Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Arturo Carpi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004148
Teacher Arturo Carpi
  • Arturo Carpi
  • 42 ore - Arturo Carpi
Learning activities Base
Area Formazione informatica di base
Academic discipline INF/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Representation of integers. Integer base conversion. Signed integers. Algorithms for addition and subtraction. Binary codes.

Logic functions analysis and representation. Implication and coverage. Finding implicants. Non redundant and minimal expressions. A systematic procedure to find minimal forms. The coverage table. Functions non completely specified. Adders, encoders and decoders. The finite state automata. The latches. Reduction of the number of states in a sequential machine. The Moore procedure and the Unger table. The minimal machine. Not completely specified machines. Complexity reduction procedures. Counters and registers.
Reference texts M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Pearson
F. Barsi, Reti logiche e Trattamento dell'Informazione - Esercizi e verifiche di apprendimento, Margiacchi - Galeno Editrice, Perugia 2010
Educational objectives The goal of this course is to provide the student with the fundamentals for digital systems study.

The main knowledges acquired will concern:

Digital information processing,
Foundations of Boolean function theory.

The course will give to the student the ability of designing elementary logical circuits and analizing their behaviour
Prerequisites In order to attend the course, no special previous knowledge is required, excepted some familiarity with the binary number system and elementary set theory.
These notions are commonly known by any student which has a seondary school degree.
Teaching methods Lectures
Other information .
Learning verification modality The final evaluation consists in a written exam.

This exam, to be completed in 90 minutes at most, includes the solution of some algorithmic/computational problems as well as the answer to some questions.
The goal of this exam is to verify the acquisition of the main theoretical aspect of the discipline and the ability to apply such knowledge in the solution of practical problems.

Partial exams (esoneri) will be held during the course.
Students who pass these exams will not have to sustain the final exam.
Limited to the summer session following the course, students who passed only some of partial exams will be exempted from the corresponding part of the final exam.

On student request, exam may be given in English.
Extended program Representation of integers. Integer base conversion. Signed integers. Algorithms for addition and subtraction. Binary codes.

Logic functions analysis and representation. Implication and coverage. Finding implicants. Non redundant and minimal expressions. A systematic procedure to find minimal forms. The coverage table. Functions non completely specified. Adders, encoders and decoders. The finite state automata. The latches. Reduction of the number of states in a sequential machine. The Moore procedure and the Unger table. The minimal machine. Not completely specified machines. Complexity reduction procedures. Counters and registers.


Code GP004149
Teacher Alfredo Navarra
  • Alfredo Navarra
  • 47 ore - Alfredo Navarra
Learning activities Base
Area Formazione informatica di base
Academic discipline INF/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Numbers representation: positional, sign-and-magnitude, twos' complement; Designs of adders, multipliers, and dividers; Floating points: 16 bit standard IEEE 754; Cellular automata: Game of Life, Scintillae and Computer architecture; Abstraction levels: Functional level, RTL. Micro-oprerations. Control Unit. Machine cycle. PDP8: register level, functional level, control unit, Assembly. Cache memory. Pipelining
Reference texts F. Barsi: Architettura degli elaboratori, parte seconda: struttura dei sistemi. Margiacchi-Galeno

C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic, S. Zaky: Computer Organization fifth edition. McGraw-Hil

D. Patterson, J. Hennessy: Computer Architecture, a quantitative approach. Morgan Kaufmann Publisher
Educational objectives Knowledge and application of:
main techniques and standard representations of information
main hardware components
main functionalities of the components
main properties of a machine language
Teaching methods Lectures, Exercises
Learning verification modality exam with discussion
Extended program Numbers representation: positional, sign-and-magnitude, twos' complement; Designs of adders, multipliers, and dividers; Floating points: 16 bit standard IEEE 754; Cellular automata: Game of Life, Scintillae and Computer architecture; Abstraction levels: Functional level, RTL. Micro-oprerations. Control Unit. Machine cycle. PDP8: register level, functional level, control unit, Assembly. Cache memory. Pipelining
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