Archaeology and history of art
Study-unit Code
Stefania Petrillo
  • Stefania Petrillo
  • 36 ore - Stefania Petrillo
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian language

The magician's workshop.
Models and practices in the artist's studio in the early twentieth century.
Reference texts

For attending students:

F. Fergonzi, Visitare gli studi d’artista, in parola e in immagine, in “L’Uomo nero”, II, 3, settembre 2005, pp. 9-30.

M.G. Messina, Le muse d’oltremare. Esotismo e primitivismo dell’arte contemporanea, Torino, 1993, pp. 181-278.

M. D’Ayala Valva, J. H. Townsend (a cura di), Materiali d’artista. L’atelier del pittore nell’Otto e Novecento, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2017, pp. 7-23, 155-166, 189-195.

I. Conzen, Verità e apparenza. L'atelier del metafisico, in De Chirico a Ferrara. Metafisica e avanguardie, catalogo della mostra (Ferrara, 2015-16), Ferrara, 2015, pp. pp. 79-89.

For non-attending students:

F. Fergonzi, Visitare gli studi d’artista, in parola e in immagine, in “L’Uomo nero”, II, 3, settembre 2005, pp. 9-30.

M. D’Ayala Valva, J. H. Townsend (a cura di), Materiali d’artista. L’atelier del pittore nell’Otto e Novecento, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2017, pp. 7-23, 155-166, 189-195.

A. Masoero, B. Marconi, F. Matitti (a cura di), L’officina del Mago. L’artista nel suo atelier, Milano, Skira, 2003.
Educational objectives

Objectives of the lessons:

1. The deepening of the modalities that guide the formal and expressive research of some protagonists of the art of the early twentieth century;
2. Knowledge of the relationships (and interactions) between avant-garde groups;
3. The ability to correctly set up research on a specific historical-cultural context, starting from finding sources and according to an appropriate historical-critical perspective.

Know the fundamentals of art history between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Teaching methods

Face-to-face with audiovisual material
Practical training
Seminar lectures
Field trips
Learning verification modality

Oral examination

The test, lasting about 30 minutes, includes questions on the topics covered in class starting from the recognition of the works, and on the texts indicated in the bibliography.
The ability to organize, critically rework and expose the contents appropriately through an adequate reading of the works will be verified.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program

Through the analysis of visual and written sources, we will deepen the various elements that, in the various phases of the creative process, contribute to the experimentation of formal themes and solutions.
After an introduction on the legacy of Cézanne, the cases of Picasso, Derain, Matisse, Balla, De Chirico and Mondrian will be examined in particular.
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