Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giorgia Della Rocca
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005410
Teacher Giorgia Della Rocca
  • Giorgia Della Rocca
  • 25 ore - Giorgia Della Rocca
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Principles of pathophysiology pf pain. Main classes of painkillers.


Theory:Pathophysiology of pain (1,5 h)Opioids (1,5 h)Adiuvants drugs (2 h)Local anestetics (1 h)General anesthetics (3 h)Local anesthetics (1 h)Of each class: physico-chemical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, therapeutic indications, side effectsPractice/supervised:- Discussion of the main causes and main types of pain found in animals of veterinary interest (2 h).- Multiple Response Test or "True or False" test on the carried out part of the program, and subsequent discussion on the received answers (2 h).
Reference texts Textbook: G. della Rocca, A. Bufalari. Terapia del dolore negli animali da compagnia. Poletto Editore, 2016¿Files given by the lecturer and available on the "Unistudium" platform.
Educational objectives The main objective of teaching is to provide students with the necessary foundation for future application of correct treatment protocols for pain management in different painful situations both in pets and feed producing animals.The main knowledge will cover:- ability to distinguish the various types of pain on the basis of their physiopathogenetic mechanisms and to identify the molecular targets of analgesics- kinetic and dynamic characteristics of analgesic classes- indications of analgesic classes- main contraindications and side effects of analgesic classes
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:- Frontal lectures on all topics- Supervised work in the computer room, were multiple choice or "true or false" test will be performed by the use of an automated answering system.Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 to 20 for each group).- Supervised exercises in the classroom, with interactive debate within small groups on specific topics.Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 to 20 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to 3 units each.
Extended program Theory:Pathophysiology of pain (1,5 h)Opioids (1,5 h)Adiuvants drugs (2 h)Local anestetics (1 h)General anesthetics (3 h)Local anesthetics (1 h)Of each class: physico-chemical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, therapeutic indications, side effectsPractice/supervised:- Discussion of the main causes and main types of pain found in animals of veterinary interest (2 h).- Multiple Response Test or "True or False" test on the carried out part of the program, and subsequent discussion on the received answers (2 h).


Code GP005407
Teacher Giorgia Della Rocca
  • Giorgia Della Rocca
  • 125 ore - Giorgia Della Rocca
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents General pharmacology: principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Special pharmacology: Chemotherapy, drugs acting on CNS and PNS, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and  urinary systems Principles of pharmacovigilance.


