International students
I am a foreign student applying for a visa: How can I do the pre-enrolment procedure?
Foreign students residing abroad (and applying for a visa) who wish to enrol in a degree course offered by an Italian University must present a pre-enrolment application to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their country of origin. We suggest contacting the Italian Embassy/Consulate to learn more about the application procedures and the specific deadlines.
The procedures are available at this website (It’s available an English version).
The application must take place through a prior university pre-enrollment procedure, which precedes the subsequent enrolment phases:
1) access the UNIVERSITALY portal ( in order to fill in the relative “pre-enrolment application” online which will be issued after completing the pre-registration required. In the application, you must indicate the University of Perugia and choose the degree programme you want to enrol in. You will also need to specify the Embassy / Consulate where you will apply for an entry visa to Italy. The pre-enrolment application will be verified by the University of Perugia and forwarded to the Embassy / Consulate you have specified.
As the pre-enrolment procedure is already available on the Universitaly dashboard, we suggest you register and apply as soon as possibile in order to speed up the visa issuing process.
2) Once the pre-enrolment application has been completed, all candidates must apply for a university study/enrolment visa at the Italian consular diplomatic mission of the country of residence. Candidates may present their request to an Italian Mission located in a third Country. The Head of said Mission may decide the acceptance or the refusal of the request, based on an evaluation of the single circumstances and also taking into account the public interest.
I am a foreign student applying for a visa: How can I apply for an entry visa and permit of stay for study reasons
Non-EU students residing abroad who wish to enrol in study courses, must obtain, from the Italian Consulate in their country of origin, an entry visa for study purposes/enrollment at a University (type D: “national”), that will be issued after completing the required pre-enrolment procedures.
To obtain a visa, students must prove that they meet the requirements set every year by the ministerial circular on the admission of foreign candidates (please visit:
This is to say:
- Adequate financial means of subsistence for the intended period of stay;
- Availability of the financial means for repatriation. This requirement can also be fulfilled by showing a valid return ticket;
- A suitable accommodation in Italy;
- Adequate health insurance coverage for medical care and hospitalization. Students must prove possession of the aforementioned insurance coverage when applying for a permit of stay.
I am a foreign student applying for a visa: How can I apply for a residence permit for study reasons upon arrival in Italy?
Within eight days from their arrival in Italy with a type D "national" visa for STUDY reasons (University enrollment), applicants must submit the request for a permit of stay for STUDY reasons (University) to the police office (Questura) in the city where they intend to reside.
The application may be presented through an authorized Post Office, using the specific application kit (that is to say, an envelope containing the required forms, together with the pertinent instructions), available at the aforementioned post offices.
After completing and signing the forms, students must go to the post office, with the following documents:
- The filled-out forms, inside an open envelope;
- A € 16 revenue stamp;
- The original passport along with a photocopy of the pages containing their personal data as well as the stamps of entry and exit visas from the country;
- A photocopy of their health insurance policy or that of the registration in the Italian Health National System “Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN)”;
- Copy of a document proving the availability of sufficient financial means for the duration of the stay in Italy;
- Documents proving that the student has a suitable accommodation in Italy;
- Copy of the pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy.
When submitting the application at the post office, all foreign students are to be identified and will have to pay the fees for the electronic Permit of Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno Elettronico – PSE).
The post office staff will schedule an appointment on behalf of the applicant at the Police Office in charge of foreign citizens (Ufficio stranieri) for photo-identification purposes. On the day of the appointment applicants will have to submit an enrolment certificate that the student can request, after enroling, at the Student Office (Segreteria studenti) of the pertinent degree course.
I am a foreign student applying for a visa: How can I apply for a renewal of my residence permit for study reasons?
Students, after enroling in a university course, must apply, at least 60 days before its expiration date, the pertinent Questore (Chief of the police) of the Provincia (province) in which they are staying, for the renewal of their permit of stay for the entire year. When renewing the permit, foreign students who have entered Italy with a Visa type “D” national for STUDY purposes (University enrolment) must prove that they have:
- The same sufficient financial means for their entrance in Italy;
- Their certificate of enrolment at the University; it must be shown that the student has successfully passed a minimum of one examination when applying for the first renewal and two for the following years, except when there are causes of force-majeure
- The candidate meets all the other conditions set for the issuance of a permit of stay.
