Degree course in International relations
- Course Name
- Course Code
- LM33
- Class (Ministerial code)
- LM-52
- Website
- Field(s) of study
- - ISCED Area 03 – Social sciences, journalism and information
- Qualification award
- Qualification award
- Level of qualification according to the NQF and the EQF
- EHEA Second cycle; EQF Level 7 (per le lauree magistrali)
- Length of programme / number of credits
- 2 years /120 ECTS
- Language of Teaching
- italian
- Mode of study
- in class
- Didactic centre
- Dipariment Scienze Politiche, Via Pascoli, 06123 Perugia
- Programme director
- Luca Pieroni
- Access to the course
- open access with assessment of personal competencies
- Available places
- ====================
- Specific admission requirements
- Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea) or foreign equivalent in the same or related subject area, with possible extra work if required competences are lacking.
- Evaluation of specific subject knowledge on entry
- Verification of possession of curriculum requirements through means indicated in the Course Study Regulations
- Profile of the programme
- The International Relations course of study provides graduates with a sound preparation and advanced level of knowledge in political-social, economic, legal-institutional, social, anthropological, historical and linguistic disciplines for operating in research, planning and action, in occupational fields that require international expertise. The course of study leads to the acquisition of communicative competency for both independent and team work in an international environment as well as in public and private sectors and offers numerous opportunities for practical application through internships and workshops activated during the programme of study.
- Programme learning outcomes
- 1)Knowledge of geopolitical dynamics in the field of international relations, analysis of and solutions for conflict, also through the study of negotiation techniques 2)Ability to analyze democratization processes and suggest post-conflict reconstruction strategies for state institutions through civil-military cooperation initiatives 3)Competences in management of migration phenomena and assistance and integration policies regarding immigrants and refugees
- Qualification requirements and regulations
- Admission to the final examination for degree conferment is granted to the student who has earned all the credits required on the plan of study activities as distinct from the final examination. The final examination for the conferment of the degree title is public and consists of a thesis that contains original work and that will be discussed before the seven-member thesis commission. At the conclusion of the thesis discussion a mark between 0 and 8 points may be awarded, based on the merit of the work and its discussion.
- Examination regulations and grading scale
- Examination assessments are normally made through oral or written exams and the result espressed in thirtieths (out of 30). The minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum is 30/30, to which “cum laude” may be added where the achievement is considered excellent. The grade for the final examination is espressed in one hundred and tenths (out of 110). The minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum is 110/110. “Cum laude” may be added to the maximum grade when unanimously agreed by the Examination Commission.
- Obligatory or optional mobility windows
- Mobility is elective. It can be undertaken flexibly –subject to agreement with the Department and necessary permission –with respect to the year, semester, lesson content and delivery modes.
- Work-based learning
- This degree course has established successful relationships over the years with a number of companies, institutions and structures willing to engage student interns and to provide them with support to develop their competences along shared, proven learning paths. A “Job Point” in the Department facilitates the organisation of the internships, matching students’ preferences guided by their aptitudes and their professional and cultural interests with the needs of companies and institutions open to engaging the interns.
