Office hours
Tuesday h.11:00-13:00. It is recommended that you always contact before the professor to define the appointment (mail, skype, cell phone)
Department of Philosophy, Social Science and Education, Piazza Ermini, 1.
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skype: pierodominici
Short Bio
Prof. Piero Dominici (PhD), sociologist and philosopher, Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) and Official Delegate to UNESCO, UN expert and invited speaker, is Scientific Director of the International Research and Education Programme CHAOS and Director (Scientific Listening) at the Global Listening Center. Vice President of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) and Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), he teaches Public Communication, Sociology of Social Complexity, Global Networks and Security and Intelligence. Complex Systems and Networks, at the University of Perugia.
As scientific researcher, educator, author and international speaker, his main areas of expertise and interest encompass (hyper)complexity, complex systems, transdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing in the fields of education, systems theory, technology, intelligence, security, citizenship and communication. Member of the MIUR Register of Revisers (Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research) and Fellow of the European Complex Systems Society, he is also standing member of several of the most prestigious national and international scientific committees. Author of numerous essays, scientific articles and books.
Academic Researcher (full-time), he has a Ph.D. in "Social Theory and research" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (rating: excellent) and won a Post Doc Fellowships at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the University of Roma Tre. As Senior Lecturer, he has taught at the Universities of Sassari, L'Aquila, Teramo and Siena. He was member of some projects of research at national and international level. His main research interests are: organizational communication, complex organizations, Knowledge Society and ethics. In particular, between scientific interests, he deals with systems theory and complexity theory in relation to organizational contexts. Dominici has participated as a speaker to national and international conferences. He writes and collaborates with scientific journals.
Author of numerous essays, scientific articles and books, his published works include (a short selection):
Dominici P. (1995-1996). Per un’etica dei new-media. Elementi per una discussione critica, Firenze: Firenze Libri Ed.1998.
Dominici P.(2003-2005). La comunicazione nella società ipercomplessa. Condividere la conoscenza per governare il mutamento, Roma: FrancoAngeli 2011
Dominici P. (2008), Sfera pubblica e società della conoscenza in AA.VV, Oltre l’individualismo. Comunicazione, nuovi diritti e capitale sociale, Milano: Franco Angeli 2008.
Dominici P. (2010). La società dell’irresponsabilità, Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Dominici P. (2014). Dentro la società interconnessa. Prospettive etiche per un nuovo ecosistema della comunicazione, Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Dominici P. (2014). La modernità complessa tra istanze di emancipazione e derive dell’individualismo, in «Studi di Sociologia», n°3/2014, Milano: Vita & Pensiero.
Dominici P., La filosofia come “dispositivo” di risposta alla società asimmetrica e ipercomplessa [Philosophy as a “Device” for Reacting to the Asymmetrical and Hypercomplex Society] in AA.VV., Il diritto alla filosofia. Quale filosofia nel terzo millennio?, Diogene Multimedia, Bologna 2016;
Dominici P., [Post-Humanist Utopia and the Search for a New Humanism in the Hypercomplex Society] in «Comunicazioni Sociali», n°3/2016, Vita & Pensiero, Milano 2016.
Dominici P., "Sicurezza è Complessità sociale" in M.C.Federici, A. Romeo (a cura di), Sociologia della sicurezza. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori, Milano 2017, pp.49-65.
Dominici P., The Hypercomplex Society and the Development of a New Global Public Sphere: Elements for a Critical Analysis, in, RAZÓN Y PALABRA, Vol. 21, No.2_97, Abril-junio 2017.
Dominici P. (2017), "Of Security and Liberty, of Control and Cooperation. Terrorism and the New Ecosystem communication". [Italian Sociological Review, 7 (2) [DOI: 10.13136/isr.v7i2.XX].
Dominici P., “Fake News and Post-Truths? The “real” issue is how democracy is faring lately”, in «Sicurezza e scienze sociali», V, 3/2017, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2018, pp.175-188.
Dominici P., “Objects as systems. The educational and communicative challenges of the hypertechnological civilization”, in P.L.Capucci, G.Cipolletta (eds), The New and History. Art*Science, Noema, Ravenna 2018 - pp.121-133.