The permit of stay cannot be renewed for more than three years after the standard duration of the study course.
For more information about the procedure:
- to check the current state of the application at the Police Office;
- for general information about the procedures and location of the authorized Post Offices, Municipalities and Support Services; to check on the current state of the application (by logging into a protected page with the username and password that are printed on the receipt);
- The 803 160 free hotline support, to learn about the location of the authorized post offices.
I am a foreign student applying for visa: I would like information on the Italian language test for admission to study courses
All non-EU students residing abroad (who have requested a Visa) must sit for an Italian language test in order to be admitted to University academic programs.
The following categories are exempted from having to take the italian language test:
- Students wishing to enroll in a study program taught entirely in English;
- Students possessing a certificate that allows them to be exempted from having to sit for the Italian language test and from the limits of the quota reserved for Non-EU students residing abroad:
- Secondary School Diploma (four or five years of schooling, if awarded by an Italian or equivalent private school abroad);
- Or one of the Secondary School diplomas as specified in Annex 2 of the regulations set by the MUR Ministerial Circular (
- A certificate attached to the Diploma, obtained in Argentina and certifying that the study program includes an Italian language course with a minimum duration of 5 years;
- Italian Language and Culture degree awarded by the University for Foreigners of Perugia or Siena;
- C1 or C2-level certification of knowledge of the Italian language (according to the CEFR), issued within the framework of the CLIQ quality system*;
- Students holding a certificate that allows them to be exempted from having to sit for the Italian language test but not from the quota reserved for non-EU students:
- Certification of Italian language proficiency (at least a B2 level or CELI3 of the Council of Europe), issued within the framework of the CLIQ quality system*.
* The CLIQ (Italian Language Quality Certification) system brings together the current Certifying Bodies (Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Roma Tre University and Dante Alighieri Society), also in agreement with the Italian Institutes of Culture abroad or other organizations.
I am an EU student: I would like information on the document of stay for EU students
Citizens of EU countries, as well as citizens of Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco, Republic of San Marino and Vatican City can reside and move freely in Italy for up to three months. EU students wishing to enroll in a degree course at an Italian University, must register, before the end of their three-month stay in Italy, at the General Register Office in the municipality where they intend to live, in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Legislative Decree 6 February 2007, n. 30.
- In order to be registered , EU citizens must present, at the Ufficio Anagrafe (or other pertinent office in the area or municipality of residence):
- A valid Identity card issued in the country of origin (must be valid for travelling abroad) or passport; Certificate of enrollment in a degree course. The duration of the course must be specified in the certificate;
- Personal Health Insurance policy covering all health costs within the national territory (valid for a minimum of 1 year or not less than the duration of the degree course or professional training course, where said duration is less than one year)
- Proper documentation proving the availability of sufficient financial means for the duration of the stay in Italy;
All documentation must be submitted both in original and copy: the office is to keep the copy and return the original. Once obtained the registration the candidate can request the “attestato di iscrizione anagrafica” (registry office certificate). Both the certificate and the application for the certificate require the payment of a stamp tax and other municipal fees.
How can I obtain the italian fiscal (tax) code?
The Fiscal Code is a code, consisting of letters and numbers that is used by Italian public administrations to identify, in an unambiguous manner, individuals and non-individuals with regard to their relations with Italian institutions and public bodies.
In order to obtain a fiscal code, the following documents must be submitted to one of the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (Local Revenue Offices), along with the application form, (available for download on the Agenzia delle Entrate - National Revenue Agency - website).
The following documents must be also presented:
- For Italian or EU citizens: a valid identification document;
- for non-EU citizens:
- A currently valid passport. The entry visa must have been issued not before than 90 days prior;
- Or: A valid permit of stay, or the receipt of the application with photo; if the permit of stay has expired expired, but a renewal has already been requested within 30 days from the expiration date, students must also submit the related payment receipts (made by postal order);
- Or: The applicant’s certification of identity (with photos), issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representation in the country of origin.
