Archaeology and history of art
Study-unit Code
Fabrizio Fiorini
  • Fabrizio Fiorini
  • 36 ore - Fabrizio Fiorini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The Course program with face to face lessons deeply explores periods and Movements of Architectural History ranging from Greek classicism to Rationalism in the first half of the XXth century. The study as well as the specific knowledge aimed at identifying the architectures through the elements that caracterize the period of belonging, intends to focus attention on evolutionary process determined by social, economic, cultural and religious aspects which through a deep analysis highlight the differences and overcoming of different Movements in their succession but at the same time as the attinences and elaborations are significant of the "hystorical continuum" which makes architectural language unitary.
Reference texts
W. Muller, G. Vogel: "Atlante di architettura vol I. Dalle origini all'età cristiana", Ed Hoepli, Milano;
W. Muller, G. Vogel: "Atlante di architettura vol II. Dal medioevo all'età contemporanea", Ed Hoepli, Milano;
A. Bruschi: "Introduzione alla Storia dell'Architettura. Considerazioni sul metodo e sulla teoria degli studi", Ed. Mondadori Università, Milano;
C. Bozzoni, V. Franchetti Pardo, G. Ortolani: "L'Architettura del mondo antico", Ed. Laterza;
R. Bonelli, C. Bozzoni, V. Franchetti Pardo: "Storia dell'Architettura medievale", Ed. Laterza;
L. Benevolo: "Storia dell'Architettura del Rinascimento", Ed. Laterza;
L. Benevolo: "Storia dell'Architettura moderna", Ed. Laterza;
G. C. Argan: "Storia dell'Arte italiana", voll. 1-2-3, Ed. Sansoni;
G. C. Argan: "Storia dell'Arte moderna", vol.4, Ed. Sansoni.
Educational objectives
Briefly the Course consists of the acquisition of knowledge which, in addition to dating, to the critical reading of architectures and hence their location in the period or Movement of belonging, are based on the comparative analysis that highlight in the tempopral process, the relations, the permanences, the modifications and the evolutions of the same architectural typologies.
Teaching methods
The Course is organized as follows: face to face lessons discussing historically architectural typologies, periods and Movements.
Seminar lessons, with visual material to study in deep the various themes related to ancient, modern and contemporary examples.
Learning verification modality
This Course, within the Specialized Degree Course, is followed by students from various background so with different levels of knowl edge of the topic discussed.
The organization of the program, thgerfore, with the aim of providing them with as thorough and thorough knowledge as possible, envisages different ways to the approach and development of the topics dealt with.
Verification of learning will thgerefore be an oral exam based on an open discussion about the great themes of Architectural History while at the same time achieving levels of maximum specificity.
Extended program
The Course program with face to face lessons deeply explores periods and Movements of Architectural History ranging from Greek classicism to Rationalism in the first half of the XXth century. The study as well as the specific knowledge aimed at identifying the architectures through the elements that caracterize the period of belonging, intends to focus attention on evolutionary process determined by social, economic, cultural and religious aspects which through a deep analysis highlight the differences and overcoming of different Movements in their succession but at the same time as the attinences and elaborations are significant of the "hystorical continuum" which makes architectural language unitary.
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