
CROPS PROTECTION I AND II Curriculum: Viticoltura e enologia | Italian | 2 | II | 12 |
CROPS PROTECTION I AND II In all curricula | Italian | 2 | II | 12 |
FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
FOOD MICROBIOLOGY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
FOOD UNIT OPERATIONS In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
SOIL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Viticoltura e enologia | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
VITICULTURE Curriculum: Viticoltura e enologia | Italian | 2 | whole year | 12 |
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS In all curricula | Italian | 3 | I | 6 |
BEER TECHNOLOGIES Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | Italian | 3 | II | 6 |
BREWING TECHNOLOGIES II Curriculum: Tecnologie birrarie | Italian | 3 | I | 6 |
ENOLOGY I Curriculum: Viticoltura e enologia | Italian | 3 | I | 6 |
ENOLOGY II Curriculum: Viticoltura e enologia | Italian | 3 | II | 6 |
FOOD MARKETING In all curricula | Italian | 3 | II | 6 |
FOOD PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY II Curriculum: Tecnologie agro-alimentari | Italian | 3 | II | 6 |
FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN NUTRITION In all curricula | Italian | 3 | II | 9 |
OPTIONALS In all curricula | Italian | 3 | I | 6 |
PROCESSES OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY I Curriculum: Tecnologie agro-alimentari | Italian | 3 | I | 6 |
QUALITY CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT In all curricula | Italian | 3 | I | 6 |
STAGE In all curricula | Italian | 3 | whole year | 12 |
STAGES OUTDOOR In all curricula | Italian | 3 | whole year | 12 |
Free-choice training activities
Unit | Period | CFU |
Group I ANNO- POSSIBILITA’ A SCELTA DA AAF CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max4 | ||
Group III ANNO-POSSIBILITA’ A SCELTA DA AAF CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max4 | ||
Group I ANNO- POSSIBILITA’ A SCELTA DA LINGUE CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max3 | ||
Group I ANNO- POSSIBILITA’ A SCELTA DA AAF CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max4 | ||
Group III ANNO-POSSIBILITA’ A SCELTA DA AAF CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max4 | ||
Group I ANNO-POSSIBILITA’ A SCELTA DA LINGUE CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max3 | ||