- Occupational profiles of graduates
- Masters Graduates in International Relations are equipped to employ their multidisciplinary competences in • diplomatic services • international institutions • private and public companies • No-profit organizations • Research entities • Armed and security forces
Unit | Language | Anno | Period | CFU |
COLLECTIVE SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW OF ARMED CONFLICTS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
CULTURES AND CONFLICTS IN THE WORLD TODAY Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
DEMOGRAPHY AND INTERNATIONAL POPULATION POLICIES Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | I | 6 | |
DEMOGRAPHY AND INTERNATIONAL POPULATION POLICIES Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 6 | |
EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 1 | I | 9 |
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 6 | |
ECONOMICS AND GLOBALISATION Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 6 | |
ECONOMICS OF MIGRATION Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 9 | |
FOOD SECURITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | |
GLOBALISATION AND LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 9 | |
GEOPOLITICS OF CHINA AND EAST ASIA Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | |
HISTORY AND GEOPOLITICS OF THE RUSSIAN BALKAN AREA Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | I | 9 | |
HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANITATIONS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 9 | |
HISTORY OF MILITARY INSTITUTIONS AND SECURITY SYSTEMS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
HYSTORY OF COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
HISTORY AND POLITICS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | I | 6 | |
INTER-RELIGIOUS RELATIONS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | I | 6 | |
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND GLOBAL POLITICS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
INTELLIGENCE STUDIES AND COLLECTIVE SECURITY Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
INTERNATIONAL AND EU MIGRATION LAW AND POLICIES Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 9 | |
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND GLOBAL POLITICS Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 9 | |
LAW AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECTS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 6 | |
MIGRATION AND MOBILITY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | I | 6 | |
MIGRATORY POLICIES IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 6 | |
MODELS OF TRANSITION TO DEMOCRACY Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
MAJOR WORLD LEGAL SYSTEMS Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | |
MULTILEVEL GOVERNANCE Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 9 | |
POLITICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF CONFLICTS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | I | 6 | |
PEACE AND WAR THEORIES Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | II | 6 | |
POLITICS AND CONFLICTS IN MEDITERRANEN AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 1 | I | 9 |
SOCIOLOGY OF EUROPE Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
STATE BUILDING AND DEMOCRATIZATION Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 6 | |
STRATEGIC STUDIES Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 1 | I | 6 | |
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL TRADE AND SOCIAL RIGHTS Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 1 | II | 6 | |
US FOREIGN POLICY Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
CULTURAL DIPLOMACY AND SOFT POWER Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | I | 6 | |
PEACE-KEEPING AND CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 1 | II | 6 | |
ARABIC LANGUAGE Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | II | 9 | |
CHINESE LANGUAGE TRAINEESHIP Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
CHINESE LANGUAGE TRAINEESHIP Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
CHINESE LANGUAGE Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | English | 2 | whole year | 9 |
CULTURES AND CONFLICTS IN THE WORLD TODAY Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | II | 6 | |
ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | I | 9 |
ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | I | 9 |
ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | I | 9 |
FRENCH FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | whole year | 9 | |
FRENCH LANGUAGE PRACTISE Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
FRENCH LANGUAGE PRACTISE Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | I | 6 |
GERMAN LANGUAGE TRAINEESHIP Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
GERMAN LANGUAGE TRAINEESHIP Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | whole year | 6 | |
INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 2 | whole year | 6 | |
INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 2 | whole year | 6 | |
MA THESIS Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | Italian | 2 | whole year | 21 |
MA THESIS Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | whole year | 21 |
MA THESIS Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | whole year | 21 |
NEWS TRANSLATION Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | II | 6 | |
O Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 2 | whole year | 12 | |
O Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | whole year | 12 | |
O Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 2 | whole year | 12 | |
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TRAINEESHIP Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TRAINEESHIP Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
SPANISH LANGUAGE PRACTICE Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
SPANISH LANGUAGE PRACTICE Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | Italian | 2 | whole year | 6 |
WORK PLACEMENT Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | whole year | 9 | |
WORK PLACEMENT Curriculum: Cooperazione internazionale e state building | 2 | whole year | 9 | |
WORK PLACEMENT Curriculum: Conflitti internazionali, studi strategici e analisi di politica estera | 2 | whole year | 9 | |
INTERNATIONAL ORGANISED CRIME AND CORRUPTION Curriculum: Migration, globalisation and world governance | 2 | II | 6 |
Free-choice training activities
Unit | Period | CFU |
Group A scelta I anno gruppo A CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group A scelta I anno gruppo B CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group Scelta stage lingua CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group A scelta I anno gruppo A CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group A scelta I anno gruppo B CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group Scelta stage lingua CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group A scelta I anno gruppo A CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group A scelta I anno gruppo B CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group Scelta lingua CFU (University training credits) required: 9 | ||
Group A scelta II anno CFU (University training credits) required: 6 |