Theory:General pharmacology: - Pharmaceutical formulations (1 h).- Principles of pharmacokinetics: Passage of xenobiotics across biological membranes ¿ Routes of administration/introduction of xenobiotics and their absorption (2 h). Distribution of xenobiotics (1,5 h).¿ Metabolism of xenobiotics (1,5 h).¿ Excretion of xenobiotici (1,5 h)¿- Principles of pharmacodynamics: Classification of the pharmacological action and mechanisms of action of xenobiotics (1,5 h). Drug-receptor interactions, drug-enzymes interaction, drug interaction with ion channels, membrane transporters. Dose-response curves (3 h). Factors modifying the pharmacological action (1,5 h).Special pharmacology:- ChemotherapyIntroduction, general aspects, associations, pharmacoresistence (1,5 h). Sulphonamides and diaminopirimidines (1,5 h), ¿ Beta-lactamines (1,5 h), Tetracyclines,¿ Aminoglycosides (1,5 h), ¿Macrolides, phenicols (1,5 h), rifamycins, quinolones ¿(1,5 h).Antielmintics, Antimicotics (1,5 h), Antiprotozoal, antiviral drugs (1,5 h), anticancer drugs (1,5 h). For each class of drugs: chemical properties, mechanism of action, antimicrobial spectrum, resistance mechanisms, pharmacokinetics features and side effects will be discussed. - Systematic pharmacology. Autacoids drugs: antihistamines (1,5 h), steroidal (1,5 h) and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (1,5 h). CNS drugs: tranquilizers and sedatives(1,5 h), anticonvulsant (1,5 h) (NB: general anesthetics, local anesthetics, opioids and other analgesics are treated in the module "pharmacological basis of analgesic therapy"). Drugs of the SNP: Parasympathomimetic and parasympatholytic, sympathomimetic and sympatholytic drugs (3 h). Drugs affecting the respiratory system: respiratory analeptics, bronchodilators, antitussives (1,5 h). Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system: digitalis, vasodilators, antiarrhythmics (2 h). Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system: rugs acting stimulating or inhibiting the gastrointestinal motility, emetics and antiemetics, antacids, antisecretory, cytoprotective drugs (1 h).Drugs acting on the urinary tract: diuretics (1,5 h). For each class of drugs, chemical and physical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, therapeutic indications, side effects will be discussed. ¿Principles of pharmacovigilance (Definitions, goals, means of implementation, with particular reference to the importance of reporting suspected adverse reactions) (1,5 h).Practice/supervised:- Multiple Response or "True or False" tests on General Pharmacology, and subsequent discussion on given responses (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 h).- Constructing conceptual maps for the various chemotherapeutic classes (2 h).- Interactive discussion on pharmacovigilance cases (2 h).- Approach with the laboratory equipments and the main drug-toxicological analytical techniques (qualitative, semiquantitative, quantitative) (2 h).- Drug analysis by screening analytical methods (2 h).- Column and TLC chromatography (2 h)- Preparation of serial dilutions and calibration curves construction (2 h).
Reference texts Carli, Ormas, Re, Soldani: Farmacologia veterinaria. Idelson-Gnocchi, 2009. ¿Files given by the lecturer and available on the Unistudium platform.
Educational objectives The main objective of the course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge for the future application of correct treatment protocols for the prophylaxis and treatment of the major diseases in the various animal species.The main knowledge gained will be on:- Kinetics and dynamics features of the pharmacological classes included in the program- Therapeutic indications of the pharmacological classes included in the program- Main contraindications and side effects of the pharmacological classes included in the programThe reasons and the procedures for reporting suspected adverse reactions will also be defined.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows: - Frontal lectures on all topics- Supervised exercises in the classroom, with interactive debate within small groups on specific topics. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 to 20 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to 3 units each.- Lab work in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, were analytical determinations of xenobiotics by qualitative (eg: salification), semi-quantitative (eg. ELISA) and quantitative (eg. HPLC) methods are performed. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 to 20 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to three units, each headed by a station suitably prepared in the lab.- Supervised work in the computer room, were multiple choice or "true or false" test will be performed by the use of an automated answering system. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 to 20 for each group).
Extended program Theory:General pharmacology: - Pharmaceutical formulations (1 h).- Principles of pharmacokinetics: Passage of xenobiotics across biological membranes ¿ Routes of administration/introduction of xenobiotics and their absorption (2 h). Distribution of xenobiotics (1,5 h).¿ Metabolism of xenobiotics (1,5 h).¿ Excretion of xenobiotici (1,5 h)¿- Principles of pharmacodynamics: Classification of the pharmacological action and mechanisms of action of xenobiotics (1,5 h). Drug-receptor interactions, drug-enzymes interaction, drug interaction with ion channels, membrane transporters. Dose-response curves (3 h). Factors modifying the pharmacological action (1,5 h).Special pharmacology:- ChemotherapyIntroduction, general aspects, associations, pharmacoresistence (1,5 h). Sulphonamides and diaminopirimidines (1,5 h), ¿ Beta-lactamines (1,5 h), Tetracyclines,¿ Aminoglycosides (1,5 h), ¿Macrolides, phenicols (1,5 h), rifamycins, quinolones ¿(1,5 h).Antielmintics, Antimicotics (1,5 h), Antiprotozoal, antiviral drugs (1,5 h), anticancer drugs (1,5 h). For each class of drugs: chemical properties, mechanism of action, antimicrobial spectrum, resistance mechanisms, pharmacokinetics features and side effects will be discussed. - Systematic pharmacology. Autacoids drugs: antihistamines (1,5 h), steroidal (1,5 h) and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (1,5 h). CNS drugs: tranquilizers and sedatives(1,5 h), anticonvulsant (1,5 h) (NB: general anesthetics, local anesthetics, opioids and other analgesics are treated in the module "pharmacological basis of analgesic therapy"). Drugs of the SNP: Parasympathomimetic and parasympatholytic, sympathomimetic and sympatholytic drugs (3 h). Drugs affecting the respiratory system: respiratory analeptics, bronchodilators, antitussives (1,5 h). Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system: digitalis, vasodilators, antiarrhythmics (2 h). Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system: rugs acting stimulating or inhibiting the gastrointestinal motility, emetics and antiemetics, antacids, antisecretory, cytoprotective drugs (1 h).Drugs acting on the urinary tract: diuretics (1,5 h). For each class of drugs, chemical and physical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, therapeutic indications, side effects will be discussed. ¿Principles of pharmacovigilance (Definitions, goals, means of implementation, with particular reference to the importance of reporting suspected adverse reactions) (1,5 h).Practice/supervised:- Multiple Response or "True or False" tests on General Pharmacology, and subsequent discussion on given responses (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 h).- Constructing conceptual maps for the various chemotherapeutic classes (2 h).- Interactive discussion on pharmacovigilance cases (2 h).- Approach with the laboratory equipments and the main drug-toxicological analytical techniques (qualitative, semiquantitative, quantitative) (2 h).- Drug analysis by screening analytical methods (2 h).- Column and TLC chromatography (2 h)- Preparation of serial dilutions and calibration curves construction (2 h).