The Agenzia delle Entrate di Perugia (Local Revenue Office) is located in Via Canali, 12, Perugia, Tel. 075/9110111
I am a foreign student: I would like information on enrolment in Bachelor’s or Master’s Single-Cycle Degrees
The evaluation procedure of the foreign secondary school qualifications for the admission to Bachelor’s or Master’s Single-Cycle Degrees does not transform the foreign title into an Italian title, but it can ensure admission to University Degree courses provided that the foreign title has all of the following elements:
- It is an official final degree issued by a a secondary school of the foreign reference system;
- It is a title that, in the reference system, allows students to enroll in courses having a similar nature (e.g. from an academic point of view);
- It is a title obtained after at least 12 years of education;
- In case a national test or final examination is provided for, aimed to admission to secondary school education, such requirement must be met also for admission to Italian courses.
In case the secondary education qualification has been awarded at the end of a period of less than 12 years of education, students will have to submit, apart from the secondary school diploma, the following:
- An academic certification attesting that all first-year University examinations have been successfully passed (in case the local educational system calls for 11 years of education), and for the first two years of University education in case the local educational system calls for 10 years of education);
- OR the post-secondary qualification obtained in a Non-University higher education institution;
- OR Certificates from other Italian universities regarding the completion of a foundation course which compensates for the years of missing education;
- OR Certificates awarded in-house relating to the passing of foundation courses, including those of less than one academic year, which give adequate knowledge, competences and skills to attend the chosen course of study within the same institution.
For regulations pertaining to specific academic qualifications please see the attachments to the Ministerial Memo regulating the admission of Non-EU citizens
To enrol, candidates are required to submit the secondary school final degree, in original or “copia conforme” (copy that is declared to be equivalent to the original copy), or a replacement certificate for all legal purposes, together with comparability certificate and verification of the title performed by Cimea, Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information Center on Mobility and Academic Equivalences), in agreement with the Università degli Studi di Perugia.
Alternatively, they can submit, accompanying the final secondary education degree:
- Official Italian translation of the qualification, legalization (if required) and “dichiarazione di valore in loco”, in original copy, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation pertinent for the territory in which the title was awarded;
- OR official translation in Italian of the qualification, together with legalization (if required) and comparability certificate issued by ENIC/NARIC centers.
Single-cycle and Master Degree Courses can have either a limited/restricted admission policy (on a local or national basis) or an unlimited/open-to-all admission policy. In both cases, passing a verification test of the candidate’s preliminary competencies and knowledge is required.
To be granted admission the student must sit for:
- For non-EU students residing abroad: Italian language test (mandatory, except when the candidate is exempted);
- If the selected course has an open-admission policy: the test assessing the candidate’s competencies along with the possible Additional Learning Requirements (OFA - Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi) that can be ascribed to the student. Those must be fulfilled within the first year of the course (OFA tests may vary according to the Department of pertinence: detailed information is available on the Departmental website);
- If the selected course has a limited/restricted admission policy: the admission test
I am a foreign student: I would like information on enrolment in a two-year Master’s Degree Program
To enrol in a two-year Master’s Degree course, candidates must obtain recognition of their foreign academic degrees. The procedure does not make the foreign qualification an Italian one, but can ensure admission to Second-cycle University study courses following proper evaluation by the Degree Board of Professors of the Degree Course for which the candidate is applying.
The comparability of the qualification will be certified provided that the foreign title has all of the following elements:
- It is an official title, First and Second Cycle of the foreign reference system respectively, issued by an official institution within the foreign system;
- It is a title granting, in the foreign reference system, entry in equivalent courses within the Second or Third Cycle;
- It is a title possessing both the objective and curricular elements of the correspondent Italian entry title (such as its academic nature or research elements).
These requirements are mandatory for all students with a foreign academic title, independently from their nationality and both for titles issued within and without the European Union (EU). Students will have to obtain the authorization by the pertinent Degree Board of Professors.
