Archaeology and history of art
Study-unit Code
Laura Teza
  • Laura Teza
  • 36 ore - Laura Teza
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Dissertation and systematic study of the figurative phenomena of the late fifteenth century in Perugia. In conjunction with the celebrations of the fifth centenary of Raphael's death (1520-2020) and in anticipation of the opening of the exhibition The young Raphael in Città di Castello and his gaze which will be organized in the Municipal Art Gallery of Città di Castello in 2021, most of the lessons will be devoted to the discussion of critical problems relating to Raphael's youth, his Umbrian education and the works he left between Città di Castello and Perugia (1500-1504)
Reference texts
Main entries
Principale bibliografia:
A. Marabottini, Raffaello giovane e Città di Castello, in Raffaello Giovane e Città di Castello, catalogo della mostra (Città di Castello, 16 settembre 1983-31 maggio 1984), Città di Castello, Petruzzi, 1983 pp. 29-92; con relative schede di catalogo a pp. 191-198.
F. F. Mancini, Raffaello in Umbria. Cronologia e committenza. Nuovi studi e documenti, Perugia, Volumnia Editrice, 1987.
T. Henry, C. Plazzotta, Raffaello: da Urbino a Roma, in Raffaello da Urbino a Roma, Catalogo della mostra (Londra, 20 ottobre 2004-16 gennaio 2005), pp. 15-65, con schede di catalogo 15-20, 27-32, 40-42, 45, 65-73, pp. 98-107, 120-133, 150-155, 158-162, 206-221.
Gli esordi di Raffaello tra Urbino, Città di Castello e Perugia, a cura di T. Henry, F. F. Mancini, Città di Castello, Edimond, 2006, pp. 25-69.

A. M. Ambrosini Massari, Il giovane favoloso. Roberto Longhi, Percorso di Raffaello giovine, in Il mestiere del conoscitore, a cura di A. M. Ambrosini Massari, A. Bacchi, D. Benati, A. Galli, Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri, 2017, pp. 225-265.
Educational objectives
The student will be able to read the surrounding historical and artistic environment and be able to describe and argue on the main critical trends relating to Raphael's Umbrian formative period.
Good knowledge of the main phenomena of the history of Renaissance art
Teaching methods
Lectures with interactive dynamics and final involvement of students in seminars. If the situation permits, educational visits to the National Gallery of Umbria and to the main regional and national monuments of Perugia
Extended program
After studying the main works of Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino of the 90s, we will examine the critical problem of Raphael's youth, his possible apprenticeship with Perugino, his rapid figurative and expressive evolution. The four works of art he left in Città di Castello and the five painted for Perugia will be examined, considering the strong influence that his stay exerted in the Tifernate and Perugian context.
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