Dominici P., “Oltre la linearità. Esplorare le connessioni… tra ordine e caos”, in Programmare il mondo. Sfida e opportunità, OTM, Media Duemila, n. 1 - anno 2018;
Dominici P., “The hypertechnological civilization and the urgency of a systemic approach to complexity. A New Humanism for the Hypercomplex Society” in, AA.VV., Governing Turbolence, Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge 2017.
Dominici P. (2015). Communication and Social Production of Knowledge. A new contract for the Society of Individuals, in «Comunicazioni Sociali», n°1/2015, Milano: Vita & Pensiero.
Dominici P. (2016). La filosofia come “dispositivo” di risposta alla società asimmetrica e ipercomplessa, in Candioto L., Gambetti F. (Eds.), Il diritto alla filosofia. Quale filosofia nel terzo millennio?, Bologna: Diogene Multimedia.
Dominici P. (2016). L’utopia Post-Umanista e la ricerca di un Nuovo Umanesimo per la Società Ipercomplessa, in «Comunicazioni Sociali», n°3/2016, Milano: Vita & Pensiero.
Dominici P., Il grande equivoco. Ripensare l’educazione (#digitale) per la Società Ipercomplessa [The Great Mistake. Rethinking Education for the Hypercomplex Society], in “Fuori dal Prisma”, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano 2016.
Dominici P. The Hypercomplex Society and the Development of a New Global Public Sphere: Elements for a Critical Analysis, in, RAZÓN Y PALABRA, Vol. 21, No.2_97, Abril-junio 2017 – ISSN: 1605-4806, pp.380-405
Dominici P., For an Inclusive Innovation. Healing the fracture between the human and the technological, in, European Journal of Future Research, Springer, 2017.
Dominici P., Oltre la libertà …di “essere sudditi”, in F.Varanini (a cura di), Corpi, menti, macchine per pensare, Casa della Cultura, Anno 2, numero 4, Milano 2017.
Dominici P., The hypertechnological civilization and the urgency of a systemic approach to complexity. A New Humanism for the Hypercomplex Society in, Floriano Neto, A.B., Caceres Nieto, E. (Eds.), Governing Turbolence. Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge 2017.
Dominici P., L’ipercomplessità, l’educazione e la condizione dei saperi nella Società Interconnessa/iperconnessa, in «Il Nodo. Per una pedagogia della Persona», Anno XXI, n°47, Falco Editore, Cosenza 2017, pp.81-104.
Dominici P., Hyper-technological society? There’s no need for technicians, but for “hybrid figures” (1995), in «Morning Future», 2018,
Dominici P., A.A.A. cercansi manager della complessità [Complexity Manager], in «Business People», 2019.
Dominici P., The Struggle for a Society of Responsibility and Transparency: the core question of Education and Culture, in, E.Carloni & D.Paoletti, Preventing Corruption through Administrative Measures, European Union Programme Hercule III (2014-2020), European Commission, ANAC, Morlacchi Ed., Perugia 2019.
Dominici P., La complessità della complessità e l’errore degli errori, in Enciclopedia Italiana “Treccani”, Treccani, Anno 2019c.
Dominici P., Dentro la Società Interconnessa. La cultura della complessità per abitare i confini e le tensioni della civiltà ipertecnologica, Milano: FrancoAngeli 2019.
Dominici P. Controversies on hypercomplexity and on education in the hypertechnological era, in, A.Fabris & G.Scarafile, Eds, Controversies in the Contemporary World, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019.
Dominici P., Comunicação é cidadania [Communication is Citizenship] in C. Kraus Luvizotto & I. Ferin Cunha (Eds.) Comunicação, Cidadania e Movimentos Sociais: Vivências, pp. 12-22, Ria Editorial, Aveiro, 2020.
Dominici P., “Educating for the Future in the Age of Obsolescence”, in CADMUS, Volume 4 – Issue 3, November 2020, pp.93-109.
Dominici P., Comunicação é complexidade [Communication is Complexity] in C. Kraus Luvizotto & I. Ferin Cunha (Eds.) Comunicação, Cidadania e Movimentos Sociais: Perspectivas contemporâneas da participação cidadã, 1a edição, Ria Editorial, Aveiro, 2020.
Dominici P., The complexity of communication. The communication of complexity, in, «MATRIZes», V.14 – n.2 may-aug. 2020, São Paulo, Brasil, pp.15-19.