The outcome on the evaluation of the foreign title by the Board of Professors of the Degree course can admit candidates to the two-year Master’s Degree courses, on the condition that the candidate meets the curricular requirements and individual preparation required to access the course. The outcome of the evaluation can also entail a potential abbreviation of the student’s academic career thanks to the partial recognition of the foreign studies, or the admission, with a reduction of the academic program, to a First-Level Degree course.
Non-Single Cycle Master’s Degrees can be either with reserved and limited positions (either on a local or national basis) or open access.
To gain admission, following verification of the suitability of the academic title and issuance of the authorization, students will have to sit for:
- If Non-EU students residing abroad, the test aimed at verifying the student’s knowledge of the Italian language (mandatory except in case of exemption);
- If the course has reserved and limited positions, the admission test test
I would like information on the documentation of foreign study qualifications for the University
To gain admission to the selected study program and/or the recognition of periods of study abroad as well as of foreign degrees, foreign and Italian citizens holding a degree obtained abroad must submit the following documentation.
Students who wish to enrol in a Single-Cycle Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree programs
- Foreign secondary school final degree, in original copy or in copy declared to be equivalent to the original (copia conforme), together with the comparability certificate and verification of the degree issued by Cimea, Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information center on mobility and Academic equivalencies), in agreement with the Università degli Studi di Perugia (
Alternatively, the following must be submitted, together with the secondary school final degree:- An official translation in Italian of the title, legalized (where required) and “dichiarazione di valore in loco” (local Declaration of Value), in original copy, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation that is competent for the territory;
- Or an official Italian translation of the degree, legalized (where required) and comparability certificate issued by ENIC-NARIC centers.
If the secondary school qualification has been awarded after less than 12 years of education, the following must be attached:- A certificate attesting the applicant’s academic studies specifying the examinations that have been successfully passed;
- OR the post-secondary degree awarded by a non-University secondary institution;
- OR the foundation course certificate.
- A certificate attesting that the applicant has successfully passed the academic eligibility test, if required for admission to University education in the country of origin.
Students wishing to enrol in Non-Single Cycle Master’s Degrees
- The academic qualification obtained at a foreign University or College-education institutions, in original copy or copy that has been declared equivalent to the original (copia conforme), or certificate legally valid for all legal effects, together with a comparability certificate and verification of the qualification, issued by Cimea, Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information center on mobility and academic equivalences), in agreement with the Università degli Studi di Perugia (
As an alternative, the following must be submitted together with the academic qualification:- An official translation in Italian of the qualification, legalization (where required) and “dichiarazione di valore in loco” (local Declaration of Value), in original copy, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation that is competent for the territory;
- Or an official Italian translation of the degree legalized (where required) and comparability certificate issued by ENIC-NARIC centers;
- A certificate issued by the pertinent University certifying all the examinations that the applicant has successfully passed (transcript) as well as, for each subject, the academic program required to obtain the aforementioned titles, together with the official translation in Italian (original copies in English, French and Spanish will be accepted). Post-Secondary studies (examinations and credits) can be attested by the “Diploma Supplement”, where adopted.
Translation and legalization of study documents
Where required, foreign study titles must be officially translated in Italian. Said translation can be made (on the applicant’s initiative) at a local courtroom by local translators (in this case it must be confirmed by the pertinent Italian representation), by official and sworn translators or by the diplomatic/consular representation of the country were the document has been issued (operating in Italy).
As for the legalization of academic degrees and certificates, that is required to ensure their authenticity, students will have to ask the pertinent territorial authority.Legalization is not required if the country where the title was awarded has signed the Hague convention (1961). Legalization is to be replaced, in this case, by Apostille. Furthermore, legalization is not required if the academic title has been awarded by an institution operating in the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Latvia (Brussels Convention, 1987), Germany (Rome Convention, 1969) or Austria (Wien Convention, 1975).
I would like information on the recognition of foreign academic qualifications
EU students, Non-EU students equalized to EU students, Non-EU students residing abroad (and applying for a Visa) and Italian students with a foreign academic qualification must obtain an official recognition of their academic qualification to be allowed to enroll. The recognition of both the candidate’s academic career and academic qualifications obtained at foreign Universitites or College-level Educational institutions and aimed at admission in two-year Master’s Degrees and continuation of said academic career at any level, must be thoroughly evaluated by the Board of Professors of the Degree. Said evaluation will be performed in compliance with the principles of equality, non-discrimination, transparency and with “comparability” criteria, as established by international agreements.