Code GP005409
Teacher Giorgia Della Rocca
  • Giorgia Della Rocca
  • 50 ore - Giorgia Della Rocca
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Etiology, toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, effects and treatment of major poisoning that may involve livestock. Principles of residue toxicology and ecotoxicology.


Theory:Insecticides: Organophosphates, charbamates, Organochlorine (1,5 h).Dioxins, PCBs (1,5 h).Herbicides: Chlorates, paraquat, dinitrophenols, clorophenoxiderivates, triazines (1,5 h). ¿Heavy metals (3 h). ¿ ¿Urea and ammonium salts, nitrites, nitrates (1,5 h). ¿Mycotoxins (1,5 h).Phytotoxins (1,5 h).Of each toxic or toxic class: chemical and physical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, effects, and therapeutic principles and specific symptomatic will be discussed.Principles of Toxicology of residues (sources of xenobiotic rsidues, risk to humans resulting from the assumption of residues, risk assessment, risk management - concepts NOEL, ADI, MRL, withdrawal times) and regolatory legislation (4,5 h).Principles of ecotoxicology (exposure pathways of drugs and their environmental fate, possible effects of drug molecules on the environment and legislation) ((1,5 h).Practice/supervised- Discussion of clinical cases of toxicological interest (2 h).- Discussion of the methods and principles for the collection, storage and transport of biological samples for toxicological investigations and subsequent collection of biological samples for toxicological investigations and compilation of the sample accompanying card (2 h).- Analytical analysis of drug residues in biological samples using ELISA technique (2 h). - Research of inhibitory substances in products of animal origin (2 h).
Reference texts Mengozzi, Soldani: Tossicologia veterinaria. Idelson-Gnocchi eds., 2010 Files given by the lecturer and available on the Unistudium platform.
Educational objectives The main objective of the course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge for future diagnosis and treatment of intoxication in the farm animal species, as well as with the understanding of the residual problems arising in food of animal origin and their control.The main knowledge gained will be on:- Kinetics features and mechanism of action of the toxicant classes included in the program- Clinical effects of the  poisons included in the program- Therapy (specific or symptomatic) of the intoxications included in the program- How to manage the risk from chemical residues in food of animal origin and related legislation
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:- Frontal lectures on all topics- Supervised exercises in the classroom, with interactive debate within small groups on specific topics. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to 3 units each.- Lab work in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, were, selecting appropriate diagnostic tests, analytical determinations of xenobiotics by qualitative (eg: salification), semi-quantitative (eg. ELISA) and quantitative (eg. HPLC) methods will be performed. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to three units, each headed by a station suitably prepared in the lab.- Practical training on dead animals with collection of biological samples for toxicological investigations. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to 5 units, each headed by a station suitably prepared in the working room.
Extended program Theory:Insecticides: Organophosphates, charbamates, Organochlorine (1,5 h).Dioxins, PCBs (1,5 h).Herbicides: Chlorates, paraquat, dinitrophenols, clorophenoxiderivates, triazines (1,5 h). ¿Heavy metals (3 h). ¿ ¿Urea and ammonium salts, nitrites, nitrates (1,5 h). ¿Mycotoxins (1,5 h).Phytotoxins (1,5 h).Of each toxic or toxic class: chemical and physical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, effects, and therapeutic principles and specific symptomatic will be discussed.Principles of Toxicology of residues (sources of xenobiotic rsidues, risk to humans resulting from the assumption of residues, risk assessment, risk management - concepts NOEL, ADI, MRL, withdrawal times) and regolatory legislation (4,5 h).Principles of ecotoxicology (exposure pathways of drugs and their environmental fate, possible effects of drug molecules on the environment and legislation) ((1,5 h).Practice/supervised- Discussion of clinical cases of toxicological interest (2 h).- Discussion of the methods and principles for the collection, storage and transport of biological samples for toxicological investigations and subsequent collection of biological samples for toxicological investigations and compilation of the sample accompanying card (2 h).- Analytical analysis of drug residues in biological samples using ELISA technique (2 h). - Research of inhibitory substances in products of animal origin (2 h).