Dominici P., The weak link of democracy and the challenges of educating towards global citizenship, in Torres C.A., Gaudelli W. and Bosio E. Eds., Values, Knowledge and Curriculum in Global Citizenship Education, Springer, UNESCO [forthcoming], 2021.
Dominici P. – Flores Vivar J.M., La Gran Equivocación: Replantear la educación y la formación virtual para la “sociedad hipercompleja” del mundo global, in, «Comunicación y Hombre». Número 18. Año 2022. ISSN: 1885-365X
Dominici P., Beyond the Darkness. The world-system and the urgency of rebuilding a truly open and inclusive civilization, capable of coping with organizational complexity, in “Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze dell’Amministrazione”, n.1, Anno 2022 (in corso di pubblicazione) ISSN 0391-190X (RIVISTA di CLASSE A)
Dominici P., "Cigni neri e attraversamenti della Società Ipercomplessa, Attualità e rilevanza del pensiero-azione di Achille Ardigò", in Minardi E., Corposanto C., Cipolla C., Achille Ardigò, a cento anni dalla nascita, Franco Angeli, Milano 2021. ISBN: 9788835121787
Dominici P., "Edgar Morin abitatore del tempo dell’imprevedibilità", in, Ceruti M. (a cura di), Cento Edgar Morin. 100 firme italiane per i cento anni dell’umanista planetario, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano 2021. (Collana: La sfida della complessità) ISBN: 9788857578927
Dominici, P., "Tutto sotto controllo. La (iper)complessità tra realtà e rappresentazione", in “Media Studies”, Anno 4 Settembre (2021).
Dominici P., "La complessità del vitale. Tra osservabile e non osservabile, tra errore e imprevedibilità", in “Vocazioni”, N.03 Maggio/Giugno 2021.
Dominici P., "Vivir los límites, más allá de la linealidad. El cambio como reto educativo y comunicativo", in, AA.VV., A educação pós-pandemia. Desafios pedagógicos e tecnológicos, Ria Editorial, 2021 - ISBN 978-989-8971-49-4
Dominici P., "The weak link of democracy and the challenges of educating towards global citizenship", in Torres C.A., Gaudelli W. and Bosio E. Eds., Values, Knowledge and Curriculum in Global Citizenship Education, Springer, UNESCO [forthcoming], 2021.
Dominici P., "The Digital Mockingbird: Anthropological Transformation and the “New” Nature", in, «World Futures. The Journal of New Paradigm Research», Routhledge, Taylor and Francis, DOI:
Dominici P., "Human Hypercomplexity: Error and Unpredictability in Complex Multi-Chaotic Social Systems", in, Karaca Y., Baleanu D., Zhang Yu-Dong, Gervasi O., Moonis M. Eds., Multi-Chaos, Fractal and Multi-Fractional Artificial Intelligence of Different Complex Systems, ELSEVIER, Academic Press, Paperback ISBN: 9780323900324 (Forthcoming) 1st Edition - April 1, 2022.
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- COMMUNICATION STUDIES (First cycle degree course - L146 - PERUGIA)
- Curriculum
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- SCIENCES OF EDUCATION (First cycle degree course - L040 - PERUGIA)
- Curriculum
- Socio-pedagogical educational sciences
Sociology of Social Complexity
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SCIENCES (First cycle degree course - L044 - NARNI)
- Curriculum
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- Communication sciences (First cycle degree course - L146 - PERUGIA)
- Curriculum
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- SCIENCES OF EDUCATION (First cycle degree course - L040 - PERUGIA)
- Curriculum
- Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Sociology of Social Complexity
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SCIENCES (First cycle degree course - L044 - NARNI)
- Curriculum
Sociology of Web and Security
- Role
- Co-Teaching
- Course
- Curriculum
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- Communication sciences (First cycle degree course - L146 - PERUGIA)
- Curriculum
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- SCIENCES OF EDUCATION (First cycle degree course - L040 - PERUGIA)
- Curriculum
- Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Sociology of Social Complexity
- Role
- Teacher (Professor in charge of the course)
- Course
- INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SCIENCES (First cycle degree course - L044 - NARNI)
- Curriculum
Sociology of Web and Security
- Role
- Co-Teaching
- Course
- Curriculum