At the Università degli Studi di Perugia, the procedures for the issuance of the comparability certificate are managed by Cimea (Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche), that can be contacted directly by the candidates by filling out the online form, available at (
The application for the recognition of academic equivalence of a qualification obtained abroad with a correspondent University Degree awarded by the Università degli Studi di Perugia must be submitted to the “Ufficio Coordinamento Carriere Studenti della Ripartizione Didattica” (Office in charge of academic careers of enrolled students) within the same deadlines annually set for new enrolment procedures.
See: "DOCUMENTAZIONE DEI TITOLI DI STUDIO ESTERI" (Documentation pertaining to foreign academic qualifications).
In the absence of specific bilateral agreements regulating the equivalence between foreign and Italian degrees, the competent “Consiglio di Corso di Studio” (Board of the Degree) is to assess the application for the recognition of the foreign qualifications obtained abroad and can either approve:
- The full recognition of the academic qualification, therefore awarding the corresponding Italian degree;
- Or: - The partial recognition of the academic qualification with the possibility to enroll in a specific year of the degree course of the corresponding Italian study program, based on the number of recognized credits (Enrollment with Abbreviation of the Course)
I would like information on scholarship
Accomodation availability and scholarship at University of Perugia are managed by the agency for the right to study (ADISU); so you can apply for the scholarship request by following the procedures of the announcement that usually come out in July:
Incoming exchange students
Can I study at Università degli Studi di Perugia as an exchange student? How can I apply as an Exchange/Erasmus student?
As long as your University has an Exchange Agreement with Università degli Studi di Perugia, you can apply as an exchange student for a mobility period of study. You must be nominated by your Home University: please contact the competent office (Erasmus/International Office) at your University for the application procedures and requirements.
After being nominated by your Home University, you will receive an email from the Università degli Studi di Perugia with an access code that will allow you to start the on-line Application procedure.
Please note that the application is a unique session procedure where you will be asked to express your interest in the Accommodation and Italian Language Courses provided by our University.
You will also need to upload the following documents:
- Learning Agreement signed by you and your Home Coordinator;
- Transcript of Records indicating your past academic courses at your Home University (it has to be issued in English by your University);
- Copy of your Identity Card (or Passport if you need an invitation letter for a Study Visa);
- Your passport-size photo in jpg format.
At the end of the Application procedure you will receive a confirmation email.
The International office will send your Learning Agreement to the relevant Departmental Coordinator at the Università degli Studi di Perugia ( and then you will receive the approved document or, if needed, specific comments and suggestions.
What is the application deadline for exchange students?
All students can apply online from April for the 1st Semester and full academic year.
The deadline for 1st Semester and full-year applications is June 30th.
Application procedure for the 2nd Semester is available from October.
The deadline for 2nd Semester applications is November 30th.
Where can I find the Course Catalogue of my Department in English language?
The ECTS Catalogue provides you with all information on the University (Part 1) together with information on courses and modules (Part 2) and information on student life (Part 3). Please visit:
In Part 2 you can visualise the Course Catalogue of your Department and a full list of modules taught in the following academic year. Some modules are taught in English. It is recommended that students directly contact each Professor at the beginning of their teaching activities to find out whether class attendance is mandatory. Whether or not this is the case, class attendance is strongly recommended. At the end of each study unit, students must sit for the final examination. If a student does not take the final exam or if he/she fails it, no ECTS credits can be awarded.
What are the language requirements for incoming students?
It is highly recommended that incoming students have at least a basic knowledge of the Italian language before coming to our University, since most of our classes are taught in Italian. Your University can provide you with the OLS (Online Linguistic Support) for Italian Language.
Please note that a formal Italian language certification (minimum level A2) is required for students attending courses taught in Italian at the Department of Political Sciences and for students of the Nursing area the formal Italian language certification required is level B1. For courses completely held in English, it is required a B1 English language knowledge.
