Degree course in Biology
- Course Name
- Course Code
- LM60
- Class (Ministerial code)
- LM-6
- Website
- Field(s) of study
- ISCED Area 05 – Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
- Qualification award
- Master Degree
- Level of qualification according to the NQF and the EQF
- EHEA Second cycle; EQF Level 7 (per le lauree magistrali)
- Length of programme / number of credits
- 2 years / 120 ECTS
- Language of Teaching
- Italian
- Mode of study
- In-class
- Didactic centre
- Polo Didattico - Via del Giochetto (PG)
- Programme director
- Prof. Roberto Venanzoni
- Access to the course
- Open access with assessment of personal competencies
- Specific admission requirements
- Certificate of completion of Italian upper secondary school or equivalent foreign qualification.
- Evaluation of specific subject knowledge on entry
- In relation to art. 6, paragraph 2 Decreto Ministeriale 270/04, the curricular requirements are satisfied for those in possession of a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (or other denomination), obtained in class L-13 (DM 270/04) or in the class 12 (Decreto Ministeriale 509/99) provided that they graduated with an evaluation not lower than 100/110. Those who, despite having the curricular requirements, have obtained a three-year degree with an evaluation lower than 100/110, will have to take an interview to check the adequacy of personal preparation. The previous training must demonstrate basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and biology indispensable for a comprehension of the teaching activities of the master's degree. At least 60 ECTS are required in the basic and characterizing scientific-disciplinary (SSD) fields required by class L-13, with a minimum of CFU divided in the disciplinary fields as follows: Mathematical, physical, IT and statistical disciplines: minimum 10 credits (SSD MAT / 01 MAT / 02 MAT / 03 MAT / 05 MAT / 06 MAT / 07 -MAT / 09 - FIS / 01 FIS / 03 FIS / 07 - FIS / 08 - INF / 01); Chemical disciplines: minimum 10 credits (SSD CHIM / 02 - CHIM / 03 - CHIM / 06); Biological disciplines: minimum 40 CFU (SSD BIO / 01 BIO / 2 BIO / 03 - BIO / 04 BIO / 05 - BIO / 06 BIO / 07 - BIO / 09 - BIO / 10 - BIO / 11 - BIO / 12 - BIO / 14 BIO / 16- BIO / 18 BIO / 19). SSDs other than those listed, but with similar scientific and educational content, may be considered. Adequate knowledge of the English language is also required. In the event that the applicant does not have the required 60 ECTS, he will have to take an interview for the purpose of check the skills. Based on the outcome of the interview, the Commission, (specifically set up) will assign any debts training, specifying the methods for their acquisition. Any educational debts must be recovered before enrolling in the Master's degree through attending single courses for the acquisition of training credits in the scientific disciplinary fields identified by the Commission.
- Profile of the programme
- The course of study includes 4 curricula: Biosanitary: biomolecular techniques in the field of histology, clinical biochemistry, immunology and virology, analytical tools and data acquisition and analysis techniques applicable to biomedical research and the diagnostic field. Biomolecular: molecular mechanisms underlying biological phenomena in normal and pathological conditions, regulation of gene expression. Bionutrition: nutrition and food sciences, nutrition physiology, health and functional aspects and hygiene and food preservation. Biodiversity and management of natural resources: analysis of biodiversity, skills in biomonitoring, in ecosystem analysis and in the management and conservation of natural resources.
- Programme learning outcomes
- The skills that the Biologist has acquired in the learning process consist of: - i solid cultural background in the field of theoretical and experimental biology, - high scientific autonomy, - knowledge of the instrumental methodology and ability to process data and critically analyze the results. - ability to communicate effectively and to work independently or in research groups - ability to interact with other professional figures also playing a coordinating role - strong competence in the analysis of the biological components of ecosystems.
- Qualification requirements and regulations
- Admission to the final test for the achievement of the qualification will require that the student has acquired all the credits foreseen in the study plan for training activities other than the final test. The final test for the achievement of the qualification is public and consists of the presentation of a thesis work to a special commission. The thesis is experimental. The Degree Course favors the conduct of experimental theses at public bodies through the stipulation of suitable ones conventions, also in order to facilitate the entry of graduates into the world of work. The thesis can also be in English.
- Examination regulations and grading scale
- Assessment is normally an oral or written exam; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other evaluation elements (seminars, reports, etc.) can be foreseen in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles. The grades for subject exams are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30. The maximum grade can be enhanced with “cum laude” (30 cum laude), in case of excellence. Grades are given by an exam commission of at least two teachers, whose President is the chair of the subject. The main exam sessions are held in January/February, March/April, June/July, September/October. Students may retake exams, if not passed. The University provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution of the examination and final grades among students for each degree programme. The final degree evaluation is expressed in one hundred and tenths (0-110 scale), the minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum grade is 110/110. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the grades obtained in the subject exams, as well as the quality of the work performed in research or in the final thesis which is discussed in public before an exam commission. “Cum laude” (110 cum laude) may be added to the maximum grade if the exam commission decides unanimously.
