Study-unit Code
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Osvaldo Gervasi
  • Osvaldo Gervasi
  • 42 ore - Osvaldo Gervasi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Learning activities
Discipline informatiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The Internet architecture is presented, in particular the local and geographical network architecture. The TCP/IP Internet protocol suite and the Network Services are illustrated in detail: SSH, FTP, Telnet, NIS, NFS, Automount, Email, HTTP, SNMP, Firewall and Network Security. Some case studies are illustrated.
Reference texts
Slides provided by the teacherAndrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks, Pearson ISBN13: 978-0-13-212695-3Douglas E. Comer, Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume 1: Principles Protocols, and Architecture, 6th edition, 2013. ISBN-10: 0-13-608530-X ISBN-13: 9780136085300
Educational objectives
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the study of local and geographical networks, particularly the Internet and the Services that are the foundation of the extraordinary evolution of communication and access to information, in order to to play a leading role in the ICT scenario.The main acquisitions will be:Topology and access methods for local networks, particularly for the EthernetTechnologies for the realization of wide area networks, in particular Frame Relay and ATMAutonomous Systems and Routing Protocols, both Interior Gateway Protocol (OSPF, RIP) and Exterior Gateway Protocol (BGP)Protocol version 4 and version 6Family of protocols TCP / IPInternet Network Services: their design and implementationFirewall and network securityMonitoring of networks and servicesThe main acquired skills (i.e. the ability to apply the knowledge) are:Ability to design and implement a data transmission network, avoiding the possible critical issuesAbility to design and implement the Internet network services, with the capacity of avoiding the main problemsAbility to plan and implement efficiently the network securityAbility to plan and implement the monitoring of network and services to prevent potential problems and interruptions.
Teaching methods
Lectures using multimedia tools (slides, video, etc). Exercise in the computer room.
Other information
The teacher is available to deliver the course in English
Learning verification modality
Electronic test on LibreEOL platform and oral interview
Extended program
The architecture of Local and Geographical Area Networks is presented, starting from the ISO OSI Reference Model and describing the local networks architecture (Ethernet and its variants), the geographical networks (Frame Relay and ATM), and MAN networks. 
The TCP/IP Protocol suite is carefully described, comparing the various protocols with the ISO OSI Reference model. The IP protocl version 4 and version 6 are presented.
The main Internet Services are presented: SSH, FTP, Telnet, NIS, NFS, Automount, Email (Transport protocol SMTP and Mail User Agent), HTTP, SNMP, Firewall and Network Security. 
The dynamic routing protocols are presented: OSPF and RIP as Internat Gateway Protocols (IGP), and BGP as External Gateway Protocol (EGP). 
The main configuration issues and files are presented and discussed. Some typical case studies are also presented. 
The Internet governance is presented, illustrating the main milestones of the Internet evolution.
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