Does Università degli Studi di Perugia organise Italian language courses?
The University Language Centre (CLA) offers free intensive on-line Italian Language Courses (A1 and A2) before the beginning of each semester. Each student can attend only one course at a time, filling the corresponding box when completing the on-line Application form (
During the semester, students can attend in-class Italian language courses at our University Language Center. Attendance is mandatory, since the very first day. Students will receive only 4 ECTS per year, even if they successfully pass more than one Italian course per year. Please note that these credits will only be allocated if the student has dutifully attended at least 75% of the course hours. The University Language Centre (CLA) reserves the right to cancel courses due to an insufficient number of enrolled students. For additional information, please visit the following link
Do you have University accommodation?
The Università degli Studi di Perugia can provide you with a suitable accommodation in one of our Halls of Residence, managed by A.Di.S.U. (Umbrian Agency for University Services), according to availability. You can
apply for this additional service directly on line by filling in the corresponding box during the on-line Application procedure (
For further details regarding University Residences, please visit the following page:
In case you prefer a private accommodation, directly managed by the owners, you will find some useful links at the following page:
Do I need a visa/residence permit and, if so, how can I apply?
Non-EU students must obtain a study Visa and should directly contact the Italian Consulate or Embassy in their Home Country to gather information on the procedure to obtain the Visa. For more information visit:
When applying for a Visa, students must provide the Invitation letter (issued by the Università degli Studi di Perugia after the approval of the Learning Agreement) as well as an Accommodation confirmation.
Within eight working days of arrival in Italy, non-EU students who wish to study in Perugia must apply for a permit of stay (in Italian: “Permesso di Soggiorno”). The application pack must be properly filled out with your personal data. A translation in English language of the notes indicated in the Application can be found at this link:
Do I need a health insurance to study at UNIPG? I am an Exchange/Erasmus student and I need to see a doctor: who can I contact?
EU students must bring their own European Health Insurance Card. This card entitles the holder to public medical assistance during his/her temporary stay (please note that the card cannot be used for private health care services). Medical assistance will be provided in accordance with the Italian legislation.
For basic medical services including visits, prescriptions, doctor referrals to specialists, and follow-up, please visit:
Health insurance is an essential prerequisite to obtain a Permit of stay and a Study visa. Non-EU students should verify that they are getting the correct health insurance coverage by contacting the Italian Consulate/Embassy in their home country. However, once non-EU students have obtained their permit of stay they can decide to receive full medical assistance by registering to National Health Service (SSN) at the
ASL (Local Health Agency) that provides coverage until the 31st December of each year in which the registration has been made. Passport, permit of stay and personal income tax information are needed in order to apply. For more information on Medical Assistance:
Does University provide any facilities for special needs students?
The University guarantees support and assistance to special needs students during their university career through the adoption of a series of services and initiatives coordinated and monitored by a Delegate appointed by the Rector. Furthermore, each Department has a Delegate that offers guidance and support to students in special needs. Please visit:
Which documents will be released at the end of my exchange mobility?
The Università degli Studi di Perugia will release the Transcript of Records within 5 weeks from your departure as well as the Confirmation of Attendance.
Where can I find further information?
For any information regarding incoming exchange mobility, please visit the webpage If you have specific questions, you can contact the International Relations Area by writing an email to
COVID-19 effects on student mobility - incoming
Despite the difficult times, the Università degli Studi di Perugia is open. We are aware that you may have many questions regarding your life as a student. Some of the answers can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions hereunder. If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for, our team is ready to help:
Is the mobility in the Second Semester 2020/2021 confirmed?
Yes, the Università degli Studi di Perugia is accepting students for the Second Semester.
In case classes of the second semester will be offered online only, you will be informed via email.
What should I do if I am not sure whether to come to Padua or to cancel my mobility?
If you are stIll not sure, you do not need to cancel your mobility now. Please fill in the Application and the Accommodation forms by the deadline. When the Second semester is about to start, you can let us know if you want to cancel your mobility by sending an email to
We will regularly inform you by email on any developments of the situation in Italy, in Perugia and at the University, so you will be able to make an informed decision on your mobility period at Unipg.