- Obligatory or optional mobility windows
- International collaborations of the teachers of the degree course in Biological Sciences with different European universities can help to develop Framework agreements to help students in planning mobility experiences. The study experience abroad can be done starting in the second year of the course (considering that the application must be submitted during the first year of the course) for taking exams o thesis and internship activities. The internship abroad can also be carried out after the degree.
- Work-based learning
- The internship activities can be carried out in internal laboratories at the university of Perugia or in external companies (for example, publisc or private laboratories and research centers in hospitals affiliated with UniPg) and also abroad in the context of international mobility agreements. On the website of the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology a list of all the agreements already stipulated is published. The didactic secretariat of the Department will support students in the choice of the affiliated structures
- Occupational profiles of graduates
- The functions of the biologist in the working context include skills in the fields of biology according to law 396/67. The Biologist designs and manages basic and applied research activities, designs theoretical and application studies, performs analyzes in the field and in the laboratory, participates in management and coordination of services and production activities, collaborates with medical teams in the biomedical field, organizes management, scientific dissemination and risk assessment activities, designs and executes biomonitoring and natural resource management plans. The exercise of the profession is subject to registration in the Register of the National Order of Biologists after passing the state exam.
Unit | Language | Anno | Period | CFU |
ADVANCED ENGLISH (LEVEL B2) In all curricula | Italian | 1 | II | 3 |
ADVANCED MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ADVANCED MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
APPLIED CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY In all curricula | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
BIO-ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
BIOCHEMICAL METHODS Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
BIOCHEMICAL METHODS Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
BIOCHEMICAL METHODS Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
BLOOD DISEASES Curriculum: Biosanitario | English | 1 | I | 6 |
BYOSISTEMATICS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 12 |
DIDACTICS OF BIOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ENTOMOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIEN Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUTATION Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
ETHOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | English | 1 | I | 6 |
FOOD HYGIENE Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
FUNCTIONAL FOODS AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
GENERAL DIDACTICS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
GENETICS AND GENOMICS Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
GENETICS AND GENOMICS Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
IMMUNOPATHOLOGY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
MOLECOLAR BIOLOGY APPLIED FOR FAUNISTIC ANALYSIS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
MONITORING VEGETATION SYSTEMS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | English | 1 | II | 6 |
NEUROBIOLOGY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
OPTIONAL SUBJECT Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
OPTIONAL SUBJECT Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
OPTIONAL SUBJECT Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
PALEONTOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
PLANT BIOLOGY APPLIED TO HEALTHY NUTRITION AND THE ENVIRONMENT Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
PLANT BIOLOGY APPLIED TO HEALTHY NUTRITION AND THE ENVIRONMENT Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | English | 1 | I | 6 |
PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | English | 1 | I | 6 |
PLANT ECOFISIOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
QUATERNARY GEOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | I | 6 |
STAGE Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 1 | II | 3 |
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
APPLIED ECOTOXICOLOGY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
APPLIED ECOTOXICOLOGY Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
APPLIED ECOTOXICOLOGY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
APPLIED HYGEN In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
BIO-ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
DIDACTICS OF BIOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIEN Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUTATION Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
ETHOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | English | 2 | I | 6 |
MOLECULAR VIROLOGY Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
MOLECULAR VIROLOGY Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
OPTIONAL SUBJECT In all curricula | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
OPTIONAL SUBJECT Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
PALEONTOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
PLANT ECOFISIOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | II | 6 |
QUATERNARY GEOLOGY Curriculum: Biodiversita' e gestione delle risorse naturali | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
SCIENCE OF NUTRITION Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
STAGE Curriculum: Biosanitario | Italian | 2 | I | 7 |
STAGE Curriculum: Bionutrizionistico | Italian | 2 | II | 7 |
STAGE Curriculum: Biomolecolare | Italian | 2 | II | 7 |
Free-choice training activities
Unit | Period | CFU |
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA GRUPPO CONSIGLIATI II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max12 | ||
Group AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 12 | ||
Group AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 12 | ||
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA CONSIGLIATE II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min6 - Max12 | ||
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA CONSIGLIATE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min6 - Max13 | ||
Group AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 18 | ||
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA CONSIGLIATE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min6 - Max13 | ||
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA CONSIGLIATE II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min6 - Max12 | ||
Group AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 18 | ||
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA CONSIGLIATE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max12 | ||
Group ATTIVITA' A SCELTA CONSIGLIATE II ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: Min1 - Max12 | ||
Group AFFINI E INTEGRATIVE I ANNO CFU (University training credits) required: 12 |