Code GP005408
Teacher Giorgia Della Rocca
  • Giorgia Della Rocca
  • 50 ore - Giorgia Della Rocca
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Etiology, toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, effects and treatment of major poisoning that may involve pets.


Theory:Sources and classification of toxicants (1,5 h).Insecticides: Cholinesterase inhibitors: organophosphorines and carbamates (1,5 h), pyrethroids, fipronil, imidacloprid (1,5 h), amitraz (30’). ¿ Molluscicides: metaldehyde, methiocarb (1 h). Anticoagulant rodenticides, rodenticides based on vit D (1,5 h), strychnine, crimidine (1,5 h), brometaline, a-chloralose, sodium fluoroacetate, ANTU, red squill, zinc phosphide (1,5 h). Erbicides: paracquat. Ethylene glicol (1,5 h). Zootoxines (1,5 h). "Indoor¿ poisoning": food (chocolate, onions, grapes, bread dough, xylitol) (1,5 h), abuse substances (drugs, alcohol, nicotine), household substances (hydrocarbons, soaps and detergents, acids, alkalis) (1,5 h), houseplants (1,5 h).For any toxic or toxic class: chemical and physical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, effects, and therapeutic principles and specific symptomatic.will be discussed.Practices / supervised:- Introduction to Toxicology by Brainstorming (2 h).- Journal Club (2 h).- Simulation of a clinical case and analysis of the involved toxicant (2 h).- Discussion of clinical cases of toxicological interest (2 h).
Reference texts Mengozzi, Soldani: Tossicologia veterinaria. Idelson-Gnocchi eds., 2010Files given by the lecturer and available on the Unstudium platform.
Educational objectives The main objective of the course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge for future diagnosis and treatment of intoxication in the main pet species, as well as with the understanding of the residual problems arising in food of animal origin and their control.The main knowledge gained will be on:- Kinetics features and mechanism of action of the toxicant classes included in the program- Clinical effects of the  poisons included in the program- Therapy (specific or symptomatic) of the intoxications included in the program
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:- Frontal lectures on all topics- Supervised exercises in the classroom, with interactive debate within small groups on specific topics. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to 3 units each.- Lab work in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, were analytical determinations of xenobiotics by qualitative (eg: salification), semi-quantitative (eg. ELISA) and quantitative (eg. HPLC) methods are performed.Students will be divided into groups (maximum 15 for each group), and each group will be further divided into sub-groups of up to three units, each headed by a station suitably prepared in the lab.
Extended program Theory:Sources and classification of toxicants (1,5 h).Insecticides: Cholinesterase inhibitors: organophosphorines and carbamates (1,5 h), pyrethroids, fipronil, imidacloprid (1,5 h), amitraz (30’). ¿ Molluscicides: metaldehyde, methiocarb (1 h). Anticoagulant rodenticides, rodenticides based on vit D (1,5 h), strychnine, crimidine (1,5 h), brometaline, a-chloralose, sodium fluoroacetate, ANTU, red squill, zinc phosphide (1,5 h). Erbicides: paracquat. Ethylene glicol (1,5 h). Zootoxines (1,5 h). "Indoor¿ poisoning": food (chocolate, onions, grapes, bread dough, xylitol) (1,5 h), abuse substances (drugs, alcohol, nicotine), household substances (hydrocarbons, soaps and detergents, acids, alkalis) (1,5 h), houseplants (1,5 h).For any toxic or toxic class: chemical and physical characteristics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, effects, and therapeutic principles and specific symptomatic.will be discussed.Practices / supervised:- Introduction to Toxicology by Brainstorming (2 h).- Journal Club (2 h).- Simulation of a clinical case and analysis of the involved toxicant (2 h).- Discussion of clinical cases of toxicological interest (2 h).
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