Can I attend the entire semester remotely from my Home Country?
Yes, you can, as long as your Home University allows you to do so and depending on the teaching modalities offered by Unipg, which will adapt to the national and regional measures against Covid-19 and might change with short notice.
If I cancel my mobility period this academic year, can I postpone it to the next year (2021/2022)?
Erasmus+ KA103 students (Programme Countries, i.e. the 27 EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey): you can ask the Erasmus Office of your Home University to postpone your mobility. In case of approval, the Sending Institution should contact us to agree on this possibility, writing an email to
Erasmus+ KA107 students (Partner Countries, i.e. all the other countries in the world) and Bilateral Agreements students: it depends, if you wish further information please send an email to
What about my Erasmus grant?
Erasmus+ KA103 students (Programme Countries, i.e. the 27 EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey): please refer to your home university, as they are in charge of your Erasmus grant. At the end of your Erasmus mobility, your home university will need a Certificate of Attendance (or “certificate of departure”) to calculate your grant. The Student Mobility Office issues this certificate: in order to obtain it, you will be requested to provide us with any document attesting your departure from Perugia (boarding pass, train or bus ticket, highway toll receipt, etc.). Therefore, it is important that you save all documents related to your journey back home.
Erasmus+ KA107 students (Partner Countries, i.e. all the other countries in the world): should you have any doubts, please write an email to
Is the University closed?
Academic activities will be held in blended modality, except for laboratory activities, field trips, practical traineeships, which are in-presence when possible.
Students can access libraries and university museums for study or research purposes.
The academic and administrative staff is working mainly in smart mode, always ready to help you during the semester.
Can I return to my home country?
If you need to go back to your home country, you are entitled to do so, but please check all the travel bans and check if the Embassy/Consulate of your Home Country has published any last-minute additional information. If you are a non-EU citizen, please remember to bring your residence permit / ‘assicurata’ (receipts from the Post Office) with you.
You must also notify us that you are leaving the country:
Erasmus+ KA103 students (Programme Countries, i.e. the 27 EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey) and Erasmus+ KA107 students (Partner Countries, i.e. all the other countries in the world) and Bilateral Agreements students write an e-mail to attaching your departure ticket.
Where can I find trusted information about travels to/from Italy?
Please check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs'
You can also check the official EU interactive tool that provides updated information - in 24 languages - on travelling to/from the European Union.
What should I do if I am tested Covid19-positive while I am in Italy?
If you do not have any symptoms, you must stay isolated for at least 10 days and not attend on-campus classes during this period. Before being allowed to leave isolation, you will be required to have a negative test result taken after the 10th day of isolation.
If you have symptoms, you must stay isolated and not attend on-campus classes for at least 10 days from the start of the symptoms. Before being allowed to leave isolation, you will be required to have a negative test result taken after the 10th day of isolation and at least 3 days after the disappearance of the symptoms (except smell and taste loss, which could persist).
What should I do in case of fever and/or Covid-related symptoms while I am in Italy?
If you don't feel well, if your temperature is higher than 37.5°C, or if you have a cold, a headache, but you are not sure that your symptoms are Covid-related, please STAY AT HOME and do not attend on-campus classes until you feel better.
If you think that your symptoms are Covid-related, please inform the local Health Agency by calling them at 800 63 63 63 describing your symptoms. You can also call a general practitioner of your choice, or the Guardia Medica on weekends (more information here).
The doctor or the local Health Agency will tell you if you need to take a PCR swab test.
Of course, feel free to take a test privately; it may cost about 25 Euros, it can be done in a lab, in a pharmacy or at home.
When you leave your home to take the test, you should not use any public means of transportation. You can use the bicycle or take a taxi.
Are there any measures regarding rent suspension?
No measure has been taken by the Italian Government regarding a temporary suspension of the rents. Therefore, rents must be paid regularly to the landlord.
Can I have some sort of psychological support?
Yes, if you would like to speak to somebody about how you are feeling, please contact the university service for psychological support by sending an email to